Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Barbie as The Princess & the Pauper (William Lau, 2004)

Y'all thought Barbie season was on hold just because spooky month showed up? So did I for a minute there but we're back bb and this one's A MUSICAL . After seeing this its like, why were they making Barbie movies that weren't musicals? The songs were all lovely too . It pains me to say, since this doesn't have the charms that endear me to Barbie in the Nutcracker, but this is the best one and its wonderful. I was swept up in the drama and the romance and it was just beautiful! Even the animal romance was cute as hell. The one cat also naturally barks and acts like a dog and has a song sung to him about how he's loved just the way he is and idc I'm taking this as trans representation. The poor attempts at comedy are cut down substantially as well, probably because there is a lot more characters that have proper arcs in this one while still having a strict 80 minute time limit. There's simply less time for that shit this time around. By the end my heart was full and my eyes were leaking a bit. Also they did the fake outtakes thing during the credits which really took me back lol.

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (John Irvin, 1979)

Knives Out (Rian Johnson, 2009)

Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery (Jay Roach, 1997)

Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me (Jay Roach, 1999)

Austin Powers in Goldmember (Jay Roach, 2002)

Lightyear (Angus MacLane, 2022)

Top Gun: Maverick (Joseph Kosinski, 2022)

Sleeping Beauty (Clyde Geronimi & 3 more, 1959)

The Band Wagon (Vincente Minnelli, 1953)

Nope (Jordan Peele, 2022)

The Gray Man (Anthony Russo, Joe Russo, 2022)

Elvis (Baz Luhrmann, 2022)

Guardians of the Galaxy (James Gunn, 2014)

Public Enemies (Michael Mann, 2009)

Cinema Paradiso (Giuseppe Tornatore, 1988)

À propos de Nice (Jean Vigo, Boris Kaufman, 1930)

David Lynch: The Art Life (Olivia Neergaard-Holm & 2 more)

Irma Vep (Olivier Assayas, 1996)

Blonde (Andrew Dominik, 2022)

Hocus Pocus (Kenny Ortega, 1993)

Hocus Pocus 2 (Anne Fletcher, 2022)

V for Vendetta (James McTeigue, 2005)

The Crow (Alex Proyas, 1994)

Clifford the Big Red Dog (Walt Becker, 2021)

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
The Last Band on Stage | Official Trailer | Chicago Band Documentary

Chicago has played 55 years straight... The longest they ever went was 3 months. But they also show how they made their latest album.... remotely.

(1951, Nyby)

"No pleasure, no pain... no emotion, no heart. Our superior in every way."

Released in 1951, The Thing from Another World follows a US Air Force crew sent to investigate an unusual aircraft crashing at the North Pole, and they end up finding an advanced but dangerous alien that feeds on other creature's blood. It's up to Captain Patrick Hendry (Kenneth Tobey) and his men to stop it.

This is one of those instances where it's good to know the context in which the film is released. Right at the peak of the Cold War, the presence of "the Thing" is meant to be seen as a metaphor of the threat of Communism sneaking up on us. Not sure if that was present in the novella, but it's very much in the film's DNA. From throwaway lines about the Russians being "all over the pole like flies" to the "ra-rah" closing warning to "keep watching the skies".


Full review on my Movie Loot
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

Feels Good Man (2020) 4/5
This is a highly entertaining and interesting documentary on the famous Pepe the Frog meme and how it went from being a happy-go-lucky cartoon character by a leftie San Franciscan artist to a hate-filled meme used by the alt-right. I highly reccommend this to anyone interested in our internet influenced culture.

Trouble with a capital "T"
(1951, Nyby)
That fire walk! OMG, that was an intense and real practical stunt. For me it was the scariest thing I seen in the movie and when I say scary I mean I'm thinking of the real danger to the stunt man who did that. Good movie too.

That fire walk! OMG, that was an intense and real practical stunt. For me it was the scariest thing I seen in the movie and when I say scary I mean I'm thinking of the real danger to the stunt man who did that. Good movie too.

Oh yeah, but aside from the stunt, that whole scene was pretty intense. The film had a good bunch of decent scares.

I went and saw Smile today. I have mixed feelings about this one. First, the positives. Sosie Bacon does a great job. The camerawork and score are all really good. The atmosphere is effectively creepy and suspenseful. However, there were some things I didn't like. Parts of the story elements didn't really work for me, there was one scene that I strongly disliked, and the ending wasn't completely satisfying. There are also too many unanswered questions. If you think about Smile too much, the implications of the films become quite disturbing. I'm not sure what the film was trying to say and I don't think I like what it appeared to be saying. Even with those issues that I had with the film, Smile is technically a (mostly) well made horror film boosted by a star making performance from Sosie Bacon. Just a heads up to those considering seeing this that there are some dark and heavy themes that are a core part of the film, including trauma, mental illness, and suicide. If you feel you can handle those and are okay with unanswered questions, you might end up enjoying Smile.


(2018, Green)

"How does one have the sense of *cinema*, when there was no *cinema*?"

Alice Guy-Blaché attended one of the first "surprise" film screenings from the Lumière brothers back in 1895, she started making films the next year for Léon Gaumont, was named Head of Production where she was one of the first, if not the first to explore with fictional storytelling as well as many other innovative film techniques... and still, most people – from regular audiences and cinephiles to actual filmmakers and scholars – don't know who she is. The fact that she was a woman either makes that fact more surprising, or sadly, more understandable.

