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I am now through Stormveil Castle and have explored some of the Liurnia of The Lakes area, completing a couple of the side dungeons there, as well. Stormveil was hands-down one of my favorite areas in a video game in recent memory. Towering in scale, challenging, and well-designed, I had a blast running through it. Both the boss at the beginning and the final boss were engaging and pulse-pounding encounters. The final boss had a great souls-like curve of me getting completely owned the first couple of times, with a nice curve up to victory as I mastered his various move set for each phase. When I finally got him down, it was that rush of elation I only get from these games.
Stormveil is another great Metroidvania design by from soft. I technically detour briefly the fourth time yesterday technically rob more loot I missed via the main gate, and god I can't imagine if early-level players pick the option to enter via that route, what an ordeal. Well, not for my current though, until i get stunlock, almost dead by a bunch of rats, the classic .

By the way, I am playing my entire first playthrough with no co-op and no spirit summons. I will certainly go back and do some co-op on stuff I have already cleared solo as I go along, though.
The spirit summons is a brilliant addition, btw. I have no use for them, but wow, what an idea to give more casual gamers a leg up in difficult encounters - not everyone wants to be punished by a game the way I do! A set of various summonable helpers with different abilities and attributes that are completely optional. Seems like someone would have thought of this sooner, instead of leaning into mechanics like a difficulty slider...e
Yeah, I believe it (spirit summon) was definitely a compromise from the dev team but nevertheless cool idea and does not feel cheap. It was entirely an option and seasoned players still can find challenges by handicapping themselves away from it.
Personally, I feel the first time the world obviously turns too big and relatively become more intense, become more overwhelming compared to previous games (even though most areas were optional in itself), so using what available option is really stress-reducing apart from torrent/horse. I usually call another player(s) to speed up some bosses but usually prefer solo exploring/progressing. There are also many mini-bosses like in every dungeon/cave, every corner in the map, so the feeling to not necessarily challenge oneself every time, the available option really really help. So I think that was a successful move from the dev team.
Market-wise, it's very win-win solution as the chance their demographic become wider (12 million copy so far, as I recalled). Without ignoring their past core players, but also a warm welcome for the new ones.

But coop helping other players is always fun, either exploring or progressing, beating boss, gank up invader (not really biggie on invasion) successful or not. I think that was the point where my hours of play skyrocketed because they made it so accessible in this game.

Awesome game, and I can already see another massive castle in the distance, this time with elegant spires and smooth lines, as opposed to the brutalist fortress I just escaped.
oh, man, I try to not spoil it. Let's say it is another stormveil, but vast version. It is also, probably the best spot for coop because I spend most of my time there. (ehh, look back at the picture, maybe i mistaken it with another one i talk about, my bad )
"Фильм призван вызвать духовную волну, а не взращивать идолопоклонников."

A system of cells interlinked

oh, man, I try to not spoil it. Let's say it is another stormveil, but vast version. It is also, probably the best spot for coop because I spend most of my time there. (ehh, look back at the picture, maybe i mistaken it with another one i talk about, my bad )
That is just a random picture I posted, and not the castle I was speaking about. The one I see in the distance looks to be on the far side of the Liurnia area. I am not sure if it is in that same area or in one beyond it, but I look forward to getting there!

Sadly, will probably not be able to play until this weekend.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

As a long time Gran Turismo fan, GT7 had popped up on my radar. Figured it was only for the Ps5 and was excited to see it was compatible with my blu ray player. Then I read it had an “always online” requirement. No problem, my hand is being forced into submitting to that utility.

Then I started reading the post-release press for this game and it’s a $___show.

You ready? You look ready.
The Xbox Series X is available at Walmart and hasn't sold out in 5 seconds, so that's a cool byproduct of inflation and higher gas prices. No way can I justify buying one of those when my One S is still ticking.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
As a long time Gran Turismo fan, GT7 had popped up on my radar. Figured it was only for the Ps5 and was excited to see it was compatible with my blu ray player. Then I read it had an “always online” requirement. No problem, my hand is being forced into submitting to that utility.

