Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Powerful. Seen it a million times. Swank never had a better rôle.

Julie Delpy wrote, directed & starred in this. I enjoyed it.

Interesting storyline in this Hungarian movie. Lead actress very good. Good movie.

Not bad. Interesting storyline of a little girl who wants to be a boy.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

MacGruber (2010)

This remains a perfect parody movie for me. I still need to catch the show that resurrected the franchise recently...

Love that film. Saw it in the theater at 10 years old. I really liked Maggie McNamara in her short career. I guess she went goofy, dropped out of performing, and had a sad ending.

I really liked her in The Moon Is Blue (1953) with William Holden. She was really similar to Audrey Hepburn.

Kelly's Heroes (1970)

It's hard to believe I've never seen this before, although I suspect it was on the TV in front of me when I was a kid. It's a big change from the serious war films I've watched, not only in recent days for the upcoming countdown but in recent years as well. This movie is all about having fun and I was never bored during its entire 145 minute runtime. It never quite reaches the level of being silly thankfully, and it must've been a strong inspiration for The Three Kings. There's some decent action but the big draw is getting to watch prime Eastwood, Savalas, Sutherland, Rickles, and even Archie Bunker.

I forgot the opening line.

By https://www.lionsgatefilms.co.uk/releases/living, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=71824479

Living - (2022)

All of the people who haven't seen Ikiru are in for a treat with Living - for those who have and know exactly what's coming as it plays out the same way, beat by beat, will still find it enjoyable. It's a very nice life lesson, and seems to be perfectly suited to the 1953 timeline it inhabits here (basically the same time period as the original, mostly differentiated by how different Japanese culture is.) Does this mean modern man does more living than his stuffy mid-20th Century cousins? Nah - Mr. Rodney Williams (Bill Nighy) tries that, and decides that living has to mean something, rather than being empty self-satisfaction. I'd be rating this higher if it were an original idea. It also has me looking up recipes for Shepherd's Pie, because I haven't had that in ages and I'd love some. I wanted some right then and there.


By [1], Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5181232

Mrs. Henderson Presents - (2005)

I think of films that are made like this as kind of "mini-historical lesson" films - the bit of history we don't know might be minor or unimportant, but we know it now because we saw the movie. Kind of. We know about it anyway, for movies are terribly iffy when it comes to turning history into a digestible story. In this one the wealthy widowed Laura Henderson (Judi Dench) buys/creates the Windmill Theatre in London, and wonders how to attract customers. Maybe with nudity? It's 1937, but apparently as long as the ladies stand dead still, it'll be considered "art" and therefore okay - so starts the sudden influx of guys flocking to the Windmill Theatre, run by Vivian Van Damm (Bob Hoskins) - and yes, unless it was CGI, you do get to see Bob Hoskins' in the nude as well - in case you're interested. Judi Dench and the Costume Design (how ironic) were nominated for Oscars. No complaints.

Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

The Imitation Game (2014)

I knew nothing about this story going in so I didn't expect the revelation about the lead character. I was enjoying it more prior when it was about cracking the code. Once it became more personal about the man it felt a little rushed and incomplete. The whole story is definitely one worth being told. After watching a few foreign classics it was striking, not necessarily in a bad way, how Hollywood the film was. It was pretty good but that's about it.
I saw this recently and, although I didn't think it was bad, the amount of liberties that the filmmakers take to tell their story rubbed me the wrong way.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

(2022, Forbis & Tilby)

"I remember meeting pieces of timber and wood; I was quite conscious; I felt the water; I thought I was under the bottom of the sea somewhere."

The above is part of the actual statement of Charlie Mayers, the sailor that is subject of this mesmerizing short film. Inspired by the events of the disastrous Halifax Explosion of 1917, the film follows the titular sailor, as he is witnesses the explosion caused by the collision of two boats, which eventually sent him "flying" through the air and into a hill 2 kilometers away; an event he somehow survived.

There really isn't much else to the short in terms of story, but it is indeed a visually captivating journey through what might've been a near-death experience. As the sailor is sent through the air, he's stripped of his clothes, and we see him flying through actual debris, as well as imaginary debris, all while reliving past events of his life. It is interesting how the directors intercalate live footage of nature, along with the fluid animation. The latter takes an almost choreographic, dance-like approach to the sailor's "journey", which ends up being quite beautiful.


Full review on my Movie Loot

(2020, Tveiten)

"Hey, tiny, just drive the tram!"

Night Ride follows Ebba, a curious passenger that doesn't want to wait outside in the cold before the tram leaves and unwittingly ends up at the wheel. But this night ride is not meant to be a smooth one as a rude passenger has an awkward exchange with Ariel (Ola Hoemsnes Sandum) that quickly escalates into something worse. Can Ebba do something to stop it? Is it up to her?

That is the premise of this short film, which seems to be an exploration of what others perceive to be our duties and what they actually are. Ebba is not supposed to be driving the tram, but people see her at the wheel and expect her to do so. In a similar line, Ebba shouldn't be the one stopping an assault, or at least not the only one, but then again, she might be.


Full review on my Movie Loot

I saw this recently and, although I didn't think it was bad, the amount of liberties that the filmmakers take to tell their story rubbed me the wrong way.
With knowing nothing about the actual story it wasn't a problem for me.



Why do I keeping watching this wannabe crap?

Was so bad I didn’t even finish, in light of how much I liked the book.

For some reason this flew under the radar for how bad it was. I think the casting shoulders a lot of the blame.

Winter in Wartime 2008 Martin Koolhoven
Lifeboat 1944 Alfred Hitchcock
The Silence of the Sea 1949 Jean-Pierre Melville
Flags of Our Fathers 2006 Clint Eastwood
Twelve O’Clock High 1949 Henry King


(2022, Pendragon)

"Question everything, young man. The world is not quite what it seems."

Corporate life, and regular life overall, is not easy. I think it's safe to say that many of us, especially when reaching a certain age, have questioned "the purpose of it all"; what are we doing here? what's the point? What most of us probably haven't experienced is having an ostrich confront us with that thought... or who knows, maybe you have. Anyway, that's the main premise of this clever short film.

This was certainly a clever twist on the "everything is fake" trope. The ways in which director, writer, and animator Pendragon transmits that feeling of "artificiality" are really inventive and well thought-out. By showing most of the action through the actively recording director's monitor or having the figures mouthpieces fall off unexpectedly, it all helps to put forth that theme of how everything is made up because it's a film, but also juxtaposing it with Neil's role within this artificial set.


Full review on my Movie Loot

Was so bad I didn’t even finish, in light of how much I liked the book.

For some reason this flew under the radar for how bad it was. I think the casting shoulders a lot of the blame.
I bailed out. Disappointing.