Watching Movies Alone with crumbsroom


A movie that seems as if everything relating to its plot was scooped out of it, leaving only the visual residue of a bunch of half formed nightmare visions. It doesn't make a lick of sense, but who cares when a movie has every one of its edits leap frog from one imaginative inspiration or narrative convolution to the next with little to no forewarning. A tone poem of confusion that is possibly only rivalled by A Night to Dismember nonsense. Be prepared for a most beautiful headache.

Now, while I would never want to court any kind of controversy, I regretfully suggest I may have to suggest it's a tie. So, as an appeal to fairness, we should all now considering calling both of them the best movie of all time.
It's been two days and I can't get that stupid song out of my head.*

I will concede defeat to Crumbsroom, but will warn anyone else interested in the movie that they may suffer the same fate.*

It's been two days and I can't get that stupid song out of my head.*

I will concede defeat to Crumbsroom, but will warn anyone else interested in the movie that they may suffer the same fate.*

In these end of times we are living in, I always eventually win.

Everybody's got something to looooose
Everybody but you!

Dance with me, dance with me
Come on and dance with me dance with me.
Dance with me dance with me
Come on, dance with me, dance with me.

Victim of The Night
Personal note: I am now fully vaccinated. But I have to feel the conspiracy of universe's malice around me. Ye! I admired the cosmic joke of lifting all of the mask mandates during my last week. I've come this far not to breathe these filthy public vapers. Then the nurse who administered my shot just forgot to put on her gloves, and tried to laugh it off. I hope these people know how to use a refrigerator!

It's all precarious. These are my thoughts as I started to feel the slight flu-like side effects this week. A friend of mine went on a tinder date with a nurse who turned out to be an anti-vaxxer. "I believe in faith not fear". My friend's a dog, but she turned him down for being a sheeple. So I start to wonder, how many of these crazy nurses are out there? A significant number of medical people are refusing the vaccine. That knuckle in Wisconsin who spoiled hundreds of doses because he was worried about tainted DNA was a certified lab technician. What if! I got stuck with some maga-moron nurse who deliberately ruined my well-earned wellness? How would I know, as I suffer through these vague fevers?

"Mouth-breathers" has taken on a whole new dimension of pejorative in my experience.
A lot, sadly.
A shocking number of actual health-care workers at my hospital refused the vaccine and I work at the flagship hospital of the largest and most advanced health care system in my state.
It's startling, disconcerting, frankly maddening.
It would make a good movie, to stay on topic.

Victim of The Night
Unfortunately, I live in a part of the US with a 37% vax rate, and with the CDC lift of mask mandates means covid's over as far as anyone's concerned. Sure, the mask-lift is only for the vaccinated, but since it's illegal to verify vaccinations, that basically means, in the minds of most, that covid was just a big hoax all along. I'm veering into the political here, so I'll just leave it at the fact that way too many people take Joe Rogan seriously around here.
Wait, is Joe Rogan an anti-vaxxer?!!!

Wait, is Joe Rogan an anti-vaxxer?!!!
Not quite, but a little adjacent. He's spent the last year sowing doubts about all matters of mitigation, the severity of the disease, the efficacy of masks, "government tyranny", etc. He recently got push back for suggesting that healthy young adults don't need the vaccine, ignoring or ignorant of the vascular nature of the virus which has a number of still-uncertain long-term health issues for survivors. We're now learning about direct DNA damage to cells. Rogan's fanciful and somewhat Darwinian attitude about the immune system ("what doesn't kill me makes me stronger"), which is pretty much irrelevant to this particular unprecedented virus, dovetails with a lot of standard anti-vaxx dogma. To be fair to Rogan, his response to this push back was to say "I am not a respectable source of information" (which maybe Spotify should consider as an advertising slogan), which is on the nose, but he's shown himself to be far more sympathetic to the covid-deniers than the medical experts, and clearly he has a huge influence.

So much tape hiss.
I'm glad that you're enjoying my demos.