Then I started reading the post-release press for this game and it’s a $___show.
Teach me of this "grand" too-ree-si-moh? I know not of this strange tongue from which you speak.
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I've been crazy busy at work this weekend so I'm a few days behind on a post for Sniper: Ghost Warrior Contracts that I picked up on a ridiculous sale a few months back. TLDR version of it is: At first I kinda hated it. Then I kinda loved it.

More to come as time permits.

Have a brief session trying one of the endgame boss weapons in my keeping. Surprisingly blown away by how OP its weapon art. The heavy attack also feels dope with its continuous thrust and blood damage. Almost got Malenia but the charge and recoil of the weapon art are kind of slow and it really needs someone to continuously distract her. Now i wonder how it will turn out with another boss, hmm...

That is just a random picture I posted, and not the castle I was speaking about. The one I see in the distance looks to be on the far side of the Liurnia area. I am not sure if it is in that same area or in one beyond it, but I look forward to getting there!
Sadly, will probably not be able to play until this weekend.
ahh, probably that castle you mean is that one in the middle liurnia, which is also another great area to have fun with.
Yeah mate, I can only say take your time. I'm not even bothered to start NG+ in closer time because there is still much (optional) distraction in this game xD.

Teach me of this "grand" too-ree-si-moh? I know not of this strange tongue from which you speak.
One starts with smooth jazz…

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Have a brief session trying one of the endgame boss weapons in my keeping. Surprisingly blown away by how OP its weapon art. The heavy attack also feels dope with its continuous thrust and blood damage. Almost got Malenia but the charge and recoil of the weapon art are kind of slow and it really needs someone to continuously distract her. Now i wonder how it will turn out with another boss, hmm...

ahh, probably that castle you mean is that one in the middle liurnia, which is also another great area to have fun with.
Yeah mate, I can only say take your time. I'm not even bothered to start NG+ in closer time because there is still much (optional) distraction in this game xD.
Ha. That's what my stomach sounded like earlier today.


Also, the way you all are going on about this game I'm tempted to buy it. BUT I MUST NOT!!!! I will rage quit and break another controller if I do. =\

Another Elden Ring try-out session and I still can't get enough exploring bleed exploit. Found out there are players that use this dope blood incantation, try it too, and again almost got to cheese Malenia a couple of times. With its own special seal, the incantation apparently needs faith and arcane to be really effective but I foolishly sacrifice dex a lot. At the price of casting speed, it feels so vulnerable with enemies that can close you with a fast combo. Probably simply because I'm so sucking on the mixture of close combat and ranged combat, I just can't stop spamming it as much possible xD.
So I think again if I can buff all the package of my damage instead. There is this ridiculous skill that I've already seen so many times with most of the players with the supposedly same kind of build.

It came with the price of 10 percent HP and also a little blood loss build-up.
Then I found out that there is this useful talisman that also can increase blood damage, like significantly. What has been written is that it work when it detects blood loss build-up. It's like bingo. Respec again, now focus just on dex and arcane-- but also by risk vigor like five points deduction :'(, scale my left-hand uchigatana with that seppuku ashes of war, stack the talisman, also with another talisman that increases the damage of skill and successive attack.
Well, fortunately with little help of slow connection, where Malenia was like walking still on some occasion, her 200% health bar is just going phew phew xD

Ha. That's what my stomach sounded like earlier today.

hmmm.. emm...

Also, the way you all are going on about this game I'm tempted to buy it. BUT I MUST NOT!!!! I will rage quit and break another controller if I do. =\
Haha. I probably can't stop expressing myself on how engaging the game is for like a couple of weeks onward, so please bear with me xD
A trivial side note
Eh well, is this kind of game was really that hard?
Yeh, obviously it is hard, but still, I believe the paradigm is not totally true. I'm not following much this streamer (or any kind of streamer in fact), tho' since the game release, his clips always showed in my feeds. Surprisingly we kind of has the same rough idea on how this game actually, on how people should view and approach it. And he kind well articulated on that.

