Recommend me movies I will rate five stars!


Have you seen:

Noriko's Dinner Table (2005)?

I don't know if you'd rate it 5/5, but you might. I think you'd really like it.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Well you are a harsh judge of cinema, so how can someone think you would rate a film 5 stars.. you rarely do!
Me? A harsh judge? I'm pretty lenient with films. It's not my fault I've already seen most masterpieces.
Have you seen: Noriko's Dinner Table (2005)?
Of course. I'm a great admirer of Sion Sono, and it's a great film, but nowhere near a 5. His latest films are his greatest, though, with The Whispering Star being the best film of its decade.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Me? A harsh judge? I'm pretty lenient with films. It's not my fault I've already seen most masterpieces.

Pashaw! You are a harsh judge. I think one of the masterpieces out there is "Marketa Lazarova". What rating did you give it?

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Sion sono? Geez stop overrating him you cult!
I had to reread this a couple of times to realize you didn't use the c word.
Btw how about Love and Peace (2015)? :3
Haven't seen yet. Will watch one day. Not very interested in it atm.
Pashaw! You are a harsh judge. I think one of the masterpieces out there is "Marketa Lazarova". What rating did you give it?
in my old system

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right

Trivia: Szamanka is thought to be one of the worst films ever made by many Polish film buffs.

IMO, it's not even the worst Żuławski film, but it's quite lousy.

Twilight Portrait is a fine contemporary Russian film. I was really into them when I first got into cinema. It's not the tops, tho.

This seems to be a backwards discussion. Since your 5-star taste is so individual and out of the pop mainstream, it would be much less of a shot in the dark proposition if you list out your 5-star movies and we decide whether we recommend them.


Trivia: Szamanka is thought to be one of the worst films ever made by many Polish film buffs.

IMO, it's not even the worst Żuławski film, but it's quite lousy.

Twilight Portrait is a fine contemporary Russian film. I was really into them when I first got into cinema. It's not the tops, tho.
Both films seem to be rare finds to watch for someone in US.

I enjoyed them and they seemed a bit obsure art house.

This seems to be a backwards discussion. Since your 5-star taste is so individual and out of the pop mainstream, it would be much less of a shot in the dark proposition if you list out your 5-star movies and we decide whether we recommend them.
I don't think Mr.Minio's 5 star taste is especially individualistic. From what I've seen it's pretty objectively artistic. There's a reason he's the president of the arthouse mafia. I fully support Mr.Minio's appreciation of art, even if we don't agree about a lot of things, I highly respect his appreciation of art. I can't say the same about you, skizzerflake, or whoever you are.

Man, honestly even reviewing this thread I've been pretty disappointed. Mr.Minio is one of two people on movieforums who I consider the best when it comes to their appreciation of artistic cinema.

I look up to you, Minio, even if you're a bit of a cult.... I may think you're not so smart on some other issues, but when it comes to cinema, you're one of the few people who has truly great taste. Pornos aside, your appreciation and knowledge of artistic cinema is top tier.

((Edit: Well, okay, maybe I have to give skizzerflake more credit. But I still think Minio is more objective in what he rates 5 stars than a lot of people. And I completely support the notion of this thread. Why not ask people to recommend you the best movies they can think of in the pursuit of the best movies out there. That's entirely noble.))

I had to reread this a couple of times to realize you didn't use the c word
Zehahaha dont underestimate the power of my.. Iingo! You cult.

@Mr Minio is a great guy. I know him pretty well and I know his taste in cinema. I enjoy Arthouse as well as other genres. I'm sure he respects my opinion and tastes. He loves to tease me anyway he can so he trashs my extreme tastes.

Ok Mr Pancake rating of Caterpillar 2010?


I'm more harsh on judging cinema. I RARELY give anything 5 stars.

Most cinema is 3 to 3.5 if watchable.

Well, my 10 star movies I would recommend are all on your 5 star list or your 4.5 star list.

The only exceptions seem to be Mysterious Skin and maybe also The Last Wave (though I feel like this is a film I'd assume you'd seen)?

It's always fun seeing where someone else ranks your favorites and getting a sense of which of your favorites they'd probably dislike (ie Predestination).

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Lady Snowblood, how did you rate that? And the second film?
Just look it up yourself, you lazybones!

in old rating system and
in new.
The second part is a perfectible 3.5/1.
I highly respect his appreciation of art. I can't say the same about you, skizzerflake, or whoever you are.
I may think you're not so smart on some other issues
Now, don't be cheeky!
Whaa... my knowledge in this field is tremendous. It's just that I'm not so willing to share it here. I ain't called the King of Kinkiness for nothing!
But I still think Minio is more objective in what he rates 5 stars than a lot of people
Sorry to break it to you, but my ratings are 100% subjective.
Why not ask people to recommend you the best movies they can think of
And get a rec of Shawshank Redemption, Green Mile and Forrest Gump? No, thanks.
I'm sure he respects my opinion and tastes.
What a terrible taste this girl, MovieGal has! I've never seen such bad taste! Seriously, how can I respect her insidious taste?! She probably can't wait to watch Squirmfest and scream all about it so that people can see how edgy and DARK and CONTROVERSIAL she is.
Ok Mr Pancake rating of Caterpillar 2010?
Once again, you have me on Letterboxd, you can check it out yourself. It's one of my least Wakamatsu films (apart from that Commie garbage) - it's a 3.5/1 flick.
The only exceptions seem to be Mysterious Skin and maybe also The Last Wave (though I feel like this is a film I'd assume you'd seen)?
Haven't seen either. Weir is a fine director, but quite an overrated one based on what I've seen. I haven't seen a single Gregg Araki film. The trailers always give me that vulgar teenager feel that repels me, but maybe I will give him a chance one day...

Just look it up yourself, you lazybones!

What a terrible taste this girl, MovieGal has! I've never seen such bad taste! Seriously, how can I respect her insidious taste?! She probably can't wait to watch Squirmfest and scream all about it so that people can see how edgy and DARK and CONTROVERSIAL she is.

Apparently YOU DON'T pay attention to what I really watch... I think I watch Historical Dramas the most! But its ok, still luv ya.

Haven't seen either. Weir is a fine director, but quite an overrated one based on what I've seen.
The Last Wave, aside from being a really interesting story, also features some neat imagery. Its opening sequence is very startling and memorable.

I haven't seen a single Gregg Araki film. The trailers always give me that vulgar teenager feel that repels me, but maybe I will give him a chance one day...
You aren't wrong about the vulgarity of his films. But Mysterious Skin, maybe largely due to the high-quality book from which it's adapted, is also a deeply empathetic film. The performances are strong across the board. And the way that it visually captures the subjective experience of trauma is really impressive.