MoFo Movie Roulette


28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Posting new round sometime tomorrow.

If anyone wants to sub for JJ, I'm open to it.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews


Recommended by Edarsenal

Surprised by not hearing of this film before. The last I heard from Guy Ritchie, he was boinking a local girl here named Madonna. I do love a good crime drama/comedy and this fit that bill. The story line was alright, but the real focus was on its stellar cast. Especially Tom Wilkenson and Tom Hardy here.

Overall, a better than average fun film

Trouble with a capital "T"

The Swimmer (1968)

Very few films evoke my emotions or stir my imagination like The Swimmer did. I'm still reflecting on the odyssey that the swimmer took and the meaning of it all. I appreciate that the film doesn't explain the swimmer's back story...and I don't need to know it either. It's more than enough to experience the pathos of a lost soul homeward bound.

The Swimmer (1968)

Very few films evoke my emotions or stir my imagination like The Swimmer did. I'm still reflecting on the odyssey that the swimmer took and the meaning of it all. I appreciate that the film doesn't explain the swimmer's back story...and I don't need to know it either. It's more than enough to experience the pathos of a lost soul homeward bound.

I don't know why I didn't think of it for you in the Personal Recommendation HoF

Trouble with a capital "T"
I don't know why I didn't think of it for you in the Personal Recommendation HoF
That reminds me I should go check it off my MoFo list.

Lancaster was so good in this. Sometimes in his movies he plays it 'large' but he had the perfect personality to pull this role off. And OMG was Joan Rivers that young, she was really good in it too.

The Swimmer (1968)

Very few films evoke my emotions or stir my imagination like The Swimmer did. I'm still reflecting on the odyssey that the swimmer took and the meaning of it all. I appreciate that the film doesn't explain the swimmer's back story...and I don't need to know it either. It's more than enough to experience the pathos of a lost soul homeward bound.

I finally saw this last year myself.
I remember catching a little bit of it (probably on TCM) a long time ago and being so intrigued by the concept of "swimming home" one pool at a time that I spent years wanting to see this movie, but never being able to find it.

Not knowing the backstory is integral as the movie revolves around the audience trying to put those pieces together, but only in the vaguest sense as subtle clues are dropped throughout the story.

Also intense is how the weather & cinematography gradually changes along with the attitude of the Swimmer as his odyssey progresses.

Very thought provoking and a total head trip.

An aside: the film is based on a short story by John Cheever who'd I'd only ever heard of on Seinfeld (thus, I wasn't even sure he was real when first hearing his name mentioned on a sit com). On an episode of Seinfeld it's revealed through found love letters that George's fiancée; Susan's father once had a sexual interlude & affair with author John Cheever!

Trouble with a capital "T"
Yeah, I noticed how the weather and especially the pools got worse as he got closer to home. But where did he come from in the first place!

I watched The Swimmer, another good one. I'll post my thoughts tomorrow.
Sorry to go on... but I can't say enough about The Swimmer.

One funny thing is, since I'd only seen a small bit of it on TV, with the parts I saw being more toward the beginning, I kind of guessed this movie might be one about self-discovery and be an uplifting message of growth, hope, motivation and inspiration. (So I had that in my mind as a guess about the rest of the movie for those years I wanted to see the whole film.)

Well... as you can guess... I was part right about the self-discovery thing (maybe) but was in for a major surprise for the rest!

Trouble with a capital "T"
Sorry to go on... but I can't say enough about The Swimmer.

One funny thing is, since I'd only seen a small bit of it on TV, with the parts I saw being more toward the beginning, I kind of guessed this movie might be one about self-discovery and be an uplifting message of growth, hope, motivation and inspiration. (So I had that in my mind as a guess about the rest of the movie for those years I wanted to see the whole film.)

Well... as you can guess... I was part right about the self-discovery thing (maybe) but was in for a major surprise for the rest!
I'd heard about it too for years, but didn't know a thing about it, except it was about swimming! And had Burt Lancaster in it. It's a film that's worth a second watch.

Yeah, I noticed how the weather and especially the pools got worse as he got closer to home. But where did he come from in the first place!
We never know...
WARNING: "Spoilers if you haven't seen it" spoilers below
Perhaps a rehab center, a mental hospital, a debtor's prison, another neighbor's, friend's or relative's house who had tried to help him recover from a trauma (with maybe an even nicer pool), or a long trip that took him far from his former home in an effort to forget.

We're left to wonder if he was suffering from amnesia - as his memories & pain are slowly brought back to him as familiar things remind him as he swims, or if he was just in a severe state of denial due to the problems & traumatic events that occurred with his family - some of which we learn he bore at least some responsibility for. We can also speculate that, as he remembers his own role in whatever happened, his new shiny reality (apparently a construct of his own denial) slowly begins to cave in on him... like an old pool that's falling apart.

I'd heard about it too for years, but didn't know a thing about it, except it was about swimming! And had Burt Lancaster in it. It's a film that's worth a second watch.
Yes! I think you miss a lot in one go-round, mostly because you're not looking for it. There are lots of hints and clues you weren't aware were being provided the first time you see it. So it's a film that is probably interesting to watch a second time once you know the ending.

@Citizen Rules

We have very different tastes in general, but there's been some common ground too. I'll try to post three choices later today, but I may end up using a film or two already mentioned on this thread.