

Whether or not she's always like that is immaterial as to whether or not you should expect friendly customer service now. And it certainly isn't important. Let's extend a little social grace to things like curt phone calls, particularly for the people still dealing with the public right now.

Not too surprising I suppose.

We were at this exact spot with thousands of people milling around not just 2 weeks ago.

A couple of things I have found out as the learning curve of this thing plays out:

The best spots to buy food (here anyway) are the members clubs - SAMS and BJs. I know not everyone can be a member but if you even know someone who is it can help out. There were no basic food items I could not get , even today they are stocked. I cannot personally go because of quarantine, but family and friends let me know they are well stocked.

As almost with any major tragedy/disaster it brings the best and worst out of people. Be careful out there and help your fellow citizens in anyway you can. Many of them are just scared and react differently then normal. Just telling a cashier or a medical staff member or whomever is working in public that you appreciate them goes a long way into making their day better and it takes so little effort.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Whether or not she's always like that is immaterial as to whether or not you should expect friendly customer service now. And it certainly isn't important. Let's extend a little social grace to things like curt phone calls, particularly for the people still dealing with the public right now.
Your either meant to be in a job with people or your not. Stress in crisis tells your boss if right for the job. Trust me when say people in my towns Stores are not very nice people on normal days.

Again, whether they're nice on normal days is totally irrelevant to what you should expect from someone today. Today it doesn't matter.

I think this stuff is, like a lot of the stream-of-consciousness stuff, maybe a bit of externalized anxiety or frustration. Believe me, I can sympathize with that, but I'm asking for the last time that people exercise a little discretion about what occurs to them the moment they read or hear something and what actually gets posted.

Thank you.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Yesterday we went to the bank drive-thru to deposit a check, the bank's lobby was closed, not a surprise I guess these days. In the drive-thru lane next to me was a young woman. I hadn't noticed her until I heard a swishing sound. I looked over as the bank transfer canister floated up the clear plexiglass tube. Which happens of course after one pushes the dirty germ infested 'send' button. Well what do you think this young woman did next? Nope not that! What she did was rub the end of her nose without, cleaning her hands and only seconds after pushing that dirty little 'send' button. And that's how people can get sick.

Bloody Coronavirus times, when staying at home became mainstream.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

There's an epidemic expert, Laminarayan, whose team created a model for India which is similar to UK and USA, and according to that model he expects to see 300 million positive cases and 1 million deaths in India alone by July end, if we don't take stringent measures.

It boils my blood to see that people are still behaving stupidly here. And it's actually the rich and educated ones. Jumping quarantine and running away from hospitals.

I also read about Italy's death toll just for today. 790+. This is just crazy and mad.

Trouble with a capital "T"
There's an epidemic expert, Laminarayan, whose team created a model for India which is similar to UK and USA, and according to that model he expects to see 300 million positive cases and 1 million deaths in India alone by July end, if we don't take stringent measures.

It boils my blood to see that people are still behaving stupidly here. And it's actually the rich and educated ones. Jumping quarantine and running away from hospitals...
If India had 300 million cases the hospitals would be overwhelmed and most infected people wouldn't bet treatment and without any kind of treatment the fatality rate would be higher than the usual quoted 2-4%.

BTW, where in the world are you? Do you live in India? I thought you were in the UK.

Sorry for the language @Yoda ... but I felt I had to make this video.
Video contains strong language: Viewer discretion is advised.

If you guys on MoFo can share, and maybe get this little message across, it might well help curb some of the craziness.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Sorry for the language @Yoda ... but I felt I had to make this video.
Video contains strong language: Viewer discretion is advised.

If you guys on MoFo can share, and maybe get this little message across, it might well help curb some of the craziness.
Edit your video to 2 or 3 minutes and I might watch, but sorry I'm not spending 12 minutes of my day watching someone elses views.

However if you want to post the thrust of your message I will read it.

Also, 2-3 minutes is short.

As I've always said, everything I post on MoFo is gold.
There's 12 minutes of pure gold in that video @Citizen Rules and definitely worth a look

Trouble with a capital "T"
Simple: Apply some logic.
I've found that one person's logic, is another person's viewpoint/belief system.

Do you want to hear my logic?

The pandemic is serious. I know that because while the media and people often over react, governments usually don't, especially when the government's decisions hurts their own economies. That tells me this is serious sh!!...But not the end of the world and if people will stop taking risk and obey quarantine laws, then we will get through this.

Another thing common since should tell these people A Family of 3 or 4 can do a 16-24 roll pack of toilet paper a month and 2 packs holds 2 month any more then that is robbing from someone else who has none. Ive not be impressed with people humanity to man. Lots of selfish displays of people in stores.

The trick is not minding
Also, 2-3 minutes is short.

As I've always said, everything I post on MoFo is gold.
There's 12 minutes of pure gold in that video @Citizen Rules and definitely worth a look
Upon closer inspection, said gold was discovered to have been pyrite all along.

If India had 300 million cases the hospitals would be overwhelmed and most infected people wouldn't bet treatment and without any kind of treatment the fatality rate would be higher than the usual quoted 2-4%.

BTW, where in the world are you? Do you live in India? I thought you were in the UK.
I am from Mumbai, India.

And yes, our healthcare would be easily overwhelmed with those numbers. We have amazing doctors but the infrastructure isn't there in abundance.

We can avoid this calamity, though. But I look outside my window and see people still leaving their homes to do unnecessary things.

But worse are the people in quarantine who are running away from their homes and traveling through crowded trains. And it's mostly educated, rich folks who think they are too posh to remain in government hospitals.

This apparently is a problem seen everywhere across the globe.

I was wondering would i qualify for stimulus during Corona is make 858.00 Social Security disability and if do would i be paid through that way and not taxes