Things that annoy you...


You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
People who walk too quietly.

I was sitting at my desk, (reading the forum), and I decided to go to the kitchen to get a cold drink. Hubby was supposed to be in the bedroom sleeping, but as I walked into the kitchen, Hubby unintentionally snuck up quietly behind me in the dark hallway, and he quietly tapped on the hallway wall to warn me that he was there. I nearly jumped out of my skin.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

People who walk too quietly.

I was sitting at my desk, (reading the forum), and I decided to go to the kitchen to get a cold drink. Hubby was supposed to be in the bedroom sleeping, but as I walked into the kitchen, Hubby unintentionally snuck up quietly behind me in the dark hallway, and he quietly tapped on the hallway wall to warn me that he was there. I nearly jumped out of my skin.
I used to be a security guard and I learned quickly to jangle my keys while on my night patrols because I had too many times when I got scared by people who didn't hear me coming or scared other people who didn't hear me coming.

Of course I also developed my ninja skills because sometimes you didn't want people to know you were coming - like people you caught up to no good or trespassers you wanted to catch by surprise.

People who walk too quietly.

I was sitting at my desk, (reading the forum), and I decided to go to the kitchen to get a cold drink. Hubby was supposed to be in the bedroom sleeping, but as I walked into the kitchen, Hubby unintentionally snuck up quietly behind me in the dark hallway, and he quietly tapped on the hallway wall to warn me that he was there. I nearly jumped out of my skin.
My husband does this all the time. In England they call someone like this “Creeping Jesus”. No clue why, but it’s a brilliant description.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
My husband does this all the time. In England they call someone like this “Creeping Jesus”. No clue why, but it’s a brilliant description.

I've never heard that term, but the word "creeping" seems to fit.

"Howdy - can ah git fnrrhv packs of hmmblnrrff"

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
People who mumble.

This is especially annoying right now with people wearing masks. Speak the hell up and enunciate!! I can't f***ing understand you!
oooooooooh you would totally hate me then.

"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

Do I point at my crotch
when I ask where the toilet is?
I do.
I'm quite shy, I usually point at a strangers crotch

You don't name it, do you? If so, I think I know the real you.
Only on Thursdays

I’m not annoyed per se, but don’t know where to put this comment.

The New York Times real estate section yesterday reported that the term “master bedroom” is no longer a PC term. Didn’t read the entire thing as I think it’s ludicrous, but it brings up memories of slavery apparently.

Shall continue to refer to my largest bedroom as my “master bedroom”.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I’m not annoyed per se, but don’t know where to put this comment.

The New York Times real estate section yesterday reported that the term “master bedroom” is no longer a PC term. Didn’t read the entire thing as I think it’s ludicrous, but it brings up memories of slavery apparently.

Shall continue to refer to my largest bedroom as my “master bedroom”.
I did hear a reference on NPR a few weeks ago that that conversation was happening. They mentioned the bedroom example but focused on tech like master and slave drive relationships in networking. One of the ..panelists (?) noted that those in the industry weren't really bringing attention to it, just that it was an example of how the master/slave dynamic plays out in non racial contexts (which I guess doesn't have to be race-related if you take the world's history into context---whew, can of worms I'm risking opening!!! NOT my point to do!!). But to use that example as a way to ask if it is a remnant of racism that has been passed down over time to the point we don't realize being so ingrained, or is it completely unrelated and reasonable. I believe the speaker noted that it might be silly to go so deep (my words, my interpretation), but it's good to question these things for our own awareness as a society.

I am not advocating one view or another. Just I thought it was interesting the coincidence of you bringing this up with the radio cast I heard on the topic.'s good to question these things for our own awareness as a society.
True, but not when it gets the point where we’re afraid to speak at all.

What will be taboo next? “Dark” chocolate, e.g. Perhaps “intensely colored” chocolate would be better. But, wait, we absolutely cannot use the word “colored”.

Popped into WEBSTER Bank to change some smaller bills for a larger bill. First time we’re allowed in for months. Headed off to the teller & a woman comes galloping after me & says I must sign in. She had a yellow legal pad & I had to write my name. I asked her why & she said they want to see how many people come in.

Walking home, this made no sense since they could count us without our names. Seems to me they wanted this for contact tracing (if needed). Why couldn’t they just say so without sneaking around the issue.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Popped into WEBSTER Bank to change some smaller bills for a larger bill. First time we’re allowed in for months. Headed off to the teller & a woman comes galloping after me & says I must sign in. She had a yellow legal pad & I had to write my name. I asked her why & she said they want to see how many people come in.

Walking home, this made no sense since they could count us without our names. Seems to me they wanted this for contact tracing (if needed). Why couldn’t they just say so without sneaking around the issue.
That's silly of the bank to do. I assume the bank person was handing people a pen along with the yellow legal pad? If so that pen could spread covid.

That's silly of the bank to do. I assume the bank person was handing people a pen along with the yellow legal pad? If so that pen could spread covid.
Yikes, never thought of that. But, before I left, she made me double-back & use hand sanitizer. I was glad to get out of there!

Trouble with a capital "T"
Yikes, never thought of that. But, before I left, she made me double-back & use hand sanitizer. I was glad to get out of there!
Thank goodness for hand sanitizer! I've been using it for a long time now.