25th Hall of Fame


I think Themroc will win since everybody here seemed to agree on it being a masterpiece.

In all seriousness, probably Vertigo or Bicycle Thieves will win.

I'm guessing that my nom (American Movie) will make it around the middle.

While we're waiting does anyone have predictions on 1st place? last place? The overall order...or what films will be in the top third, middle third, bottom third.
It's been so long so I would got

Top Four
Whiplash, Long Goodbye, Vertigo, Bicycle Thieves
Mid Five
American Movie, About Elly, Black Klansman, Les Mis, The Truth
Bottom Four
Temroc, Sundays and Cybele, The Green Years, Chimes at Midnight

I think Vertigo will win and Bicycle Thieves will be second. Themroc will finish last likely followed by The Green Years. I certainly hope Sundays and Cybele ends up in a decent position. If it finishes in the bottom four, words will be spoken.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I think Vertigo will win and Bicycle Thieves will be second. Themroc will finish last likely followed by The Green Years. I certainly hope Sundays and Cybele ends up in a decent position. If it finishes in the bottom four, words will be spoken.
I think Sundays will be 3

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I have high hopes for Sundays and Bicycle Thieves may take it or at least make the top three
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Heads up...The results are in!...and we have a movie winner!
The reveal for the 25th HoF will start soon...very soon!
Like how soon? I'm going to bed but will stay up if it's literally in like 20 min

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
My prediction

Bicycle Thieves
The Truth
Sundays and Cybele
Long Goodbye
American Movie
Les Mis
Black Klanssman
The Green Years

Trouble with a capital "T"
*we have a tie, so we're starting at #12

Coming in at last place with what has got to be the lowest amount of points for any movie in an HoF of this size is....

12th place
Themroc (Claude Faraldo, 1973)

28 points