How many films have you watched so far this year?


I'm just curious about everyone's yearly movie watching. Including old and new films, first time and rewatches, how many films have you seen? I've watched 670 films this year.

That is very good going. I've watched 274.

A full time job and a young family has curbed my ability to watch more, but I am hopeful of making it past the 300 films in a calendar year landmark for the first time ever.

Movie Forums Stage-Hand
I guess 70-80

I think I can say I have watched like 10 or 15 short movies. Of 10 to 15 minutes. I am very busy and I work a lot. Also, I have hard time to find good short movies that fit with me.

I'm looking forward to watch a movie each week. For like 40 a year.

According to Letterboxd, I'm at 146. I'm trying to watch 10-15 a month, but with a full-time job, a side gig, a wife and two kids, and a podcast to record and edit, it's a struggle. Pleasant and gratifying, but a struggle nonetheless.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

263 so far. All random watches. No themed months other than horror for October. Keeping a diary has motivated me otherwise it would probably be around 50. It’s hard work fitting in movies with a full time job, family and lots of home improvements happening on days off so I’ve done pretty well. Congrats on your achievement.

As for first time watches, I'm currently at 287 films. If you were to factor rewatches into the mix though, I imagine it would be around 320-330.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I don't log my movie watches so never know the exact number...But I watch a full length movie most every night, so I'm guessing my number will be around 325 movies for the year.

Around 25.This year I watch more series.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I don't usually track my movie watching, but I've been tracking my movies for the upcoming 2000s Countdown, and I just watched #103 today, not including rewatches.

I didn't look up my total for the Foreign Language Countdown, but I think I watched almost 100 movies while preparing for that countdown.

So I've probably watched around 350-400 for the year including rewatches and movies that weren't for the countdowns.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I don't usually track my movie watching, but I've been tracking my movies for the upcoming 2000s Countdown, and I just watched #103 today, not including rewatches...
Wow! I only managed to watch 1 movie today

Trouble with a capital "T"
I watched 2 movies today. They were both good movies, but only one of them might make my list.
I stopped watching 2000 movies in prep, after watching all the ones I said I would in my 2000 Rec thread. I'm glad I did that thread, some fun movies there. What I watched tonight was an old 1950s western with Dana Andrews and Donna Reed.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I stopped watching 2000 movies in prep, after watching all the ones I said I would in my 2000 Rec thread. I'm glad I did that thread, some fun movies there. What I watched tonight was an old 1950s western with Dana Andrews and Donna Reed.

Thanks to TCM, I watched a few movies that weren't from the 2000s, but I was so far behind on recent movies that I wanted to watch enough to be able to submit a quality list.

The problem now is that I've watched so many movies that it's going to be harder to narrow down my list, and there's a good chance that most of the movies on my list won't make the countdown anyway. But at least I'll have a list that I'll be happy with when it's done.