24th Hall of Fame


The trick is not minding
La Dolce Vita

Marcelo is a unhappy man. He hates his job as a gossip columnist. He isn’t happy in his current relationship, which causes him to pursue many women over the course of the film. He doesn’t seem satisfied where he is in life. He seems to think he is enjoying the nightlife of Rome. Deep down he knows he wants more.

There is a lot to be said about the life he has chosen. The women all represent an escape. An opportunity. He chases after them because of what they offer. Meanwhile he has a dedicated girlfriend at home he seems to resent but can never leave. Maybe he knows it’s because deep down, he knows he may never find one as dedicated. Maybe he doesn’t think he deserves to.

Speaking of the women, they are all well cast for their parts, and are all absolutely beautiful in this. Each one nails the scenes perfectly.

Marcello meets a friend who represents what he wants. The family, the lifestyle, the intelligence. But upon stating his admiration and desire for it, his friend, Steiner, gives a warning that his life isn’t as perfect as it seems. It is a moment of foreboding, one I won’t spoil, but it’s result will have a profound effect on Marcello and his decisions at the end.

Thematically, it’s well structured. The scenes with the press and crowd frenzied over the Madonna sends a clear message about the seedy side of journalism. It’s treatment of a “miracle” is something to sell the papers, and treated seriously by the press.

In a later scene, one involving a widow who ha don’t yet received the news, is confronted by photographers as the detective and Marcello try to give her the news. It’s almost prophetic.

We even get some idea about why Marcello is the way he is when we meet his father and get some insight on their relationship.

Sure there are some scenes that go on for too long, such as the party on the castle. But it’s necessary to show. In the end, Marcello seems unhappy with his decisions. He behaves badly at a party. Mistreats a young woman who happens to be drunk. And what’s worse, is he seems to recognize this. As he stands at a beach, a “monster fish” has been brought ashore on a net (really a manta ray of some sort). He seems to make eye contact with it and it almost judges him. As if to say, “I’m not the real monster here.”

Trouble with a capital "T"
@Wyldesyde19 That's a well written review of La Dolce Vita, I like your analyze of it and how you gelled it all together. I wish I had wrote it! Glad to see people getting something from La Dolce Vita.

The trick is not minding
@Wyldesyde19 That's a well written review of La Dolce Vita, I like your analyze of it and how you gelled it all together. I wish I had wrote it! Glad to see people getting something from La Dolce Vita.
Thanks man. There is so much more to analyze from it, that requires repeated viewings. It’s such a great film! Really glad to have finally seen this

Trouble with a capital "T"
Thanks man. There is so much more to analyze from it, that requires repeated viewings. It’s such a great film! Really glad to have finally seen this
I once read that Roger Ebert had watched La Dolce Vita many, many times. Maybe even like 50! I guess he kept finding more in the film with each viewing. I need to see more Fellini.

The trick is not minding
I once read that Roger Ebert had watched La Dolce Vita many, many times. Maybe even like 50! I guess he kept finding more in the film with each viewing. I need to see more Fellini.
Same. This is his 5th film I’ve seen now. Probably his best that I’ve seen.

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Hard Times (1975)

A rather enjoyable film, though far from extraordinary.

I like how straightforward it is, Bronson plays a character that speaks to all his strengths as an actor and none of his weaknesses so that is some fine casting. It's also nice to see Coburn!
The cinematography and soundtrack work exactly how they're supposed to and help construct a tight circular narrative. I guess for what it sets out to be, the film is almost perfect. The only thing I can say about it is that the female roles are close to useless and end up only hurting the pacing.

I was, however, waiting for something else to happen. We don't ever feel any threat, as it is quite clear that Chaney will win every fight as long as it's a fair game. The only moment where there's some tension is when his adversary has the opportunity to cheat, although that is quickly resolved. But again, that was not what the director had in mind and I respect he kept faithful to his vision.


I'm trying to catch up with my own challenge but might sneak in Beasts of the Southern Wild before the month ends.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

Hard Times (1975)

A rather enjoyable film, though far from extraordinary.

I like how straightforward it is, Bronson plays a character that speaks to all his strengths as an actor and none of his weaknesses so that is some fine casting. It's also nice to see Coburn!
The cinematography and soundtrack work exactly how they're supposed to and help construct a tight circular narrative. I guess for what it sets out to be, the film is almost perfect. The only thing I can say about it is that the female roles are close to useless and end up only hurting the pacing.

