My thoughts on Alien vs Predator

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Good movie..However they made a few big mistakes thruout the movie..
The makeup, Special effects were cool..

WARNING: "AVP" spoilers below
When 2 of the 3 predators died within the first fight between the two species was dumb they sould of kept the other ones alive a bit longer

Not to mention there was no cool long lasting fight scenes between the two either.

WARNING: "AVP" spoilers below
Mostly Alien climbs up on roof..Tries to do a stealth approach on the pred...Jumps on him.....Kills him

Not to mention the lack of leaving the Aliens and Predators out alot during the film..It was more on the people then the main purpose of the film(Which was to have them too fight)

I thought it was ok how they used the story line on how they were their way before the Aztecs and what not and how the predators was the cause of the Aliens birth..But meh ok.

WARNING: "AVP" spoilers below
The whole girl teaming up with the predator in the end was....odd...But somewhat interesting

But yea..Good movie..Could of been a great movie if they had better battle scenes

I think they will be making an AVP 2 cause
WARNING: "AVP" spoilers below
at the end the alien pops out of the last predator which was brought onto the spaceship to go back home..
So hopefully if they decide to make an AVP 2.....They have it where the Aliens are on the Predators Home planet and they have a new breed of Aliens..Since they would infest the Predators...But meh who knows.

BTW: That was my first time using Spoiler tags..So i have no idea when to do it and when not to..But this is a review..So i dont know if they are needed weeeeeeeeeeeeeee

My entire post is going to contain spoilers...

WARNING: "Rant 1" spoilers below
Come on man, the ending was ridiculous. The aliens have been infecting humans for 5 movies now and never once did they take on a human characteristic. It infects a Predator and suddenly it's the best of both worlds... Give me a break! Also, I can write the sequel for this thing.

Act 1, Scene 1

Slow pan to reveal small alien hanging from ceiling.

Predator 1 - Is that an alien?
Predator 2 - Yeah, let's shoot it!

All Predators present blow the **** out of it with their neato lasers.

Predator 1 - Let's go grab a garfnac (that's a beer in Predator speak for those not in the know)

Fade to black.

I could go on, but in general the movie just sucked and was a bitter disappointment.

I thought of something new that pissed me off.

WARNING: "Rant 2" spoilers below
WTF was up with the Predator and the hot chick running from the fire? If they had been holding hands I would have thought I was watching Desperado!

Also, as I said in my review, it's never a good sign when I'm watching the climactic finale of a supposed action blockbuster and can only think of Beldar fighting the Garthak in Coneheads.
__________________ - Movie reviews and quotes for those of us fortunate enough to not have our heads shoved up overly critical rectums!

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Mose.....we see the spoilers. Make sure it's like the the following:

WARNING: "" spoilers below
Come on man, the ending was ridiculous. The aliens have been infecting humans for 5 movies now and never once did they take on a human characteristic. It infects a Predator and suddenly it's the best of both worlds... Give me a break! Also, I can write the sequel for this thing.

Act 1, Scene 1

Slow pan to reveal small alien hanging from ceiling.

Predator 1 - Is that an alien?
Predator 2 - Yeah, let's shoot it!

All Predators present blow the **** out of it with their neato lasers.

Predator 1 - Let's go grab a garfnac (that's a beer in Predator speak for those not in the know)

Fade to black.

I could go on, but in general the movie just sucked and was a bitter disappointment.

I thought of something new that pissed me off.

WARNING: "" spoilers below
WTF was up with the Predator and the hot chick running from the fire? If they had been holding hands I would have thought I was watching Desperado!

Also, as I said in my review, it's never a good sign when I'm watching the climactic finale of a supposed action blockbuster and can only think of Beldar fighting the Garthak in Coneheads.

I know, but I'm an idiot, I just guessed

I didn't realize we had to have a value... craziness!

Originally Posted by Mose
WARNING: "Alien vs Predator" spoilers below
WTF was up with the Predator and the hot chick running from the fire? If they had been holding hands I would have thought I was watching Desperado!

WARNING: "Alien vs Predator" spoilers below
They were just trying to give some kind of a special moment between humans and the predators mostly because of honor earned on the girls part. A little too cheesy for me though.

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
I agree. This movie was a MAJOR disappointment. God, how sucky. They should just stop with anything Alien already. Aliens Resurrection was absolutely horrid. I wouldn't mind another Predators movie, but come on! Aliens is just up. They obviously can't make anymore decent sequels. I am seriously disappointed, and therefore sad after watching the result of this movie. Action: blah. Storyline: DOUBLE blah. Acting: sh*tty

the only thing i thought was kind of cool was the girl winning the predators respect from killing an alien.

Maybe the second one will be better....

In regard to the attaining of characterstics, seeing as we (well, I) have only seen Aliens born of a human, they would appear normal, though this doesn't mean to say they havn't taken characteristics of humans. If you follow? Anyway, the Alien in Alien3 took characterstics of it's host.

In regards to AvP, for what it is (death match between Alien and Predator) it's just great to see the 2 icons on screen together. If i was expecting anything like the original franchise films, i would have been disappointed. Gladly i anticipated that this would be a bit shoddy and then enjoyed it.
I do agree that the woman/Predator love affair was ludricous, and the most inappropriate romantic sub-plot ever. It was quite disgusting when they made out as well. 6.5/10

Arresting your development
I shook my head at this movie.
Our real discoveries come from chaos, from going to the place that looks wrong and stupid and foolish.
Embrace the chaos and sour adversity, for wise men say it is the wisest course.

I would have loved to see Alien vs. Predator on screen, instead it looked like CGI monstor dropping on a guy in a rubber suit... very disappointing.

