An IMDB question


There's a film from 1933 called "Dangerously Yours" that has an imdb rating of 8.6.

I believe that's the best rating of the entire decade, yet I've never heard of this movie before.

I've tried researching the movie but there's very little to go on in terms of reviews or praise.

Maybe I'm a little bit unaware how imdb works or maybe this is an error?

Does anyone of you movie experts have any input for me on this query?

There's a film from 1933 called "Dangerously Yours" that has an imdb rating of 8.6.

I believe that's the best rating of the entire decade, yet I've never heard of this movie before.

I've tried researching the movie but there's very little to go on in terms of reviews or praise.

Maybe I'm a little bit unaware how imdb works or maybe this is an error?

Does anyone of you movie experts have any input for me on this query?
Well, if you look below the rating, it says that it has been rated only by 7 people, which is extreeeeeemely low (for perspective, Titanic has been rated by 1.2 million people). So the 8.6 is just a weighted average out of that small group of people.
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The trick is not minding
There's a film from 1933 called "Dangerously Yours" that has an imdb rating of 8.6.

I believe that's the best rating of the entire decade, yet I've never heard of this movie before.

I've tried researching the movie but there's very little to go on in terms of reviews or praise.

Maybe I'm a little bit unaware how imdb works or maybe this is an error?

Does anyone of you movie experts have any input for me on this query?
I found it on Wikipedia. Precode comedy directed by Frank Tuttle and starring Warner Baxter and Miriam Jordan.

I've never heard of it. If your question is why the film isn't included in IMDb's top 250, I believe films are required to have a certain number of ratings before they're eligible for inclusion in the top 250. Since it's highly obscure, that's why it isn't included in there.

I've never heard of it. If you're question is why the film isn't included in IMDb's top 250, I believe films are required to have a certain number of ratings before they're eligible for inclusion in the top 250. Since it's highly obscure, that's why it isn't included in there.
Yep. 25,000 votes, at least.

Trouble with a capital "T"
There's a film from 1933 called "Dangerously Yours" that has an imdb rating of 8.6.

I believe that's the best rating of the entire decade, yet I've never heard of this movie before.

I've tried researching the movie but there's very little to go on in terms of reviews or praise.

Maybe I'm a little bit unaware how imdb works or maybe this is an error?

Does anyone of you movie experts have any input for me on this query?
I doubt that film can be found anywhere, and I bet those 7 people rating it never even saw it. There's not one review of it on IMDB.

Well, if you look below the rating, it says that it has been rated only by 7 people, which is extreeeeeemely low (for perspective, Titanic has been rated by 1.2 million people). So the 8.6 is just a weighted average out of that small group of people.
That was my thinking. Maybe it hasn't been rated by many people. Thanks for the reply and confirming this for me.

I was just looking through the imdb ratings for each year of the 1930s and this just caught my eye because it stood out rating wise, so I was suspicious and needed to know more.

A spooky coincidence about this was that I spotted this yesterday which was the 24th February.

This film was released the 24th February 1933, which was exactly 90 years to the day when I became aware of it.

We must make it our collective MoFo mission to find this and watch this film.

We must make it our collective MoFo mission to find this and watch this film.
It's on YouTube, actually. A bit hard to track down though.

Together forever and never to part
Together forever we two
And don't you know
I would move Heaven and Earth
To be together forever with you

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I know this doesn't help directly, but there does seem to be a remake 4 years later, in 1937 starring Cesar Romero and Phyllis Brooks with a 7.4 IMDb rating. Which there is a poor-quality version on YouTube and a fairly decent version on a beloved Russian Streaming Site many of us use that has some amazing lists of older films that I found by typing in the movie title without the year.
There are no reviews on IMDb, but along with the curiosity of seeing a young Romero, it does look promising.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Niche movies like that are generally sought out by people who would typically watch movies like that, so the rating ends up higher.

the 8.6 is just a weighted average out of that small group of people.

It's an average, no? A weighted average is a little bit different, right?

It's an average, no? A weighted average is a little bit different, right?
It's weighted. If you click on the rating, it gives you the details (see here)

It's weighted. If you click on the rating, it gives you the details (see here)

I found this quotation from IMDb,

The simplest way to explain it is that although we accept and consider all votes received by users, not all votes have the same impact (or ‘weight’) on the final rating.

When unusual voting activity is detected, an alternate weighting calculation may be applied in order to preserve the reliability of our system.

To ensure that our rating mechanism remains effective, we do not disclose the exact method used to generate the rating.
Not only is it a weighted average, but they don't tell users how they weight it.

So, we have a small sample size, a weighted average, and the method of weighting is "secret sauce." I don't think that 8.6 really means much.