I was, however, waiting for something else to happen. We don't ever feel any threat, as it is quite clear that Chaney will win every fight as long as it's a fair game. The only moment where there's some tension is when his adversary has the opportunity to cheat, although that is quickly resolved. But again, that was not what the director had in mind and I respect he kept faithful to his vision.

Glad you liked it. The drama of whether Chaney would get his fair share, which was at risk from Speed's gambling addiction and working with gangsters, was enough for me to make up for the rather one-sided boxing matches. Also, I sort of agree about the female roles being limited. Jill Ireland's character is pretty much only there to remind Chaney that it's hard to have a long-term relationship with a drifter like himself. I mentioned a few pages ago that the movie resonated with me because in this pandemic, we may all feel like Chaney right now (at least that's how it is in America, which doesn't have as generous or stable of a social safety net).

Barry Lyndon (1975)

How does 3 hours fly by so quickly...well when every shot looks like a painting and every character is complex and the lead is the hero but also the villain fairly well. In my opinion Barry Lyndon is Kubricks best film, I like The Shining more but Lyndon is just such a well constructed, well written glorious film.

To say the film is well shot is the understatement of understatements just look at the compositions. Your eyes go to the center of the film and then you can space out and enjoy the background which is almost it's own character.

One of other things I love about this film is the contrast of the characters. Ryan O'Neal is somewhat of a blank slate of a person(I think he has to be) but he's surrounded by all of these eccentrics who are living their own films. Certain characters would get one or two scenes and just make the most of it.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm done with the movies, except The Sea Inside which is Moviegal's nom. She hasn't been on MoFo for a month. I hope she comes back.

Anyway I'm glad so many new people joined the HoF I'll be hosting the 25th HoF! and hope to see all of you there.

I'm done with the movies, except The Sea Inside which is Moviegal's nom. She hasn't been on MoFo for a month. I hope she comes back.

Anyway I'm glad so many new people joined the HoF I'll be hosting the 25th HoF! and hope to see all of you there.
Where the hell is she?

Either way I'm glad I watched her nom.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I'm done with the movies, except The Sea Inside which is Moviegal's nom. She hasn't been on MoFo for a month. I hope she comes back.

Anyway I'm glad so many new people joined the HoF I'll be hosting the 25th HoF! and hope to see all of you there.
Unfortunate it looks like she won't finish. I won't call it off 100% yet but it's looking that way obviously if she's not here.

The trick is not minding
Where the hell is she?

Either way I'm glad I watched her nom.
She mentioned to me in a PM that she was taking a break. I would have thought she would have mentioned this to you 🙁

Antwone Fisher (2002)

Not only is Antwone Fisher a terribly sentimental melodrama, but it also feels like an ad or icon for its titular character. It never forgets to tell us how great and wise the man is. At times, the superlatives are poured by the man himself, but also by those caught in his halo, like the psychiatrist. A less arrogant person would write an honestly fictional story based on his experiences, but that's apparently not enough for Fisher. It had to be about him.

The same is true for his faults; there's always someone else to blame. It gets tiresome to watch this Gary Stu impress everyone, and tell everyone how impressive he is (like his meeting with his mom, which lacked any emotion and was basically him telling her how great and intelligent a man he is). And the most important thing to tell his shrink afterward is that he got laid.

Other than the annoying protagonist, the film is cliched. Washington proves that he has the technical understanding of how to direct a movie, but the film lacks vision and heart. The therapeutic sessions are especially bad, as they seem to last only a couple of minutes, even in the film time (like Fisher's first visit to the doctor's house). They don't feel real at all, but simply devices to get the few needed words out.

A biography that feels fake. A drama without emotion. A lackluster movie. Sorry, but not my thing.

I don't get some of the criticism either but I believe pahaK prefers fantasy. The cliche part makes me wonder, just the same as when he ripped apart Boys Don't Cry in roulette saying it was just like any other redneck terrorizes someone movie. No it's not, it's a true story, and often times life is cliched. I think when watching a biography the viewer would want things as close to accurate as possible? As far as when Antwone met his mother, I thought he acted very noble. Instead of going in there like a victim, blaming, and saying look what you did to me, he tells her it all came out ok.