The MoFo Top 100 Foreign Language Film Countdown

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Welcome to the human race...
Wings of Desire was my #19. A charmingly existential and humanist exercise in romantic fantasy that could be trite and gimmicky in the wrong hands (especially with how it intersperses the angels' monochrome world with the colour of humanity in a manner straight out of A Matter of Life and Death, to say nothing of stunt-casting Peter Falk as himself) but still ultimately works so well. Still unsure as to whether I prefer it to Paris, Texas or not, though.

Metropolis was a contender for my list, but ultimately did not make the cut (I put a different German silent film on my list that I doubt will make the list at this rate, but you never know).
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

I've had Metropolis on three of my lists, including all-time favorite list and #1 of the 20s, but I made the decision early on not to include any silent movies for this list, so no points for me. But it is a masterpiece. I did include a different Fritz Lang movie, however. Wings of Desire is very good, but I never considered it.
I may go back to hating you. It was more fun.

A few mentions of Paris, Texas, but I also really like Wim Wenders' The American Friend.
If you're familiar with the Ripley books, you know Dennis Hopper is as far away from Tom Ripley as you can get, yet it all somehow works in The American Friend. I seriously considered another Ripley-adapted movie for this countdown, but it just missed out.

In the Mood for Love, Wild Strawberries, and Wings of Desire all are fine films which I haven't seen. Came closest with Strawberries.

Metropolis is my number one. Saw this one little over a year ago and it crashed my top 10 films of all time. The story of a wealthy guy falling in love with a poor girl while learning about how the lesser half of Metropolis is being treated manages to be both compelling and heart-wrenching. The visuals of the Heart Machine, the buildings and "Maria" are all very well done...a knockout in 1927. No wonder it influenced countless sci-fi films decades to come including Blade Runner and Star Wars. Fritz Lang's masterpiece.

For the record, I got a second silent on the list. It's about 50-50 whether it makes the list proper or not. And I got another Lang film on here that should make it?


1. Metropolis
8. Diabolique
20. Let the Right One In

I still haven't seen Metropolis. It looks like there is a 2 hour cut and a 2 hour, 30 minute cut on VOD. Which one do you recommend?

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Maybe there's more room than I thought? Probably missing some big hitters too

Seven Samurai
8 ½
La Dolce Vita
Seventh Seal
Spirited Away
Pans Labyrinth
City of God
Come and See
Rules of the Game
Late Spring
A Separation
Cranes are Flying
Bicycle Thieves

That leaves 3 slots

Maybe Ikiru, Daybreak, Grande Illusion, Bicycle Thieves, Onibaba, Ugetsu, Cranes, Leopard, Human Condition and Wind Rises can duke it out for some of those six?

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Maybe Ikiru, Daybreak, Grande Illusion, Bicycle Thieves, Onibaba, Ugetsu, Cranes, Leopard, Human Condition and Wind Rises can duke it out for some of those six?
Added 3 of those for sure. I think Throne of Blood has a shot but I wouldn't call it a guarantee or anything too.

Especially because of it's influence and inspiration to a lot of my favorites, I could/should have voted for Metropolis but I didn't.

Movies Seen: 33/70

My Ballot: 9/25

My Ballot Forecast:
25. Mongol (1-pointer)
24. 0%
23. 95%
22. The Wages of Fear (#67)
21. Fireworks (#78)
20. 60%
19. In The Mood For Love (#34)
18. 30%
17. High and Low (#41)
16. 0%
15. 0%
14. 0%
13. 70%
12. 0%
11. 99%
10. 45%
9. 0%
8. 50%
7. Samurai Rebellion (#79)
6. The Battle of Algiers (#56)
5. War and Peace (#59)
4. 40%
3. 30%
2. La Haine (#53)
1. 98%

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Added 3 of those for sure. I think Throne of Blood has a shot but I wouldn't call it a guarantee or anything too.
Based on some of our list already I think there are some current movies we aren’t thinking of that will make it. I need to ponder some more.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Seven Samurai
8 ½
Seventh Seal
Spirited Away
Pans Labyrinth
City of God
Come and See
Bicycle Thieves
Rules of the Game

With the last spot down to A Separation and Le Cercle Rouge. Or maybe no Rules of the Game?

Seven Samurai
8 ½
La Dolce Vita
Seventh Seal
Spirited Away
Pans Labyrinth
City of God
Come and See
Rules of the Game
Late Spring
A Separation
Cranes are Flying
Bicycle Thieves
Le Cercle Rouge
Throne of Blood

This will be my final prediction, can't wait for it to be wrong already later today
I like this list, but what about Cinema Paradiso? Ozu's Late Spring? I also think Bergman might have a longshot to sneak in one more. Also, maybe something else from Bong sneaks in. I'm thinking Mother might have an outside chance.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Seven Samurai
8 ½
La Dolce Vita
Seventh Seal
Spirited Away
Pans Labyrinth
City of God
Come and See
Rules of the Game
Late Spring
A Separation
Cranes are Flying
Bicycle Thieves
Le Cercle Rouge
Throne of Blood

This will be my final prediction, can't wait for it to be wrong already later today
Passion Of Joan Of Arc. This looks pretty strong though. I will do a top ten prediction later.

I doubt enough people have seen Shoah and included it for it to make it.

Looking at potential newer releases...some ideas:

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Y tu mama tambien
4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days
Talk to Her or All About My Mother

I also think Cinema Paradiso and The Passion of Joan of Arc have a chance.

I see Seven Samurai and Samurai on your list?
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

Perhaps add them together and Buñuel's little known Eight Samurai might be in with a shot?

Seriously though I presume by 'Samurai' he means Melville's Le samouraï

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I doubt enough people have seen Shoah and included it for it to make it.

Looking at potential newer releases...some ideas:

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Y tu mama tambien
4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days
Talk to Her or All About My Mother

I also think Cinema Paradiso and The Passion of Joan of Arc have a chance.

I see Seven Samurai and Samurai on your list?
Le Samourai

Interesting newer choices. I think Skin I live In is the most popular Almodovar.

I could see 4 Months

Crouching Tiger is interesting. Seems high but I think it’s popular.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I doubt enough people have seen Shoah and included it for it to make it.

Looking at potential newer releases...some ideas:

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Y tu mama tambien
4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days
Talk to Her or All About My Mother

I also think Cinema Paradiso and The Passion of Joan of Arc have a chance.

I see Seven Samurai and Samurai on your list?
Probably right with Shoah, but I'm going with it anyways. It seems more popular than War and Peace though. We will see.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
If you're familiar with the Ripley books, you know Dennis Hopper is as far away from Tom Ripley as you can get, yet it all somehow works in The American Friend. I seriously considered another Ripley-adapted movie for this countdown, but it just missed out.
I had another Ripley-adapted movie on my list. A very different version of Ripley than Hopper, but as you say, both work somehow.