So, yeah, the game really gives much freedom to the player, for how they can approach the game; a kind of sandbox quality for it. But of course, when somebody new or let's say, the uniniated, it does take a lot more commitment, familiarizing with the nuance of the game mechanic, and it does kind of demanding and can take time. For me, it is also one of the reasons I can't follow Sekiro because it's like I need to familiarize my muscle memory with a totally new thing with narrow choices on how the player can approach things; and like I just have no time for that, at least back then. So I can understand the feelings on why a game maybe become so repulsive, frustrating many new players but most of the time it is just on the mindset I guess, enthusiasm or hunger for an old school challenge, and of course, time. In the end, any justification is just fair.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
It came with the price of 10 percent HP and also a little blood loss build-up.
Then I found out that there is this useful talisman that also can increase blood damage, like significantly. What has been written is that it work when it detects blood loss build-up. It's like bingo. Respec again, now focus just on dex and arcane-- but also by risk vigor like five points deduction :'(, scale my left-hand uchigatana with that seppuku ashes of war, stack the talisman, also with another talisman that increases the damage of skill and successive attack.
Respec, eh? What are the limits to respec? I mean, is it an increasing cost every time you do it? Are you limited to just one respec per character? Or are you actually having to create a new character and start over? Any other kind of limitation?

hmmm.. emm...

Oh I promise it wasn't like that! I'm at work. Can't be dropping bombs on my neighbors But I swear my stomach sounded like a pod of Orca whales. So weird.

So, yeah, the game really gives much freedom to the player, for how they can approach the game; a kind of sandbox quality for it. But of course, when somebody new or let's say, the uniniated, it does take a lot more commitment, familiarizing with the nuance of the game mechanic, and it does kind of demanding and can take time. For me, it is also one of the reasons I can't follow Sekiro because it's like I need to familiarize my muscle memory with a totally new thing with narrow choices on how the player can approach things; and like I just have no time for that, at least back then. So I can understand the feelings on why a game maybe become so repulsive, frustrating many new players but most of the time it is just on the mindset I guess, enthusiasm or hunger for an old school challenge, and of course, time. In the end, any justification is just fair.
Fair enough. Thanks for the Sekiro reference. That helps put this into perspective as I recently started (and put down, but mostly for lack of time and life distractions) that game. I actually enjoyed Sekiro for adding to the level design and being able to explore a bit more, climb things, play assassin or straight up confrontation, etc., as compared to say my experience with Demons Souls where I had to just push through a mostly linear path until I opened a shortcut. If Elden Ring offers more approach than even Sekiro, I might be able to get into it. Not sure. It's still full price and I've been watching Nier - Automata and Replicant recently, and I'm thinking to snag a copy of Sniper Contracts 2, hoping the bugs are worked out a bit more than Contracts 1. Aside from that, Contracts game is pretty great.

Sigh. Money.

Respec, eh? What are the limits to respec? I mean, is it an increasing cost every time you do it? Are you limited to just one respec per character? Or are you actually having to create a new character and start over? Any other kind of limitation?
other than just beating a boss to unlock the feature, the player needs a special item and It's kind of limited/rare because there like I believe, only a handful of them in one playthrough (i think like i have collected 9 or so). What I do now is back up the save file (manually) of my current progress (the game is like autosaving whenever the game quit/close), so i can do the respec/adjusting my stat unbound, and without the necessity to farming runes or upgrade material because I already stack a handful of it. I just go back to my backup if I think to try it differently or it just feels not working. That's also the reason I can try different endings before.

Oh I promise it wasn't like that! I'm at work. Can't be dropping bombs on my neighbors But I swear my stomach sounded like a pod of Orca whales. So weird.

