22nd Hall of Fame


2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I can't tell if you like the film, dislike the film, or are intentionally keeping it a secret from all of us . Either way, glad to see you are on the board.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm guessing that you didn't care for Mildred Pierce that much Cosmic? It's hard to tell from your review

I hope people don't compare Mildred Pierce to other noirs, as a yardstick. The term noir came into use in America much later that the 1940s and when Mildred Pierce was made it was called a melodrama and wasn't directly aiming to be like The Maltese Falcon or any of the more beloved noirs. It was much later that someone decided to call it a noir.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
The Matrix

Probably one of my more popular film omissions, so I was glad to see it get nominated. Seems like it has got a lot of praise, especially with this forum as it ranked quite high on some of the collective lists that we have here.

Overall it's super entertaining. The visuals kept me glued throughout the duration of the film and the environment created by the Wachowskis was fun to be in. The film seemed to really race by and I thought the story was fairly decent too. I wouldn't consider it one of the more innovative Sci-Fis ever but I can see where people would love it.

The acting for me was highlighted by Hugo Weavings performance certainly, thought he did a really good job with his character. The rest of the cast was ok, I'm not the biggest Keanu Reeves fan bit I had no problems with him in this.

Overall a decent start to this Hall of Fame for me. Thanks for nominating this Thursday.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Wow, you never seen this before, are you not a sci fi fan?
You have to remember I really didn't get serious with film until about 10 years ago. This one just escaped me.

Trouble with a capital "T"
You have to remember I really didn't get serious with film until about 10 years ago. This one just escaped me.
Makes sense I didn't see The Godfather until it was nominated in an HoF. There's probably a ton more of super well known movies I haven't seen yet myself. So many movies, never enough time

I can't tell if you like the film, dislike the film, or are intentionally keeping it a secret from all of us . Either way, glad to see you are on the board.
I'm guessing that you didn't care for Mildred Pierce that much Cosmic? It's hard to tell from your review
I actually didn't intend for it to seem so vague, but reading it over now I can see what you guys mean. I liked it quite a bit.

I used to write in a very neutral, essay-like manner, and I think I sometimes default to that when I don't have a clear idea of what I want to say.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I actually didn't intend for it to seem so vague, but reading it over now I can see what you guys mean. I liked it quite a bit.

I used to write in a very neutral, essay-like manner, and I think I sometimes default to that when I don't have a clear idea of what I want to say.

I swear everytime that I write a neutral sounding HoF review, Cricket calls me out on it

Had you seen Joan Crawford in anything else before?

Raul liked The Matrix?

Yeah, I'm definitely still going to hate it.

Curious to see if you’ll rank Inglourious Basterds over Joker but I’m sure you won’t be disclosing that right now haha

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Raul liked The Matrix?

Yeah, I'm definitely still going to hate it.
I guess I was mildly surprised. Mainly because I didn't go in with insane expectations

Trouble with a capital "T"

Curious to see if you’ll rank Inglourious Basterds over Joker but I’m sure you won’t be disclosing that right now haha
Miss Vicky always has voted her own noms first place...so I don't see her voting Inglourious Basterds over Joker.

Miss Vicky always has voted her own noms first place...so I don't see her voting Inglourious Basterds over Joker.
Not actually true. I voted my nomination second place in the first Animation HOF.

But it's highly unlikely that Inglourious Basterds will beat Joker on my ballot. It is a top 100 favorite movie for me though, so second place seems likely.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I know I put Phantom Thread above my own nomination of High Noon. Usually my nom stays in first on my ballot, but not always.

I just looked at the Animation HOF and it turns out I actually ranked my own nomination, Tokyo Godfathers, in third place behind Wall E and Waltz With Bashir.


This was my first Ken Loach. But definitely not my last. ‘I, Daniel Blake’ is a restrained but straining social commentary about the coldhearted cruelty done to a kindhearted man. Unfortunately, that kind heart holds some complications following a heart attack, which forces him to stay out of work but in return work even harder to stay in society. The government is not exactly helpful to someone like Daniel Blake, who suddenly finds himself hopelessly stuck inside a ridiculous societal roundabout that sends him spiraling down through a grim governmental mentality that might end in debt – or even worse – death.

Ken Loach seems to be the type of director who doesn’t try to create the perfect scene… he captures it… seizes the moment. His approach isn’t about artificiality but about allowance – allowing the scene to breathe on its own and restraining from interfering too much, which ultimately proves rewarding… especially the more impactful moments hit even harder because of the even tempo and eased telling of the story. Everything is extremely grounded. There are no obvious build ups, no rapid change in editing and no sudden charge of music. Loach is clearly in complete control of his film and operates almost entirely in the background and lets the foreground establish itself along the way. It is almost like he just lets go of his characters and let them tell the story for him. His confidence in material is sublime, which may not be much of a surprise, considering he has worked with the same screenwriter for more than 20 years.

I honestly really love the storytelling on display here, and it reminds me of directors like The Dardenne’s and Nuri Bilge Ceylan. It is in a way anonymous but never without personality, and you are easily drawn into the film because there are no fancy film elements to distract you from the story and characters unfolding on screen. I loved the unconcerned humor in otherwise concerning situations, as well as the slight satirical absurdity of it all, which ultimately cemented this story as a deeply unpleasant, yet determinedly uplifting journey of a man left behind by society. A regular bloke just trying to get by. Daniel Blake isn’t trying to make an overstatement; he’s merely trying to reach an understanding about how someone can overlook what is right just to uphold what is written. Daniel Blake is the John Doe of our world, representing the everyday man in what is unfortunately an everyday situation for many...

There is so much to take away from this film and I haven’t even scratched the surface… but no matter what I say, I think Daniel Blake himself is the right man to have the final words… "I am not a client, a customer, nor a service user... I am not a shirker, a scrounger, a beggar, nor a thief… I'm not a National Insurance Number or blip on a screen. I paid my dues, never a penny short, and proud to do so. I don't tug the forelock but look my neighbor in the eye and help him if I can. I don't accept or seek charity. My name is Daniel Blake. I am a man, not a dog. As such, I demand my rights. I demand you treat me with respect. I, Daniel Blake, am a citizen, nothing more and nothing less.” Aye, Daniel Blake, aye.


Had you seen Joan Crawford in anything else before?
I really thought I had, but looking over her filmography none of the titles stick out. Then again, I am horrible with those haha.

Usually my nom stays in first on my ballot, but not always.
I think I usually end up ranking my own nomination around the middle of the pack, but I know I've ranked it #2 a few times. The Second Chance Hall of Fame was the first time I had my film at #1, though my nomination ended up at the top of my ballot once before, since my actual favourite film from that HoF was disqualified after I sent in my list.

Maybe I need to pick better nominations? haha

I decided to take a look through my voting record. I was correct in remembering that I ranked my own nomination either in the middle, or towards the top (but not usually #1).

11th - #3
12th - #2 originally, #1 after a DQ
13th - #6
14th - #3
15th - #5
17th - #2

30s - #4
40s I - #6
40s II - #6
Animation I - #6
Animation II - #2
Foreign - #2
Japanese - #2
Russian - #3
Sci-Fi II - #4
Second Chance - #1
Shorts IV - #3 and #7

Maybe I need to pick better nominations? haha

I think the Animation HOF is the only one where my nomination wasn't number one on my ballot. That said though, it's not really a strategic thing. Sometimes it is strategic because the gap between my #1 and #2 movies is slim so I just give the edge to my own pick, but usually it's a very wide margin because I always nominate movies I love so it makes sense for them to be my #1.