The Platform


"In a future 'dystopia', prisoners housed in vertically stacked cells watch hungrily as food descends from above, feeding the upper tiers, but leaving those below ravenous and radicalized." - IMDB

"Netflix has acquired worldwide rights outside of some Asian territories to The Platform (El Hoyo), Galder Gaztelu-Irrutia’s Spanish-language sci-fi thriller that had its world premiere Friday in the Midnight Madness section of the Toronto Film Festival."

Well, I just watched this movie last night. At first I wanted to say that the movie made no sense but after reading up on it I now know what it was about at least. However , that still doesn't change the fact that I felt it was a disgusting and absolutely revolting film. I did not enjoy anything about this film. You may not agree with what I have just said but everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

Can someone elaborate on why disgusting/revolting? I don’t mind spoilers, just thinking whether it’s worth seeing.
I wasn't disgusted but as far as I know, the reasoning is...

WARNING: spoilers below
There's some cannibalism, ugly eating habits, some excrement, and urine related stuff and some moderately graphic violence.

I wasn't disgusted but as far as I know, the reasoning is...

WARNING: spoilers below
There's some cannibalism, ugly eating habits, some excrement, and urine related stuff and some moderately graphic violence.
Fair enough. Pretty high RT/Metacritic rating for that kind of thing.

Fair enough. Pretty high RT/Metacritic rating for that kind of thing.
It's a pretty decent film (if you're OK with Scifi that's more interested in its message than the logic of its world). I'd say it's definitely worth a watch.

That was weird, just downloaded this and then come to movie forums and this is first thing I see..
Do you know what a roller pigeon is, Barney? They climb high and fast, then roll over and fall just as fast toward the earth. There are shallow rollers and deep rollers. You can’t breed two deep rollers, or their young will roll all the way down, hit, and die. Officer Starling is a deep roller, Barney. We should hope one of her parents was not.

Is this any good? I love, love, love me a high-concept films, but the metaphor here is probably the clumsiest and most hamfisted I've ever heard.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Is this any good? I love, love, love me a high-concept films, but the metaphor here is probably the clumsiest and most hamfisted I've ever heard.
I mean...the film is not subtle at all.

It felt like a blend of Snowpiercer meets Cube. It has an interesting premise that keeps your attention towards the end...then it fumbles the ending in my opinion. It's pretty violent and sometimes gross. Been meaning to write a review but have been busy with the family since losing my job.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews