

CringeFest's Avatar
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Both you & @AgrippinaX use a lot of terms with which I am unfamiliar. No clue what the above means.
moral absolutism to me is the absolute embodiment of "right" and "wrong", that doesn't leave room for any assessing of situations. It's basically the opposite of moral relativism. IMO, all moral diatribes are morally absolutist, and morality only exists in people's heads.

I think having strong preferences is much better than any form of morality. This is helpful when it comes to thinking for yourself and responding to life's surprises.

One of my co workers passed away this past weekend due to COVID-19 complications. 🙁
Sorry to hear this Wylde, condolences.

moral absolutism to me is the absolute embodiment of "right" and "wrong", that doesn't leave room for any assessing of situations. It's basically the opposite of moral relativism. IMO, all moral diatribes are morally absolutist, and morality only exists in people's heads.

I think having strong preferences is much better than any form of morality. This is helpful when it comes to thinking for yourself and responding to life's surprises.
So … moral relativism is what?
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

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So … moral relativism is what?
it's basically an assertion that the morality of an action is judged by a situation...for example: a moral relativist may judge a serial killer who kills for pleasure as committing greater wrongs than someone who kills someone who's been abusing them.

Both you & @AgrippinaX use a lot of terms with which I am unfamiliar. No clue what the above means.
It's already sort of been explained, but basically saying that things are either right/good or wrong/bad/evil. Ie "Anyone who steals is evil." This type of thinking doesn't distinguish between a rich teen stealing from a store for fun and someone stealing a loaf of bread to feed their starving family.

Definitely not all, especially with addicts who often are victims themselves, but with convicts? Most, I feel, are just predators who obviously look to take advantage of someone or hurt someone for their own selfish needs and quite often deserve the lot they’ve been given.
On the other hand, I acknowledge there are some who have earned the right to redemption, but don’t get that opportunity due to the moral absolutism you speak of.
I think that a lot of people behave the way that they do because of the circumstances they are in. And the more desperate people are, the more likely they are to make choices that harm themselves or others.

I also just personally know or know of a lot of people who were totally screwed over by the justice system, including a friend who made a joke about bringing rakes back from home after fall break to defend fellow students from police making drug busts on campus. This was just a year after 9/11 and he was convicted of inciting domestic terrorism. A friend of mine from college works for the Innocence Project, and a lot of the stories there are heartbreaking. Another acquaintance works with juveniles who have been given life sentences. This includes cases like a boy who stole a van with his older brother, the older brother and another friend got into a gunfight and killed a third teenager. The boy who stole the van never left the vehicle but was still convicted of murder and given a life sentence.

But I also get that it's hard. I don't like to imagine that someone helping me carry my luggage up to my hotel room when I'm alone might be a convicted rapist. Or that the employee talking to my child at a restaurant might be a convicted child molester. Or that the person helping out at the bank has a past history of fraud. It's also true that different crimes have different rates of recurrence, and that different situations have different potential for reform. It's a really complex issue, and that's even without considering some really serious issues with the way that different groups are treated in the law enforcement, trial, and sentencing process. There are certainly people who are "beyond help", and at the same time people who have the potential to be positive contributors to society. Have you seen the film The Interrupters? It's an interesting documentary that showcases both types: people who are working hard to reform and people who don't seem to actually want to commit to it.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
One of my co workers passed away this past weekend due to COVID-19 complications. 🙁

I'm sorry to hear about your coworker. I hope you're doing okay. Do you know if he or she was vaccinated?
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Hubby's aunt and uncle were both vaccinated back in April, but last week they both got COVID. His aunt was in a rehab from an accident, and we think that's where they got it. His uncle was in the hospital for a few days, but they both seem to be doing okay now. They are both in their 80s, so we were worried about them, but thankfully they're both okay, most likely thanks to the vaccine.

The trick is not minding
I'm sorry to hear about your coworker. I hope you're doing okay. Do you know if he or she was vaccinated?
I’m fine. Mostly was shocked, due to we weren’t aware how serious it was. He was a decent guy. Always nice towards me. It’s a shame.
I’m not sure if he was vaccinated or not, to be honest.

The trick is not minding
Hubby's aunt and uncle were both vaccinated back in April, but last week they both got COVID. His aunt was in a rehab from an accident, and we think that's where they got it. His uncle was in the hospital for a few days, but they both seem to be doing okay now. They are both in their 80s, so we were worried about them, but thankfully they're both okay, most likely thanks to the vaccine.
My prayers. For them both.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
My prayers. For them both.

Thank you. They're both staying home for a while. They had a rough few days, but fortunately they're both feeling better and seem to be over the worst of it.

