The Personal Recommendation Hall of Fame


The trick is not minding
Before Sunrise

Love can be fleeting. Sometimes it isn’t by choice. You meet someone connect, but circumstances get in the way. Watching this reminds me of this woman from Bangladesh who I met at a party and we hit it off well. We spent even less time together, a few hours at best. Eventually I had to return home, while she had to return to her native Bangladesh. But we haven’t forgotten each other, as we communicate via Facebook and we both wonder “If only we had more time....”
And of course that’s what Jesse (Ethan Hawke) and Céline (Julie Delpy) are experiencing. They meet on the train, he heading to Vienna, she to Paris. They connect, and he convinced her to spend the rest of the day and night with him. It wasn’t a hard sell.
The movie follows them as they explore Vienna, and the conversations they have. It isn’t long before they both admit their feelings towards each other.
The dialogue comes off as sometimes disingenuous at times. Delpy is fine, but Hawke seems like a caricature at times.
But the mood is captured nonetheless, as they steal glances at each other, longing for extra time that doesn’t exist.
In the end, the head to the train for her to leave and they must make a decision. I won’t spoil it here, but it’s satisfying I believe.*
Good movie. Not exactly great, and I hovered between 2 1/2 to 3 stars on my own 4 star rating. Finally settled on:
3 *’s

I've never understood the mass popularity of that movie. I'm sure it helped that you could relate to the young couple. Meanwhile I was trying to figure out why he wasn't trying to drill her in the bathroom before they got off the train.

The trick is not minding
I've never understood the mass popularity of that movie. I'm sure it helped that you could relate to the young couple. Meanwhile I was trying to figure out why he wasn't trying to drill her in the bathroom before they got off the train.
Yeah, it was a good movie but wasn’t great. Like I mentioned before, I had issues with Hawkes character. Especially his dialogue.

Yeah, it was a good movie but wasn’t great. Like I mentioned before, I had issues with Hawkes character. Especially his dialogue.
I've tried it a couple of times. Hopefully there's never any kind of tournament that requires me to watch the sequels.

The trick is not minding
Also, I finished Sullivan’s Travels last night and I plan on writing a review for that today.
That just leaves The Shop Around the Corner and I’m done.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I've tried it a couple of times. Hopefully there's never any kind of tournament that requires me to watch the sequels.

I love the first movie, but IMO, the sequels aren't as good.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

I'm super excited for the Before trilogy. Though I haven't loved the other two Linklater films I've seen (Waking Life and A Scanner Darkly).
Lists and Projects

I'm super excited for the Before trilogy. Though I haven't loved the other two Linklater films I've seen (Waking Life and A Scanner Darkly).
I don't like those either. I love Dazed and Confused, Everybody Wants Some, and Boyhood, and School of Rock was pretty good.

The trick is not minding
I really wanted to Like Before Sunrise more, as I’m a sucker for bittersweet romance, but I just didn’t care for the script.
Still, it isn’t bad.
Eventually, I’ll get to the sequels someday. Today Isn’t that day.
Tomorrow doesn’t look so good either.....

Women will be your undoing, Pépé


Moon-gwang: What are you, a family of charlatans?

If you haven't seen this --- DO NOT f@ckin read this!!

Seeing just how well it worked for @cricket, I did the exact same thing and went into this completely blind. Having no idea what the story was or which genre(s) it was made in.
And I am so happy I did!

Like cricket I was pretty surprised with how much i laughed during this dark comedy. In fact,
WARNING: "to anyone who has seen this:" spoilers below
was one of the loudest laughs when the wife nonchalantly kicks the housekeeper down the stairs?
It was for me.

I'm a fan of Director Bong Joon Ho and an even bigger fan of the father played by Kang-ho Song since I first saw him playing The Weird in The Good, The Bad & The Weird and here we get a wonderful blend of genres that Ho has done extraordinary work in, creating something funny, dark and as we proceed deeper within, disturbing. But what a ride it is!

Since I do not want to spoil anything for those who haven't seen it so that they can have the same exciting experience, it's going to be rather tricky to write any kind of actual review.
Make that d@mn near impossible. So, again, if you haven't seen this -- seriously, stop f@ckin reading this, already!

I can say that I thoroughly enjoyed both the Kim and Park families, with the daughter of the Kim family having such an agile mindset in getting things accomplished. And how proud her parents were about it made me laugh.
When I saw how quickly the Kims were able to establish themselves so early in the moive I was incredibly intrigued to see how things would go sideways. And when they did and just how far it goes, my mouth and eyes were the size of saucers for the second half of the film.

There are a number of nods to Alfred Hitchcock in this film of dark comedy within a dramatic tale that unfolds into a thriller. If Hitchcock was alive I'm pretty d@mn sure he'd absolutely love this film.
Bong Joon Ho's cinematography is gorgeous and a beautiful aid to the dialogue and actions of the characters throughout this film.
And while I have not seen any of the other films that were nominated for Best Picture for 2019 -- f@ckit, it deserves it's win.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Trouble with a capital "T"
Glad you liked it, Parasite was my choice for you. I hope it wasn't to hard to find to watch. I know you said you had some playback issues, hope that all worked out finally.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Glad you liked it, Parasite was my choice for you. I hope it wasn't to hard to find to watch. I know you said you had some playback issues, hope that all worked out finally.
I gotta say I am very pleasantly surprised that you picked this for me. I would not guess this as a film you'd pick. Wonderful choice!
Have you actually seen this?

Trouble with a capital "T"
I gotta say I am very pleasantly surprised that you picked this for me. I would not guess this as a film you'd pick. Wonderful choice!
Have you actually seen this?
Nope, haven't seen it, but I want to as just about everyone seems to like it. .

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
And the playback issues seemed to stem from my TV in the basement and only for Hulu, nothing else, so I ended up catching the majority of it at work even though I wanted to just sit back and watch it in the comfort of my home without work related interruptions, instead of on a computer in my work chair. But, luckily, there was almost no interruptions while watching this.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Nope, haven't seen it, but I want to as just about everyone seems to like it. .
The second half may be a little rough for you, but I think the first half you'll get an absolute kick out of.

Trouble with a capital "T"
The second half may be a little rough for you, but I think the first half you'll get an absolute kick out of.
I'm sure I could muster through.

Hey, I see you have one more choice to watch The Imposter (2012)...I've seen that, it was one of the noms in the Documentary HoF. I liked it, it's a pretty wild story. I won't say more, so it's not spoiled for you.