The Hall of Infamy


You can chock me up for having seen Manos, too. Believe it or not, I actually saw it without the MST3K riffing once. I don't remember why.

Oh, sorry. I was under the impression you were going to wait to see the nominations first, but it looks like I misread your post.

Either way, welcome aboard!
No, you're right. I had wanted to make sure there wasn't anything that would be too much for me. But it seems like everything's, um, good.

I forgot the opening line.
Ooooff! Manos: The Hands of Fate is a painful watch - whether films are voted according to how much discomfort they bring or just all around "worst" movie it'll be hard to beat. It's the only other film apart from mine that I've seen.

The Adam Sandler one - Going Overboard - at least it's not Jack and Jill. It couldn't be worse could it? Impossible...

American Flatulators looks like prime dumb, unfunny comedy - there's nothing more painful.

God's Not Dead will probably make me angry.

Lust for Frankenstein sounds very Andy Warhol - which might be what they were going for - who knows, but I'd rather be watching Flesh for Frankenstein of course. I'm actually intrigued though!

You just know a nomination from ueno_station54 will be bonkers. That must be Organ - let those fluids flow...

The Still Life has a guy on it's poster who looks constipated.

I think I've heard of Trog - it might be mentioned quite a bit in my 'Bad Movies' section in my film library. we go......

Oh - mine - R.O.T.O.R. is actually the best film ever made. I dare you not to love R.O.T.O.R.
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.
We miss you Takoma

Latest Review : Mona Lisa (1986)


Shameless blockbuster at first, second and millionth glances. No originality at all. However, some parts we're LAUGHABLY bad, especially near the ending. And I did appreciate the fact that the movie tried to appeal to people who enjoy deeper themes in movies. 21/100.


OK, haunted hotel with a cult sounds like a good idea on paper, but sometimes the "spooky" scenes felt more like a bad prelude to a crappy sexploitation film. I mean, was there even a real plot?


Gonna save my review for my nomination for after more users watch it.

I forgot the opening line.
Seen the poster for R.O.T.O.R. a thousand times, and at first glance I always think it's Mad Max.
Yep - that'll be in my review of it, how they completely just xeroxed the poster for Mad Max and made a few minor changes.

American Flatulators, 1995

In this spoof of the American Gladiators, contestants all strive to be crowned after a series of grueling competitions.

Is this a terrible movie? Of course it is. I am often subjected to, sorry, treated to pun-based jokes created by children. 95% of the jokes in this film are about on par with those jests. The acting is broad and questionable. The whole affair looks like it was made on your dad's old camcorder that he let you use out of pity.

So is there any joy to be had here? And the answer is . . .kind of?

Most of the comedy misses, but I did enjoy the little smile on the face of the actress playing "Silent But Deadly" (normally I like to credit actors, but this actor--and in fact all of the women who appeared in the movie--are not credited on IMDb! Maybe by their own choice! Anyway, I had to go back and queue up the movie again to give this woman her props. Good job Stella Sarcone, if that is your real name!).

There's also something kind of interesting about how the universe in which the skits take place can't seem to decide if farts are a good thing (as per the Flatu-Seltzer ad) or a bad thing (as per the perfume commercial). It's also blessedly short, clocking in at 53 minutes.

I think that for this Hall of Infamy, my rating scale will be based on how much I hated watching each movie, along with how much I would dread watching it again.


Trog? I've seen Trog. It took me a second, but it was in the Criterion Channel's 70's horror collection from a year or two back. I think Dracula 1972 AD was worse, but Trog was not good. But, I recall it sort of being watchable.

I did feel bad for Joan Crawford for being in it though.

*Enters thread*
*Looks at nominations*
*Breathes a sigh of relief*

I think I made the right choice in passing on this. It's an interesting idea but frankly I'd rather stick icepicks in my eyeballs than watch these movies.

Especially this shit:

God's Not Dead (2014)
Nominated by: SpelingError
Have... uh... fun?

About 45 minutes and 400 farts too long.
At a certain point I just started to imagine this sound guy, with his keyboard set to "Farts!" just totally going to town and it started to seem almost endearing.

At a certain point I just started to imagine this sound guy, with his keyboard set to "Farts!" just totally going to town and it started to seem almost endearing.
I survived by giving myself a mental reminder that none of the jokes were as bad as the one from Marmaduke 2022.

*Enters thread*
*Looks at nominations*
*Breathes a sigh of relief*

I think I made the right choice in passing on this. It's an interesting idea but frankly I'd rather stick icepicks in my eyeballs than watch these movies.

Especially this shit:

Have... uh... fun?

I just had to order God's Not Dead from my library. It was that, pay for it as a rental, or get a free trial to PureFlix (no thank you!). So I'll be getting the DVD, and then also two books to hide it in the middle of.

Also, Manos is vaguely great. Like most of my best nightmares, as you watch you are in a constant state of forgetting it. Genius.
I've seen the MST3K episode twice, so it'll be interesting to watch on its own.

I'm looking forward to revisiting Manos. When one looks at the backstory of the film and how many hurdles Warren ran into while making it, I think it becomes rather fascinating.

*Enters thread*
*Looks at nominations*
*Breathes a sigh of relief*

I think I made the right choice in passing on this. It's an interesting idea but frankly I'd rather stick icepicks in my eyeballs than watch these movies.

Especially this shit:

Have... uh... fun?
I've been meaning to watch that one for a while. I'm curious to find out how bad it is.

Also, Manos is vaguely great. Like most of my best nightmares, as you watch you are in a constant state of forgetting it. Genius.
Hmmmm... this sounds like something I should watch. (I've only ever seen it via MST3K.)