Hubby and I have been worried about his parents since this all started. They're both in their 80s and high risk due to health issues. They've been arguing with us about staying in the house throughout the worst of it, but this put a scare in them because they finally believe us that the vaccine isn't a guarantee that they won't get COVID.

Trouble with a capital "T"
One of my co workers passed away this past weekend due to COVID-19 complications. 🙁
Wylde, sorry to hear about that

Hubby's aunt and uncle were both vaccinated back in April, but last week they both got COVID. His aunt was in a rehab from an accident, and we think that's where they got it. His uncle was in the hospital for a few days, but they both seem to be doing okay now. They are both in their 80s, so we were worried about them, but thankfully they're both okay, most likely thanks to the vaccine.
Sorry to hear that too GBG, but glad to hear that they are doing OK....I want thank you for posting about that as it reminds me that even though I'm vaccinated I still need to be careful and it's easy to forget.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Sorry to hear that too GBG, but glad to hear that they are doing OK....I want thank you for posting about that as it reminds me that even though I'm vaccinated I still need to be careful and it's easy to forget.


I think we all need a reminder about this every once in a while. Most people around here are acting like it's over, but people are still getting sick and dying every day from COVID.

I think this is the worst pandemic in the history of mankind. My wife works as a phlebotomist in a polyclinic. And more and more patients come in every day. And a lot of them are already dying and in serious condition. I'm very worried about her. Doctors these days are better than any heroes. My wife takes the tests from them. Blood and stuff like that. She has constant contact with the sick. I'm worried she won't get sick too...

Hubby's aunt and uncle were both vaccinated back in April, but last week they both got COVID. His aunt was in a rehab from an accident, and we think that's where they got it. His uncle was in the hospital for a few days, but they both seem to be doing okay now. They are both in their 80s, so we were worried about them, but thankfully they're both okay, most likely thanks to the vaccine.
I hope they continue to have a positive recovery.

I think this is the worst pandemic in the history of mankind. My wife works as a phlebotomist in a polyclinic. And more and more patients come in every day. And a lot of them are already dying and in serious condition. I'm very worried about her. Doctors these days are better than any heroes. My wife takes the tests from them. Blood and stuff like that. She has constant contact with the sick. I'm worried she won't get sick too...
My friend's sister is an ultrasound technician and her last two years have been hell. She would be doing scans on people and they would code, watching people decline, worrying about her own safety and her family's safety. It's doctors but it's also all the other people who are working in the places (like hospitals) with the high concentration of COVID patients. I hope that your wife continues to stay safe. I hope that the people in her clinic are good about safety precautions.

it's basically an assertion that the morality of an action is judged by a situation...for example: a moral relativist may judge a serial killer who kills for pleasure as committing greater wrongs than someone who kills someone who's been abusing them.
I had never heard of that term either but I suppose anything could be called something. Traditionally, I would just say in a situation like that, which do I think is worse, but I can dig it. I would also say that if that is the basic definition, then just about anybody is a moral relativist. If that's the case, I think it would be better to have a term for somebody who isn't. I find it kind of interesting where these terms come from.

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I had never heard of that term either but I suppose anything could be called something. Traditionally, I would just say in a situation like that, which do I think is worse, but I can dig it. I would also say that if that is the basic definition, then just about anybody is a moral relativist. If that's the case, I think it would be better to have a term for somebody who isn't. I find it kind of interesting where these terms come from.
a lot of it comes from philosophy and politics, and i agree that most people are moral relativists anyway...however, there were talking heads in the early 2000s who were basically saying that moral relativism is for "the liberals", lol

Oh, boo.

One of my student's mother has COVID and so we are now waiting to see what his result it (which will determine if some of his classmates also have to quarantine). This kid has already been out 10 days on a previous quarantine. And he really needs to be in class getting direct instruction (I try via Google Meet, but it simply isn't the same as being in-person). Our librarian is still out with COVID.

After a year and a half of very few cases in our community, COVID is just tearing things up. I don't think that the 60% vaccination rate helps (and the rate for my students' parents is much lower, and obviously all of my students are unvaccinated).

Oh, boo.

One of my student's mother has COVID and so we are now waiting to see what his result it (which will determine if some of his classmates also have to quarantine). This kid has already been out 10 days on a previous quarantine. And he really needs to be in class getting direct instruction (I try via Google Meet, but it simply isn't the same as being in-person). Our librarian is still out with COVID.

After a year and a half of very few cases in our community, COVID is just tearing things up. I don't think that the 60% vaccination rate helps (and the rate for my students' parents is much lower, and obviously all of my students are unvaccinated).
Crazy. Stay as well as you can be given the circumstances.

Crazy. Stay as well as you can be given the circumstances.
I'm trying!

I had a parent teacher conference today with a guy who kept bunching up his mask (so that it bulged on the sides) because he "needed to breathe".