Suggestions for future countdowns


That's weird, and I never knew there was a dubbed version. It could be because the original audio track was poor quality and so couldn't be heard well.
Original audio if fine tbh, they did it for the accents

Trouble with a capital "T"
Original audio if fine tbh, they did it for the accents
I have a hard time with strong accents and often have to use subtitles. I've seen Mad Maxx I'm thinking it was in original Australian. But been a loooong time though.

Not a huge deal, but branching off of something that was said on the Top 100 thread regarding the tabulation...

I definitely did that more than once and I arranged the films alphabetically to correct those. I guess I missed one.

To be fair, I would have no idea that these are the same movies. I just put the titles in and didn't double-check to see what the movie was.

My eyes were probably crisscrossed at this point.

Some people did not put full titles and I had to make sure they meant certain movies over others.

At a certain point in the list, I stopped double-checking as I knew they would not make the Top 100.
For future ballots, we should settle on a way of listing foreign films that avoids confusion. Making sure you add the release year (IMDb release year?) to each entry could be an alternative, but there should be a way to avoid this. This should help whoever's in charge of tabulation.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

The "Millennium" list was 2000-2011. I think a countdown for the last decade (2010-2019) could be good and there won't be too much overlap.

Not digging through the thread to see if it's already been shouted down but just an idea.

edit: and I actually see now Thursday suggested that too in the other thread that got me here. I read less in forums in my old age.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

A top 100 movies for each individual letter of the alphabet could keep us going for a while

(might just have to lower the sights a little for Q, U, V, X, Y and Z though )

Cat III or movies about dogs.
Or maybe combine them for a 'Cats & Dogs Countdown'?

One of the arguments for doing 2010-2019 is, as noted in the Foreign List thread, we could then "safely" do a "films not on previous collaborative lists" list, since otherwise it would presumably be dominated by recent films. Just repeating that since some people will see this thread and not that one.

The way I mostly prepare for countdowns is by watching qualifying movies that already appear on other lists. I've got my work cut out for me when we do the 2010's.

One of the arguments for doing 2010-2019 is, as noted in the Foreign List thread, we could then "safely" do a "films not on previous collaborative lists" list, since otherwise it would presumably be dominated by recent films. Just repeating that since some people will see this thread and not that one.
I'm all in on a 2010/2019 countdown.

Trouble with a capital "T"
One of the arguments for doing 2010-2019 is, as noted in the Foreign List thread, we could then "safely" do a "films not on previous collaborative lists" list, since otherwise it would presumably be dominated by recent films. Just repeating that since some people will see this thread and not that one.
Let's just do this ^ when the time comes. Then we can do Noir after that.

Hey now, there's an idea for a countdown ...... Railroad films

Or maybe we could do it the democratic way and have a poll where everyone that wants to has a say.

Still don't understand why we even want a "films not on previous collaborative lists" list? After that one would we do "another films not on previous collaborative lists (including the "last films not on previous collaborative lists" list) list?? What's the ultimate aim here - to get every film ever made onto a list???

Still don't understand why we even want a "films not on previous collaborative lists" list? After that one would we do "another films not on previous collaborative lists (including the "last films not on previous collaborative lists" list) list?? What's the ultimate aim here - to get every film ever made onto a list???
Can't speak for others, but the idea tickles me for a few reasons:

1) It'd be a list with TONS of films people haven't heard of, so it'd be great for discovery.

2) It'd almost feel like a game, finding films that haven't shown up before. It'd be interactive and creative in a way the other lists haven't been, to my mind.

In short, it just sounds fun to me, and it'd probably be the weirdest and least predictable list we've done, so curiosity alone makes me like the idea.

For the record, if none of that seems to be in the spirit of the thing for someone else, fair enough! Totally valid to want these things to be more serious than all that.

Trouble with a capital "T"
..Or maybe we could do it the democratic way and have a poll where everyone that wants to has a say.
Actually we haven't always done a democratic poll to see what people wanted as a countdown....It's a fairly new thing.

In the past a host would come forward and say what kind of countdown they wanted to do and people generally were behind that and the countdown would get done.