Jeez, less than two weeks to submit the top foreign language film list. Anyone finished theirs? This is going to be brutal.....

The trick is not minding
Jeez, less than two weeks to submit the top foreign language film list. Anyone finished theirs? This is going to be brutal.....
I have a rough draft. It’s about 30 films yet, so I need to ponder which ones get kicked to the curb before I finally submit it.
There’s a fair bit I’m afraid I’m going to cut and then regret it immediately after submitting it.

I already submitted mine. I didn't find it too hard to assemble it, overall. I first used my favorite's list as a guide, which filled up the first half of it or so and then I looked at some GOAT lists I regularly frequent to help me fill up the remainder of it.

Jeez, less than two weeks to submit the top foreign language film list. Anyone finished theirs? This is going to be brutal.....
lol completely forgot about this.


1-25. Disco Dancer

Victim of The Night
Not quite, but a little adjacent. He's spent the last year sowing doubts about all matters of mitigation, the severity of the disease, the efficacy of masks, "government tyranny", etc. He recently got push back for suggesting that healthy young adults don't need the vaccine, ignoring or ignorant of the vascular nature of the virus which has a number of still-uncertain long-term health issues for survivors. We're now learning about direct DNA damage to cells. Rogan's fanciful and somewhat Darwinian attitude about the immune system ("what doesn't kill me makes me stronger"), which is pretty much irrelevant to this particular unprecedented virus, dovetails with a lot of standard anti-vaxx dogma. To be fair to Rogan, his response to this push back was to say "I am not a respectable source of information" (which maybe Spotify should consider as an advertising slogan), which is on the nose, but he's shown himself to be far more sympathetic to the covid-deniers than the medical experts, and clearly he has a huge influence.
That's a drag.

I got my first vaccination about three weeks ago, the day before the Canadian government stopped issuing it due to increased likelihood of bloodclotting, which I was more amused by than anything.

There is also a slowly growing anti-vax sentiment here (unsurprisingly growing along side of the increase in QAnoners spouting all sorts of embarrassments on Facebook) but not as pervasive as it seems to have become south of the border.

And even though I do sort of like Joe Rogan with a shrugging kind of acceptance, and think it isn't always a bad thing to have open dialogue with all sorts of fringey people, the guy has clearly always had a used diaper for a brain, so him keeping the door open for all sorts of really dumb conspiratorial thinking is hardly out of character.

I will concede that Rogan is the world's foremost authority on hosting Fear Factor. I'm less interested in his opinions about other topics.

He reminds me of that one friend you have that watched a documentary once and condescendingly drops facts from it into every future conversation whenever possible. So many times one of his guests will be mid-sentence only to be interrupted with Joe's "did you know the Mayans invented that?" or whatever. Followed by an unnecessarily long tangent about that thing he once read about the Mayans, as the guest politely waits to get back to his original point.

I don't hate the guy, but I also don't understand how his opinions came to be so important to so many people.
Captain's Log
My Collection

I don't hate the guy, but I also don't understand how his opinions came to be so important to so many people.

Don't under estimate the power of pointlessly dropped factoids. For those who kinda don't know much about stuff, it can sure sound impressive when someone starts rattling off the chemical composition of DMT.

I do also think there is a lot to be said for how he made his success on his own terms and was never beholden to others on who he could talk to or what he could say. And there is some legitimate value in this distinction. But, unfortunately, to far too many this alone translates as 'truth'. I guess it hasn't dawned on them that people can still lie or be stupid on their own individual, uncompromised terms. The interference of corporate interests into our thought pool is hardly the only concern out there in discourse. There are endless ways for garbage thoughts and misleading arguments to be spewed and echoed back by every person out there only half listening.

And in regards to things being spewed, it seems I will now have to track down every available movie by the Polonia Brothers (Hallucinations). I finally watched something that was nearly as bad as Rambling Man, but still better enough to shame my fourteen year old self for another couple of generations.

Considering they started making movies when they were teenagers and were likely working with minimal budgets the whole time, it is crazy how many they turned out.