Rate The Last Movie You Saw


I was there! But that’s part of my point. It hit at a moment of critical impact in the 90s and managed to touch on a lot of newfound concepts, from the internet to viral marketing to the notion of found footage (I know it’s hardly the first but it was still fairly novel) and people got swept up in it.

And I remained a joyless rock, watching the current drift by.
Sure, you were "there" technically, but you weren't a post-college Edgelord like I was. You didn't GET IT, maaaaaan
Captain's Log
My Collection

I wasn't as warm on this as you were, but it is visually STUNNING.
I was so invested in the young girl. The opening shots of her on the beach completely captivated me.

I also related to her many “boyfriends” having flitted from one guy to another for many years. She would leave on a date with one guy (as the narrator tells us) & return with another. I could relate.

I liked the final scene when she dithered over staying with him or going off with others & he drove away & left her.

Great European movie.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Sure, you were "there" technically, but you weren't a post-college Edgelord like I was. You didn't GET IT, maaaaaan
I was a small child hanging out with high school edge lords! Does that not count for anything?!? *flips table*

Better Nate Than Ever (2022) This was pretty good, an interesting story and nice performances. Some good laughs and entertaining moments. Could have used more singing and dancing though.

It seems a shame to argue with such a nicely put compliment, as I don’t have animosity towards the film and wouldn’t want to convince a fan of its inequities, but…

We agree on the primary issue that if the film doesn’t scare you, there’s very little else to appreciate.

What you describe is certainly a valid interpretation but I don’t FEEL it. And if I don’t feel it, intentionality becomes a component for me. Did the filmmakers intend for that abstract dive into the nature of fear and horror? Given their other output, which is largely literal minded, I think not.

As I said, if I felt such things while watching it, as you clearly do, it would hold that value for me. As is, I would feel like I’m projecting value onto a relatively straight forward narrative which made the daring choice of never showing its villain (perhaps entirely due to budget restraints).

At its core, Blair Witch fits in with the multitude of low budget horror films that padded their run time having a bunch of teens/young adults wander aimlessly through the woods until they get killed.

Now, the choices to film it handheld, on ugly camera stock, and under the guise of it being real did contribute to an affect that makes it stand out.

I can see value in that. But I don’t feel it.

Ugh, internet ate my response.

Just assume you got to read it and are now on your knees begging for mercy

Ugh, internet ate my response.

Just assume you got to read it and are now on your knees begging for mercy
It's the post you don't see... like the Blair Witch.

Ugh, internet ate my response.

Just assume I agreed with everything you said, you magnificent bastard.

The Bubble (2022) Watched on Netflix. Directed by Judd Apatow. Starring Karen Gillan, Iris Apatow, Leslie Mann, Pedro Pascal, Keegan-Michael Key, and David Duchovny. A comedy about actors during the pandemic making Cliff Beasts 6, a sequel in a successful series of action movies about flying dinosaurs. Overlong and inconsistent, this is a bit of a mess. I like most of these actors, but the characters were just annoying. There are a couple laughs and I liked the scenes with characters dancing,but overall this is not enjoyable. I think this is Apatow's worst film.

Those who wish me dead

Not bad, quite a stripped back 90s feel with story but with a modern polish and restraint, best thing for me the murderous bad guy duo of Aidan Gillen and surprisingly Nicholas Hoult.

Ok, here's a weird one, which got plaudits from various review sources, You Won't Be Alone. It's a story that seems to have been (but was not) ripped from one of the lurid books by that Priest/Impersonator/Author, "Reverend Alphonsus Joseph-Mary Augustus Montague Summers" - the guy who wrote a bunch of books on Euro weirdness. In You Won't Be Alone, to encapsulate - "Set in an isolated mountain village in 19th century Macedonia, pic follows a young witch who is left to go feral in the woods. Curious about life as a human, she accidentally kills a peasant in the village, then takes her shape to see what life is like in her skin. This ignites her deep-seated curiosity to experience life inside the bodies of others. The witch will be played by different actors and the film will include an old Macedonian dialect."

Once you get a grip on the idea that the "witch" can slip into other people's literal skin after eating their guts, that she's a feral witch who is haunted by another witch, of the baby eating variety, and that the endangered population of this remote Balkan hell is being consumed, you might make sense of this movie.

The language is Macedonian, with subtitles, but often you're not sure whether the subtitles are real witch talk or just bad translation. Because skin is being reused (literally), it's often not clear who is which witch or which unfortunate skin-source. The ordinary mortals are mainly oppressed women and rapacious, angry men....nobody you want to be.

All this notwithstanding, it's full of high weirdness, Summers-esque perversity and decent acting and production. Be prepared....it's not a casual date night movie, includes a fair amount of blood and gut consumption and often you don't know who is who because they might be using someone else's skin. Nothing about this Balkan lair makes me want to visit.

Yep, that one is ticking all of my boxes. Did you see it in a theater? Haven't been able to find it streaming so far.

Also, has Noomi Rapace ever made a movie where she just falls in love with a handsome guy and has a nice time? Every film I've seen her in has been a nightmare.

"Yep, that one is ticking all of my boxes. Did you see it in a theater? Haven't been able to find it streaming so far.

Also, has Noomi Rapace ever made a movie where she just falls in love with a handsome guy and has a nice time? Every film I've seen her in has been a nightmare. "

>>>>Saw it in our local indie film venue, just released today. Rapace indeed does seem to specialize in this sort of role. This is Euro weirdness raised to a very special level. I have to admit that they're my ancestors. The next one like this should be The Northmen, from Robert Eggers, my recent favorite auteur of strangeness.

When the pretty girl at the party offered Fred a drink, he accepted because he didn't want to look like a square. Approximately 56 minutes later, he's in the hoosegow, addicted to heroin. Don't be like Fred.

Victim of The Night

On the other hand, another (completely-out-of-touch) friend went to see it knowing absolutely nothing, and he was convinced it was all real and was traumatized by the experience.
I was close to this.
My viewing of this film, on a date no less, I considered to be probably the most terrifying viewing experience I've ever had in a theater. I had heard that maybe the movie was real, but I didn't really know much, I hadn't heard that much about it, just that there was a buzz. Yet I kept thinking to myself, "Please don't let this have actually happened to someone."
But it really didn't matter whether it was real or not because it was simply effective. I wouldn't have cared if it had happened to someone or not if I wasn't seriously effected by what I was seeing on the screen.

Victim of The Night

When the pretty girl at the party offered Fred a drink, he accepted because he didn't want to look like a square. Approximately 56 minutes later, he's in the hoosegow, addicted to heroin. Don't be like Fred.
Not White Heat!!! That's too intense!

I was close to this.
My viewing of this film, on a date no less, I considered to be probably the most terrifying viewing experience I've ever had in a theater. I had heard that maybe the movie was real, but I didn't really know much, I hadn't heard that much about it, just that there was a buzz. Yet I kept thinking to myself, "Please don't let this have actually happened to someone."
But it really didn't matter whether it was real or not because it was simply effective. I wouldn't have cared if it had happened to someone or not if I wasn't seriously effected by what I was seeing on the screen.
But like… imagine if you hadn’t been effected at all.

When the pretty girl at the party offered Fred a drink, he accepted because he didn't want to look like a square. Approximately 56 minutes later, he's in the hoosegow, addicted to heroin. Don't be like Fred.
I appreciate the solid advice to watch the film from the beginning.

Also, why have all of us been wasting time wearing bras when clearly heroin does an amazing job of lifting and separating?

Victim of The Night
But like… imagine if you hadn’t been effected at all.
Well, I can't because I nearly shit my pants and also couldn't sleep with the lights off.