Western Hall of Fame II


Not your fault at all, and you've been a good host! I didn't have any kind of 'participation rule' in the Pre 30s HoF or many other HoFs I've hosted. And that's because I kind of hate telling people you have to write a review once every 2 weeks or you're out...And I trust the core group of HoF members. But yeah dropouts are a problem especially when you rate until the end of the HoF to quit.

I think this is a good compromise (but it's up to the host of course):
That's a good idea, too. Also maybe the "once a week check-in" idea that pahaK did? Not sure if that would work, but on paper it sounds fine.
Lists and Projects

Trouble with a capital "T"
That's a good idea, too. Also maybe the "once a week check-in" idea that pahaK did? Not sure if that would work, but on paper it sounds fine.
Yeah, any of those or a combination could work too. I don't mind if someone drops out in the first few days of an HoF, but it really sucks when they claim to be in until the very end then drop out.

The trick is not minding
Drops out face a 1 HOF ban? Multiple drop outs increase the amount of bans until no longer allowed to participate? I’d hate to think of this becoming exclusive or anything like that.
Thanks for the suggestion, but that wouldn't work and seems to harsh. It wouldn't work because the next HoF is usually run by a different host and it's always up to the host ultimately to decide the ground rules.

I was thinking more along the lines of Siddon's ground rules or Miss Vicky's or even the rules I used in previous HoFs...but maybe they could be tweaked?
Sorry about this guys! I really should have enforced a rule like this at the beginning. I honestly think Siddon’s rule in the 18th worked best, we had no drop outs!

Again, my bad, and just to clarify:
The Great Silence is OUT, no need to watch it.
It really isn’t your fault at all. No worries

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
And, I'm sure wyldesyde19 already knows this, but @KeyserCorleone @edarsenal you have one less movie to watch now! Only 1 left for KC and 3 for ed.
It is a shame when this happens and even more so for a very worthwhile film.
The previous participation rules HAVE worked quite well for stemming this and, of course, how any given host wishes to address/tweak/use is up to them.

Also, don't feel horrible ahwell, we've ALL dealt with this. My 70's HoF had like around three drop outs throughout the course of the HoF.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Trouble with a capital "T"
It really isn’t your fault at all. No worries
Wyldesyde you must be using a phone to post as I keep getting mentions from those double and triple quotes. I know there's a fix for that as I remember other MoFos talking about that. If you go to your User CP and then click: Edit Options and look at Forum Style...you'll see you have three choices (Default, Desktop, Mobile) if you change your setting it might get rid of those multiple quotes (also it might allow you to post more than one photo in game threads).

Oh I didn’t even know that, I switch a lot between my phone and computer! Thanks haha.

In Zotis case, I don’t think he ever had any intention to finish this.
you and I both figured he wouldn’t be finishing, so it isn’t a big deal to me.
Even though he dropped out, it’s still a film I would have been glad to have watched. Even if I would have needed to pay for it. I just wish he would have been more forthcoming about whether he intended to finish or not.
He may protest, but his post in Japanese film HOF suggested as much when he said “this would have been a HOF he’s have no trouble completing.”
The moment he wrote that, I was fully convinced he wouldn’t finish the Western.
Oh well, at least it leaves me with only 2 films to go now.
This is a little unfair, and harsh. Yes, originally I did intend to finish it, but I think two or three factors led to my not getting around to watching anymore. I don't blame anyone but myself, but I also don't think it's that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things. Right off the bat I did say something to the effect that I never finish these and shouldn't enter. Citizen got me kind of excited when he said he would watch Soldier Blue again if I did, but then I didn't realize he meant that only if I nominated it. The other factor is that I really should have looked closer at the rest of the list. There was literally nothing else that interested me besides the movies I did watch and my own nomination. After that initial sort of honey moon phase I just couldn't bring myself to care enough to watch movies that would feel like a tedious chore rather than an entertaining and fun experience, and I just realised it didn't matter to me.

This has officially been the third HoF that I've attempted, and the third I've dropped out of. I've never finished one. I just can't do these. I'll try to be more careful before even considering to attempt one again if I ever do.

The trick is not minding
In Zotis case, I don’t think he ever had any intention to finish this.
you and I both figured he wouldn’t be finishing, so it isn’t a big deal to me.
Even though he dropped out, it’s still a film I would have been glad to have watched. Even if I would have needed to pay for it. I just wish he would have been more forthcoming about whether he intended to finish or not.
He may protest, but his post in Japanese film HOF suggested as much when he said “this would have been a HOF he’s have no trouble completing.”
The moment he wrote that, I was fully convinced he wouldn’t finish the Western.
Oh well, at least it leaves me with only 2 films to go now.
This is a little unfair, and harsh. Yes, originally I did intend to finish it, but I think two or three factors led to my not getting around to watching anymore. I don't blame anyone but myself, but I also don't think it's that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things. Right off the bat I did say something to the effect that I never finish these and shouldn't enter. Citizen got me kind of excited when he said he would watch Soldier Blue again if I did, but then I didn't realize he meant that only if I nominated it. The other factor is that I really should have looked closer at the rest of the list. There was literally nothing else that interested me besides the movies I did watch and my own nomination. After that initial sort of honey moon phase I just couldn't bring myself to care enough to watch movies that would feel like a tedious chore rather than an entertaining and fun experience, and I just realised it didn't matter to me.

This has officially been the third HoF that I've attempted, and the third I've dropped out of. I've never finished one. I just can't do these. I'll try to be more careful before even considering to attempt one again if I ever do.
It’s hardly unfair when you in fact did drop out as expected. But you are right, I am being too harsh. So I do apologize for tone, but not for the chastisement.
However, it did bring a film to my attention that I intend to watch at some point. It’s no exaggeration when I say I was actually quite looking forward to watching it. I was familiar with Django, and had it one my must watch list, and since it’s the same director I intend to add Silence to it as well. At some point I’ll watch them both.

What's unfair is saying you don't think I ever had any intention to finish it. I would not have entered without at least an initial intention to finish.

The trick is not minding
What's unfair is saying you don't think I ever had any intention to finish it. I would not have entered without at least an initial intention to finish.
If you say so. I’m uninterested in whether you think it’s unfair or not. I just remain unconvinced you planned to finish this. Before this continues, I’m not going to going to debate it any further, as it’s just going to derail the HOF. I’m sure you’ll find a HOF more to your liking in the future.