A thread for campy or intentionally bad films


I didn't realize it until recently but Re-Animator is fantastic.

And yes, Demon Knight could use more reps.

I had a period where i tried to get into some older cult films like Plan 9 From Outer Space.
I ended up Liking The Beast of Yucca Flats.
This film partially is funny combined with reading a little about the director etc.
One of the funniest elements for me in this film, is the narrator. You really get the feeling that this was an element the director wanted to work well in the film. I think that is what made it funny. They wanted to come across as serious, with the content written for the narrator being almost bizarre much of the time.

I'll throw Miami Connection into the mix:

A couple of years ago I saw Who Killed Captain Alex, Manos: The Hands of Fate, and Miami Connection, all within a span of 3 or 4 months and it really changed my perspective of what a "bad" film is
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

This is ... I don't know what to call it. It's freakin' perfection is what is.

I thought Night of the Creeps was considered a classic? I certainly enjoyed it. I also thought Tales From the Crypt: Demon Knight was better than Bordello of Blood. Which admittedly isn't saying much but still.

i was just trying to go broad as possible with the thread title, but perhaps i could have said "films that are so bad that they are good", just to be more specific...but i am convinced that both thankskilling and poultrygeist were made with the thought..."lets just make a hilarious piece of sh*t!"
I wasn't intending to criticize the thread's topic.

I'll throw Miami Connection into the mix:

Miami Connection is a film that only further shapes my vision of Florida.
Imagine an eye unruled by man-made laws of perspective, an eye unprejudiced by compositional logic, an eye which does not respond to the name of everything but which must know each object encountered in life through an adventure of perception. How many colors are there in a field of grass to the crawling baby unaware of 'Green'?

-Stan Brakhage

Back in my High School Days, my friends and I gave ourselves some running programs. Wednesday was "DBAD" Day (Don't Be a Dumbass Day) where we'd go to every possible museum, historical site, etc. in the SoCal area and educate and culture ourselves. Friday was "Good Film Night," (again watching for culture, etc.), but Saturday was "Bad Movie Night..." our source for a lot of these films came from the Something Awful Forums back in the day, some 4chan... but to quote Roy Batty: "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe..."

Victim of The Night
This is ... I don't know what to call it. It's freakin' perfection is what is.
Seriously, I ended up watching nearly the whole damn thing.

Victim of The Night
I thought Night of the Creeps was considered a classic? I certainly enjoyed it. I also thought Tales From the Crypt: Demon Knight was better than Bordello of Blood. Which admittedly isn't saying much but still.
I would call Night Of The Creeps at least a lower-tier Horror classic, but I openly admit that Camp is a part of its charm.
Demon Knight is a pretty good and creative Horror movie and Bordello Of Blood is not (though it also still has at least some charms).

So far, the best transfer of the Samurai Cop masterpiece has been this one. It features a Joe Bob Briggs special introduction plus a commentary on the work by him that is not to miss. The commentary is equally as hilarious as the film itself, (if not in some places "adds" to the experience as the film kind of declines towards the last 10 or so minutes and is just a little boring IMHO).
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The truth is in here
@Gideon58 Valley Of The Dolls is a fascinating oddity of a film. I think it falls between a unique mix of genuinely compelling and highly bizarre at the same time. Patty Duke gives an incredibly entertaining over-the-top performance, delivering every one of her lines with gusto, no matter how weird it is.
Having the beautiful Sharon Tate is a plus as well.

The sequel Beyond The Valley Of The Dolls is even crazier, though arguably made to be campy on purpose. It's especially worth checking out just for the sheer fact that Roger Ebert wrote it. You're telling me he came up with "You will drink the black sperm of my vengeance"? This man is a genius.

I believe the phrase the young people use is; hold my beer.

When it comes to campy, you've got to go some to beat this gem.

For those of you with an hour and twenty two minutes to kill - If not, just take a look at the first couple of minutes and you'll get the idea.

5-time MoFo Award winner.