Rioting in the U.S.


The far left in my country India at least has some ideological connection with China and takes a pro China stance in many India China disputes. Reason is that China is at least officially a communist state though it has given up communist economic policies for a long time now.

The far left connection in these riots makes me wonder of some Chinese influence on those rioters . Is China stirring up trouble in anticipation of backlash from america over coronavirus?
"Фильм призван вызвать духовную волну, а не взращивать идолопоклонников."

What's funny is my town in WV just had a peaceful protest a day ago and literally nothing was burned down. Only one guy was arrested and it was a guy who got out of his car and tried to fight the protesters because they were blocking the road. Everywhere else is getting way outta hand. One witness in Dallas described the city as a "warzone" with the FBI coming in with drones being used and shutting down the whole city.

Obviously my town is big but not the size of ones like NY, LA, DC, Dallas, or Chicago so im not surprised if this is being escalated by certain organizations infiltrating protests in these bigger cities.

Breaking Geneva Convention. Kewl.

EDIT: Apparently they're not. Sorry for misinformation.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
My take on the problem with the US Police,

-You have 50 sovereign states all with differing laws.
-In each state you have State Police, bigger cities have their own dept, and County Sheriffs, then various Federal agencies.
-So, over 3000 sheriff "fiefdoms" elected by the community, I'm not sure if State Superintendents are elected or not.

So the problem with the above is inconsistency, as far as I'm aware all European countries have 1 police force, divided into areas/counties with their own commissioners, but all answerable to Government.

So all it takes is a couple of bad areas led by bad cops, or elected by good God fearing folk to keep the "lower class" citizens in line. Go to Netflix right now and you can find dozens of documentaries about shocking miscarriages of justice.

Then to compound the problem,

-Shocking lack of punishment against Police unless there is a video.
-Thin Blue Line, Brothhood mentality, us vs them, anyone who dares inform against another cop will suffer(see officer fired for stopping officer choking suspect).
-Militarization of Police, are they the army or there to protect their communities? It isn't clear sometimes. How many people or pets have to die in over aggressive no knock raids?
-Financial cost of fighting back against injustice, and laws making it near impossible to sue Police.
-Awful Police Unions who fight tooth and nail for the very worst officers.
- Low or virtually non existant educational requirements in the US to become a Police officer.

I believe the vast majority of Police are likely decent folk but the setup in the US makes it too easy to be a bad cop and get away with it, particularly in rural southern areas.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Good post^^and yes it's important to remember the innocent pets.
There's some awful videos out there. Family get raided due to a bad tip off and some incompetent Officer playing Rambo shoots the small family dog LOCKED IN ITS CAGE! They find about 1 spliff worth of Marijuana.

Another one they raid a town Mayor by mistake and shoot his labrador. Why shoot a barking scared dog? Same thing as shooting someone running away that is no threat.

There's some awful videos out there. Family get raided due to a bad tip off and some incompetent Officer playing Rambo shoots the small family dog LOCKED IN ITS CAGE! They find about 1 spliff worth of Marijuana.

Another one they raid a town Mayor by mistake and shoot his labrador. Why shoot a barking scared dog? Same thing as shooting someone running away that is no threat.
I've seen some of these and they make me ill.

Here is my issue with this:

How come in all the cases (Such as these), it's always someone "resisting" an officer? If an officer tells me to stop, you better believe I'll stop. Even that young Trayvon Martin guy got in a physical altercation with a security guard (ZImmerman).

Why not just be respectful and walk away?

Why push an officer over the edge? They wake up and deal with horrible situations. That's there lives. Why are you messing with them?

Hasn't anyone heard "Don't start nothing, won't be nothing?".

When you mess with a cop by "resisting", then you asked for it.

Why disrespect someone who's line is literally on the line every single day.

Also, it's never a Chinese person or some Indian immigrant?. If someone is racist, they are racist to everybody.

Why it's usually an African American who is the victim?

