Generalize MoFos' film tastes


The Rodent - Young Guns is a masterpiece
Yoda put it better once...
Originally Posted by Yoda
"If you were to ask any of the users on our boards to name the user who likes fun, schlocky, pulpy, action films the most, there's a pretty good chance they'd name you, Rodent"

Not film tastes but music tastes this time...

@Swan as imagined by @matt72582:

Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Welcome to the human race...
matt72582 - every film made after December 31, 1979 is an affront to humanity
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

StuSmallz: ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; .

Rockatansky: goes on tangent for a few paragraphs

Oh, btw, I liked the movie.

Wooley: ****! ****! ****! ****! ****! ****! ****!

Takoma: posts several movie reviews

*two hours later*

posts several more movie reviews

*two hours later*

posts several more movie reviews

UPDATE: I was just fired since I kept skipping work to watch movies, so I might have to cut back on reviews for a little while.

Mr Minio: Asian/pink films > Everything.

MovieGal: Salo > Everything.

ueno: Themroc > Everything.

crumbsroom: Everything > Baby Driver.

ThatDarnMKS: Everything > crumbsroom's opinion of Baby Driver.
Only things equal to Salo is A Clockwork Orange, The Wicker Man (original) and La Belle et La Bete (1946).

matt72582 - every film made after December 31, 1979 is an affront to humanity

May I negotiate a carve-out for 1982?

Wait, you know what might make this thread better? If you generalize the taste of the user above you. That way when you post, you're also taking a risk because you know... you're next. We did similar things like that on Rateyourmusic.

Wait, you know what might make this thread better? If you generalize the taste of the user above you. That way when you post, you're also taking a risk because you know... you're next. We did similar things like that on Rateyourmusic.
Okay, but first I can't leave my best buddy out:

Citizen Rules: - movie had no laser gun fights, no hand to hand combat, no spaceship battles, no ugly alien monsters, few special effects, no CGI, apparently little budget and was mostly character-driven dialogue providing a purely introspective plot... One of the best sci-fi movies I've ever seen!

Trouble with a capital "T"
Okay, but first I can't leave my best buddy out:

Citizen Rules: - movie had no laser gun fights, no hand to hand combat, no spaceship battles, no ugly alien monsters, few special effects, no CGI, apparently little budget and was mostly character-driven dialogue providing a purely introspective plot... One of the best sci-fi movies I've ever seen!
OMG you nailed it! That's exactly my movie taste

@MovieGal needs murder and violence in order to be happy.

Mr Minio spitting the truth to MovieGal, as portrayed in Decision to Leave.