Be Natural, from Pamela B. Green tries to correct that by chronicling Guy-Blaché's career, from 1895 to her death, and beyond. One of the things the documentary highlights is why so many people had/have never heard of her. The truth is that most of Guy-Blaché's work and contributions to film ended up being either dismissed, erased, or attributed to others. Maybe it was just a thing of time and place, but maybe it was ego or the nature of a male-driven society. Fortunately, Green does a great job of bringing it to the surface.


Full review on my Movie Loot

Trouble with a capital "T"
Oh yeah, but aside from the stunt, that whole scene was pretty intense. The film had a good bunch of decent scares.
Yup, great scene all the way around. Also the older scientist dedication to the seedlings was ominous and the sound they made was unnerving. One of my fav 50s sci fi films.

(1896, Guy-Blaché)

So *this* is where Cabbage Patch Kids come from!

(1907, Guy-Blaché)

Candy, absinthe, and tobacco... everything a growing baby needs!

A couple of old short films from Alice Guy-Blaché I saw in preparation for an interview for my podcast on female directors.

The Red House - This is a 1947 noirish psychological horror tale with a touch of the supernatural to it. It's directed by Delmer Daves and stars Edward G. Robinson as Pete Morgan. He and his sister Ellen (Dame Judith Anderson), along with their adopted child Meg (Allene Roberts), live on the outskirts of a farming community surrounded by a sprawling property. Part of this property is the Oxhead woods. When Pete hires Nath Storm (Lon McCallister), one of Meg's classmates, to help around the farm he is adamant that the young man should avoid straying into the woods on his way home.

The two kids take Pete's dire warnings as a challenge of sorts especially when Nath get bashed over the head by an unknown assailant during one of his "shortcuts" home. I think most viewers will be able to figure out Pete's motivations early on. It doesn't end up mattering though since his secret is divulged not long after you've sussed it out. The screenplay, Daves direction and Robinson's solid performance nevertheless serve to draw you in. The rest of the cast including Julie London as Nath's spoiled and jealous girlfriend Tibby and Rory Calhoun as a local thug named Teller contribute significantly to the action. Robinson was money in the bank and I have yet to see a subpar performance from the man.


(1913, Weber & Smalley)

"A tramp is prowling around the house!"

Words that no spouse wants to hear while their far away. The threat of danger to their family and the inability to do something has to be unbearable. That is the premise of this 1913 short film directed by Lois Weber and Phillips Smalley.

Suspense starts with a servant leaving a letter of notice to her bosses, leaving the mother and her baby alone. When the husband has to stay late at work, a vagrant takes advantage to sneak into the house and threaten the woman.

This is an impressive short for many reasons. First, the technical aspects and craft are great, especially for the time. There are numerous creative shots using mirrors and downward angles, and most notably, the split screen seen above. All of those were shots I really wasn't expecting in a 1913 film. Also, the car chase sequence between the police and the husband is neatly choreographed.

But finally, the way the short manages to build tension through the close-ups on the "tramp", and the back and forth editing between him, the mother, and the father was impressive. I really didn't expect being so on edge. A definitive must-watch, especially if you're a fan of early silent cinema.


In a Better World (2010)

Danish winner of the best foreign language Oscar, and a blind watch for me. One family is struggling through tragedy and one family is struggling with possible divorce. A boy from each meet in school, become friends, and more drama occurs. This is a simple, sad, and well made film that kept me engrossed the whole time.

(1951, Nyby)

Released in 1951, The Thing from Another World follows a US Air Force crew sent to investigate an unusual aircraft crashing at the North Pole, and they end up finding an advanced but dangerous alien that feeds on other creature's blood. It's up to Captain Patrick Hendry (Kenneth Tobey) and his men to stop it.

This is one of those instances where it's good to know the context in which the film is released. Right at the peak of the Cold War, the presence of "the Thing" is meant to be seen as a metaphor of the threat of Communism sneaking up on us. Not sure if that was present in the novella, but it's very much in the film's DNA. From throwaway lines about the Russians being "all over the pole like flies" to the "ra-rah" closing warning to "keep watching the skies".

I love that movie. IMO it's one of the very best '50s sci-fi/horror movies. I saw it with a pal when it came out in '51, and I've watched several times since.

There is something about the genuineness and wonder of films like this and Them! as the scientists try to root out the causes or nature of the monsters.

It wasn't until years later that I realized the monster was James Arness.

I like it better than the remake.

Dont Worry Darling (2022)

I didn't have high hopes for this given that the trailer seemed to convey the strangeness and creepiness a bit too well, but this is worth a watch. It isn't as cunning as it wants to be, however Florence Pugh continues to be a miraculous force on the screen. Both Styles and Pine and Wilde were just okay for me otherwise.

(2009, Almodóvar)

"We have to recognize desire as the main driving force of a better society – when you desire someone you don’t usually wish them harm – unless they reject you that is"

That is one of the many mantras that the lead character of this short rambles on. Desire is key, which is probably why in 7 minutes runtime, she gives in to numerous bites of sweets and multiple snorts of cocaine, all while she talks and talks about sex and want, and how to wallow in it, and in God knows what else.

That is the setup of La concejala antropófaga (or The Cannibalistic Councillor), a short from Pedro Almodóvar. Conceived during the filming of Broken Embraces, the short follows Chon (Carmen Machi), a councillor that enjoys giving in to her, umm, desires and talking about them.


Full review on my Movie Loot