MoFo Health Thread


You ready? You look ready.
Front squats, man. Front squats.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

It's all about firing those glutes, the glutes man. Glutes. Hip press till your legs disintegrate.

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User
I'll have to look up supersets.

I shoot for being able to do a set of 8 reps, 3x's and then move to heavier weight. Until I can do that, I add an extra set.

I'm looking to the compound exercises to make more out of less time. I get up at 2am, coffee and stretch till 2:30am, do as much as I can by 3:20am, then morning out the door stuff.

Supersets are great, especially if short on time. Its basically just doing another exercise, usually isolation, straight after the first exercise and its counted as 1 set, then rest, then do same.
Also check out drop sets, they're a killer too.
Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

Looks may be deceiving

Who knows how much is real weight versus fat, we shall see.

Ups and downs over here. As usual, bit of an uptick in weight in the fall/holidays, but this time it's a bit more than I was expecting or am comfortable with. Mostly back on the right track but it is a little demoralizing to lose the "same" 10 lbs a third time. Plan for 2020 is to both hit a new low and stay in that general range.

To that end, I've been lifting regularly the last couple of months. About four years ago I did a fair amount of weight lifting for softball, saw great results, but then basically stopped and it had more or less atrophied after a couple of years. Ramping it up this time, and planning on keeping it up pretty much indefinitely.

I might be hard pressed to way less on February 6th than I did the previous year, which would be the first time I've failed to do that since I started all this, but we'll see. If I get close and the difference is muscle, that'll work. But I'm going to push myself as hard as ever this month and try to hit new plateaus across the board. Little nervous about it, since I'll be working out more and eating a lot less simultaneously, and in the past it's usually been one or the other, but it's time to find out what's possible.

The diet stuff is where it gets ruff. I am going to eat vegan the best I can, but it is hard to find the protein and keep the calories down. At 180, I can have about 2100-2200 calories.

This morning I had

1 scoop of Vega
1/2 c peanuts
1 1/2 c almond milk
2/3 c granola

which is 870 calories and 44g protein. That meal by itself 3 times a day would put me over on calories and not close to my protein goal. I realize I won't be able to consume a gram of protein per pound of body weight, but I want to get as close as possible.

It's funny when I realize how I eat peanuts, versus what you can have when you measure them out

Yeah, nuts in general have tons of calories. Peanut butter is basically calorie paste. Fruit/fiber is good for filling up with low calories.

I'm mostly leaning on scrambled eggs, but that gets a bit boring. Very, very effective though.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right

Looks may be deceiving

Who knows how much is real weight versus fat, we shall see.

Sexy thin legs for somebody who weighs 180 kg xD
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Bleh. I'm keeping goals teeny tiny this year. Having Puppy had inspired me to start walking her at the local mini-park with the intent to get us both up to jogging. So much for that plan.

Still though, the hip pains seem to have really eased up these past several months so maybe I'll get back into it after all. Baby Murray Steps.

Sexy thin legs for somebody who weighs 180 kg xD

Riding an ostrich, buddy. That's how I roll

In all seriousness tho, how you get those socks so perfectly aligned?

Errrm, you mean the guy who deletes and edits shouts?

You guys will never know how much I care about you. All the naked feet on scales weigh-ins that I have been traumatized by in the social media era. I figured I would put the Hornets socks on for the greater good and as a low-key, NC flex.

Setting down the dumbells and barbells and sticking the running shoes on. Gonna start training for Belfast Marathon in May.
I gotta give you a lot of respect for that. Never in my wildest dreams can I see myself doing a marathon. I can't even bring myself to do cardio in the first place.

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User
I gotta give you a lot of respect for that. Never in my wildest dreams can I see myself doing a marathon. I can't even bring myself to do cardio in the first place.

Cheers DD. I completed one back in 2013 then basically stopped running after it. Been lifting weights for a few years now but just fancied a year out to train hard then get back in the gym next year. Have to admit though, the thought of it is still daunting.

You ever do any boxing? Great workout. (maybe we discussed this before)

Never in my wildest dreams can I see myself doing a marathon.
My exercise - just about daily - is a 1-1/2 to 2 hours walk. I’m very slim & fit, but, like you, I could never run a marathon. Seeing people run the NYC marathon through the 5 boroughs is beyond my comprehension.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

I met at friend at Salem Lake, which is 7 miles of trail. I'll admit that scenery makes a big difference compared to a treadmill facing a wall.

@ my attorney

I never got the heavy bag. My thoughts drifted to jiu-jitsu...

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User
I met at friend at Salem Lake, which is 7 miles of trail. I'll admit that scenery makes a big difference compared to a treadmill facing a wall.

@ my attorney

I never got the heavy bag. My thoughts drifted to jiu-jitsu...

Makes a big difference being outside. I never do any treadmill work.
Get a partner and do pads, I'm not a fan of heavy bag either. Do pads and rope, sorts the men from the boys.

I met at friend at Salem Lake, which is 7 miles of trail. I'll admit that scenery makes a big difference compared to a treadmill
I would love that. 7 miles is doable.

Nothing would make me go on a treadmill or enter a gym.