Fair enough. Thanks for the Sekiro reference. That helps put this into perspective as I recently started (and put down, but mostly for lack of time and life distractions) that game. I actually enjoyed Sekiro for adding to the level design and being able to explore a bit more, climb things, play assassin or straight up confrontation, etc., as compared to say my experience with Demons Souls where I had to just push through a mostly linear path until I opened a shortcut. If Elden Ring offers more approach than even Sekiro, I might be able to get into it.
I havent play demon souls, and bloodborne yet because it still PS exclusive :') . But i think in the end it's still fromsoft games so I assuming with some deviation there repeated pattern to recognize with, but probably as you said, it has more narrow linear path. By level design I think yeah that include Sekiro as well. While i always love the explore and assasin/stealth element, but in the core to me Sekiro is like an answer for a question "what if the current From Soft make their own a hack and slash game?" and that translates well in this mechanic:

It's not hating sekiro special mechanic, neither hack and slash in general (and it can still be challenging if you put hard mode on it like DMC for example)
well okay, let's say i can do sekiro for couple of few lesser enemies, but then there bosses, mini bosses, creatures. I just can't stand it xD and the option is not that freeing as any souls game like where I can be just overleveled, seek totally overpowered weapon/ability, summon or just cheesing some of them with a bow and arrows :3 .
I think if you enjoy Sekiro, you probably gonna love Elden Ring, and to extent maybe Dark Souls 3. It's not as flashy and acrobatic as Sekiro, still more grounded, but the combat is fast enough and there element of skill or variation of attack you can do; you can stealth, jump attack, horse combat; not as slow as and sloppy like the first Dark Souls as I recalled. And the choices of journey isn't contrict. If you stumble on something you can detour, explore more, leveling up, collecting item/new skill; you can be straightforward if you already understand the nuances of the combat, or even just skip the hell out of it.

Not sure. It's still full price and I've been watching Nier - Automata and Replicant recently, and I'm thinking to snag a copy of Sniper Contracts 2, hoping the bugs are worked out a bit more than Contracts 1. Aside from that, Contracts game is pretty great.

Sigh. Money.
Well, to be fair my menu this month basically is filled with cup noodles because of Elden Ring xD. Well, dont want to sound like a broken sales person, but probably it worth to wait if there discount, but it may take time just to snatch the timing of the sales, obviously as we know for a totally new release game.
I bought Witcher 3 (and also witcher 2 on steam lunar year discount) on my own but haven't even install it, but I already finished it long before--the lucky cases is, because my big cousin kinda game afficiniado before and he let me play some of his steam purchase, that including sekiro and stuff.
oh yeah, Witcher 2 is just suck ass. Intriguing character and story like the third one, probably more, but with a totally crappy gameplay. Glad is just couple of bucks. Wont even consider the first one, youtube vids summarizing the game lore is enough tbh.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
has anyone played Tokyo ghostwire yet? im thinking to get it next week. it reminds me of dishonored

I completely forgot about this. I saw one trailer on FB not long ago and it looked great. I don't have a PS5 tho, so that might be why it didn't stick with me.

I completely forgot about this. I saw one trailer on FB not long ago and it looked great. I don't have a PS5 tho, so that might be why it didn't stick with me.
ohh okay it does look great but the gameplay looks pretty hard i hoping for difficulty's i hate hard games i only play easy modes

One of the key gameplay mechanics of the Gran Turismo series has been the grind. Start off with a car power by a weed eater motor and aim for the stars.

GT7 is no different.You start with 20,000 credits and 3 cars of varying performance you can afford with that budget. Cue the launch fiasco and this mea culpa...

So yeah. You can just act like the 1,000,000 isn't there...and grind like you use to.

I’m glad I didn’t come across a Ps5 for retail, it would have been a waste. This Ps4 version of GT really delivers all that I need. It’s neat doing license tests, (retry, retry, retry) having had that experience multiple times before over the past 20five years.

I don’t need much more. Trying to hit the apex and throttle down does a good enough job of quieting my brain for a while.

Speaking of buying things, the tv sitch is another story…