Arresting your development
Originally Posted by Mose
I would have loved to see Alien vs. Predator on screen, instead it looked like CGI monstor dropping on a guy in a rubber suit... very disappointing.
I put scratches on my face after I killed the joy in me by watching it.

This movie ruined all of my fond childhood memories of scary alien monsters…
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

Originally Posted by Anonymous Last
I put scratches on my face after I killed the joy in me by watching it.
Then you should sue the people of AVP for turning you into a self mutilator. Shame on them. .......oh and how about a small piece of the pie just for giving you the inspiration to get what is owed to you due to your terrible emotional state about this movie.

Mabe 30/70?

Originally Posted by Pyro Tramp
I do agree that the woman/Predator love affair was ludricous, and the most inappropriate romantic sub-plot ever. It was quite disgusting when they made out as well. 6.5/10
WTH? They made out? Umm...?

An insult to both genre of films! And to the Comic Series!!!
That 's all there is to say!

Originally Posted by Firebug911
Maybe the second one will be better....
Heavan forbid such acts of voilent induced vomitting

I'm not old, you're just 12.
AvP was pretty dumb. I felt like I got dumber just by watching it, really. I'm a fan of the Alien series (even Alien Ressurection because it was written by Joss Whedon, it provided the basic blueprint to his vastly superior Firefly television series if you look at it, and it has Winona Ryder in it...) and I liked the first Predator movie, but this was kind of a let down. I mean the opening is somewhat stolen from Jurrassic Park, and like someone else said, the Alien/Predator fights are pretty lackluster. This could have been better if they somehow found a way to have Ripley and whoever Arnold played in Predator team up to fight both of the nasty monsters. haha. Oh, and the Alien used to scare the bejeezus out of me, but here, it just fell flat. and thats hard, cause dang, that thing is nightmarish....
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
Originally Posted by Monkeypunch
AvP was pretty dumb. I felt like I got dumber just by watching it, really.
i hate it when a movie makes you feel like that

and i agree

These stupid things are so dumb. What can they do? Melt. That's all they can do. Melt and scratch you. How dumb. "Oh-know, you killed me. Instead of turning into a whole bunch of scarier things I think I'll just melt. Look out! I'm going to melt!" That's dumb. If, or should I say When, I killed one of these suckers I would take 3 steps back and be like, "You just got pimp slapped and that makes you my ho." I would get many ladies. The aliens would be jealous cause I would put my babies in them the old fashioned way.

These things are more fierce than the aliens. Mainly because they work using the buddy system. Their lasers have 3 sights that form a triangle.... maybe it's the extra friendly male-to-male buddy system, I don't know. The whole triangle thing and their fishnet clothes, it just kind of reminded me of an alien version of the Village People. They are tough though.

My point?
I haven't seen the movie, and probably won't until it's moved off the new release shelf. But when I do, I expect the predators to be invisible and use their never-ending supply of lasers and shoot the crap out of the aliens, then take one or two steps back and watch them die. We already saw an alien skull in the second predator movie. So it's a given that these things have killed them before.

Aliens are dumb and predators are gay and tough.
New jumble is two words: balesdaewrd
Previous jumble goes to, Mrs. Darcy! (gdknmoifoaneevh - Kingdom of Heaven)
The individual words are jumbled then the spaces are removed. PM the answer to me. First one with the answer wins.

Originally Posted by Mose
My entire post is going to contain spoilers...

WARNING: "Rant 1" spoilers below
Come on man, the ending was ridiculous. The aliens have been infecting humans for 5 movies now and never once did they take on a human characteristic. It infects a Predator and suddenly it's the best of both worlds... Give me a break!
Act 1, Scene 1

WARNING: "Rant 2" spoilers below
WTF was up with the Predator and the hot chick running from the fire? If they had been holding hands I would have thought I was watching Desperado!

Also, as I said in my review, it's never a good sign when I'm watching the climactic finale of a supposed action blockbuster and can only think of Beldar fighting the Garthak in Coneheads.
Well sir, I have to call u stupid and I have to congratulate you...

First I shall call you stupid.

Ahem! You are Stupid.

Before you feed us your ignorance on the Alien Quadrilogy you should first maybe watch it? Just a thought.

In all of the Alien movies whenever a Facehugger (The spider looking one with the vagina looking thing) latches onto a host, it plants in embreo (sp) in the host. AND the Alien that will pop out of the host WILL and DOES contain characteristics of the host in which it was inplanted. As seen in Alien, Aliens, and Alien Resurrection when the hosts are human the Aliens tend to stand on two legs and learn at a very rapid rate (because they are cool like that). Now in Alien 3 the Facehugger planted it's embreo into a cow carcass. Therefore leading to a galloping Alien who enjoyed ramming things and running on all fours. (kinda like a mad cow) and as I was watching this horrific movie. Yes, me being a true fan of both The Alien Quadrilogy, Predator, and Predator 2 I really did not like this movie. Because there really was no fighting between Aliens and Predators because the stupid humans got in the way. But I was hoping that they would satisfy me in creating a Predien (lack of a better name) because I knew it would be cool to see and maybe maybe get to see it rip something to pieces.
WARNING: "ending" spoilers below
But of course it had to happen at the end of the movie when I was half asleep
But luckily I was smart and bought the Predator DVD and got to see this movie for free (which is what everyone should have done to make sure they didn't make a second one) So hopefully when the sequel comes along there will be a Predator 2 Special Edition DVD to purchase with a free movie ticket.

Now then. Your second comment I enjoyed and would like to say Congratulations! for showing me you are not completely stupid. Yes, the whole running thing was bad and I was hoping to see the Predator just randomly knock out that stupid chick and then laugh to himself. and kudos to a great coneheads reference as well.

all and all a big fat 3/10

Pimpdashizzle: I can't even think of how to reply to your remarks... I haven't heard anything that stupid or ignorant since 8th period French.
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