What should the next Mofo Top 100 Countdown be?


What should the next Countdown be?
14 votes
All Time Top 100
12 votes
7 votes
1 votes
1 votes
Black & White Films
1 votes
0 votes
2 votes
Foreign Lanuage
0 votes
3 votes
2 votes
1 votes
44 votes. You may not vote on this poll

Trouble with a capital "T"
I just added a poll to the thread. Take a look & vote

NOTE: It's not multiple choice, it's one vote per person only, so vote for whatever countdown you want to have next.

Added my vote for all time top 100. Some of you almost convinced me not to though

Trouble with a capital "T"
Added my vote for all time top 100. Some of you almost convinced me not to though
It'll be interesting to see which is the most popular. And of course we can do some of the other countdown ideas later.

It'll be interesting to see which is the most popular. And of course we can do some of the other countdown ideas later.
Yes, exactly. The worst possible outcome of a general top 100 is... we wasted a couple months and can move on to the next countdown.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Yes, exactly. The worst possible outcome of a general top 100 is... we wasted a couple months and can move on to the next countdown.
Whatever we pick won't be a waste They are all good choices...BTW the choices were all mentioned in this thread. Well except comedy which had been mentioned in a previous countdown thread.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I voted for 2000s, but it's not actually my first choice.

My first choice is Musicals, but this forum seems to have too many people who hate the classic musicals, so I think the results of a MoFo Top 100 Musicals might be disappointing.

My second choice is Comedy, but again, my taste in comedy seems to be very different from many people here, so a MoFo Top 100 Comedies might also be disappointing.

So I played it safe, and voted for 2000s because I haven't seen enough movies from the 2000s, so I have no expectations.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

My vote was Noir...

Foreign Language - I feel like this should be region centric
Black and White - meh

Comedy - maybe but we have so few people who value comedy on this board
Fantasy - don't know if we could get 100
2010's - not before the 00's
100 - I don't think this would work
Action - haven't even done a Hall of Fame yet
Musicals - I wouldn't mind but I wouldn't do the Hall of Fame
War - meh

I voted 2000s, which is probably my favorite decade for movies, but I’m game for any of these except musicals and war. Not super keen on noir but could probably come up with a partial ballot for it.

2010s all day, baby. we can't do an all-time list until we do it, and the 2000s has basically already been done and it throws off the whole chronological cycle we've been on. and the decade/genre alternating cycle we've been on has been perfect so we definitely shouldn't do two genres in a row.
Most Biblical movies were long If I Recall.
seen A Clockwork Orange. In all honesty, the movie was weird and silly

Trouble with a capital "T"
2010s all day, baby. we can't do an all-time list until we do it, and the 2000s has basically already been done and it throws off the whole chronological cycle we've been on. and the decade/genre alternating cycle we've been on has been perfect so we definitely shouldn't do two genres in a row.
That's a pretty convincing argument, so I voted 2010s. I could also go for 2000s or All Time Top movies. I think a genre would/should come after this one.

Voted 2000s, would rather do 2000s - genre - 2010s - genre - all-time personally.
As for genres, I'd quite like to see either an LGBT or non-English language list done.

Voted 2000s, would rather do 2000s - genre - 2010s - genre - all-time personally.
That's exactly what I'd do as well.

As for genres, I'd quite like to see either an LGBT or non-English language list done.
Non-English maybe and definitely Action. Maybe War, too. I wonder how many people would delve deep into the alphabet one (I for sure wouldn't)?

I wonder how many people would delve deep into the alphabet one (I for sure wouldn't)?
I think there'd probably be the same adverse reaction toward it (and possibly even moreso) from some quarters on here as there was for the 'directed by women' countdown so I don't expect it to ever happen but that doesn't preclude me from stating that I for one would support it.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
All time all day long! Plenty of time over the coming years to do whatever other countdowns need doing.

2010's - My pick, I understand people's want to do 2000's first, but almost 90% of the Millennium list is 2000's films, so I don't know if there would be much difference or if the countdown would be as exciting as a 2010's one.

Foreign language, musicals, all time 100, - Also great choices
2000's, action, B&W - Good choices
Noir, war, comedy, fantasy - Eh

The suggestion of an LGBT one sounds good too.

I'd definitely love to do LGBT as well. I think after the all time top 100 we should do 2000s, and then LGBT would be my choice for "genre".
Lists and Projects

Welcome to the human race...
An LGBT countdown would be an interesting one. There's something to be said for going for something completely new rather than redoing existing lists (am I right in reading that people want to redo some of the decades we already covered?).

In any case, I voted for all-time.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Am I right in reading that people want to redo some of the decades we already covered?
I think the millennium list is the only one a significant number of people want to redo, since it's not a true decade list (it contains movies from 2000 to 2011).