Guess The Movie - by watching a short clip



For the past few months, I have been working on a fun project - movie guessing game.
Try to guess a movie by watching short clip and with help of hints.

The rules are simple.
If you do not guess the movie right, you lose a life.
But if you guess it fast, you get a new life.

Though, there is a coefficient that calculates the difficulty level of a given movie clip, the algorithm also learns if a clip is easy or hard to guess based on players' answers. It means that the more you guys play, the better it will get.

Here's the game:

It is in beta and I would love to hear your feedback and thoughts.
Special thanks for spotting bugs.
- Do you think the game is too easy, or maybe it is too hard?
- How are the UX and UI?
- Anything you don’t like?

I kept pressing "Start Game", but it wouldn't start. :/
What browser are you using?
Are you on PC or mobile?

Trouble with a capital "T"
I kept pressing "Start Game", but it wouldn't start. :/
It's probably your ad blocker. The game didn't work for me until I switched off uBlock Origin. Specifically the reason is the site ( is included in a filter list so would have to have a per site exception made in the ad blocker settings.

A system of cells interlinked
I think I got to the end? Maybe have a screen at the end that tells people the game is over.

I scored 1450.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

I think I got to the end? Maybe have a screen at the end that tells people the game is over.

I scored 1450.
There should be a popup that comes when you don't have any lives left.
How you know you got to the end? Maybe you had one more life left?

A system of cells interlinked
I just stopped playing videos at one point, and would't proceed no matter what I did. I only missed one movie (I guessed Toy Story instead of Toy Story 2), and guessed at least 5 that gave me the fast guess dialogue. At one point, the game just stopped running.

I just stopped playing videos at one point, and would't proceed no matter what I did. I only missed one movie (I guessed Toy Story instead of Toy Story 2), and guessed at least 5 that gave me the fast guess dialogue. At one point, the game just stopped running.
Thank you for discovering a bug.
Can you please help to identify the problem.
How it stopped running. Did no button work? Some window didn't open? Next question didn't appear?

Hey guys,

some time has passed and I finally found some time to fix all the bugs