I don't think it's an external issue, this is an internal issue within the African American community.

We have had several nights of protest here about this issue. The Plaza area was vandalized Saturday night and Sunday, the news showed the protest. Everything was under control until the 8 pm curfew then a few individuals started throwing frozen water bottles at the police officers. I just couldn't believe it. Our mayor was all for the protest but then people disrespect him and the city by acting out when it was a curfew. **shakes my head**

Trouble with a capital "T"
Here is my issue with this:

How come in all the cases (Such as these), it's always someone "resisting" an officer? If an officer tells me to stop, you better believe I'll stop. Even that young Trayvon Martin guy got in a physical altercation with a security guard (ZImmerman).

Why not just be respectful and walk away?

Why push an officer over the edge? They wake up and deal with horrible situations. That's there lives. Why are you messing with them?

Hasn't anyone heard "Don't start nothing, won't be nothing?".

When you mess with a cop by "resisting", then you asked for it.

Why disrespect someone who's line is literally on the line every single day.

Also, it's never a Chinese person or some Indian immigrant?. If someone is racist, they are racist to everybody.

Why it's usually an African American who is the victim?

I don't think it's an external issue, this is an internal issue within the African American community.
OMG, let's not blame the victim! And lets NOT blame the entire African American community!

George Floyd was handcuffed and on the ground, there was no need for a cop to crush his neck with his knee for eight minutes straight. That's just monstrous.

I do support the police and believe the overwhelming of officers are good & brave people who risk their lives daily to keep us safe. But in this one case there was one helluva bad cop who caused a needless death. Was the cop racist? I don't know. Just because he's white and the suspect was black doesn't automatically make him a racist, even though the media loves to say that. We need to hold individuals accountable for their actions and stop judging people by their skin color.

I didn't see that much resistance from George Floyd. He was impaired, and officers need to be able to deal with people who are impaired or suffering from mental illness in a better way.

It's true that it happens to blacks more than other minorities. It's not a mystery to me that it's because as a group they commit a lot of crime. I would also guess that they are more hostile towards police because of what society tells them, and also what they have gone through. It's a vicious circle, and that's why I don't like the whole racial injustice thing in specific cases that don't warrant it. I think the only way to effectively combat this problem and defeat it is with true solidarity, meaning take the race out of it. I don't think it helps to cite race in these instances. Even when it's a factor, it's something we have to get past and conquer.

Here is my issue with this:

How come in all the cases (Such as these), it's always someone "resisting" an officer? If an officer tells me to stop, you better believe I'll stop. Even that young Trayvon Martin guy got in a physical altercation with a security guard (ZImmerman).

Why not just be respectful and walk away?

Why push an officer over the edge? They wake up and deal with horrible situations. That's there lives. Why are you messing with them?

Hasn't anyone heard "Don't start nothing, won't be nothing?".

When you mess with a cop by "resisting", then you asked for it.

Why disrespect someone who's line is literally on the line every single day.

Also, it's never a Chinese person or some Indian immigrant?. If someone is racist, they are racist to everybody.

Why it's usually an African American who is the victim?

I don't think it's an external issue, this is an internal issue within the African American community.
Wow. You must be joking. That’s one of the most insensitive comments I’ve read.

A protest a mile from my house in Brockton just turned ugly and my dogs are going crazy from the booms. Got both cars backed into the garage so if someone comes into my driveway they're getting run over.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
I downloaded a police scanner app and was listening to LIVE reports about looting, gunfire, and people being shot. It's getting depressing.

A protest a mile from my house in Brockton just turned ugly and my dogs are going crazy from the booms. Got both cars backed into the garage so if someone comes into my driveway they're getting run over.
You have a two car garage?

Let the night air cool you off
A protest a mile from my house in Brockton just turned ugly and my dogs are going crazy from the booms. Got both cars backed into the garage so if someone comes into my driveway they're getting run over.
Stay safe, buddy.