20th Hall of Fame


Trouble with a capital "T"
This was my voting list:

1 Elmer Gantry (1960)
2 The Music Man (1962)
3 Blood Simple (1984)
4 High Noon (1952)
5 Rear Window (1954)
6 Phantom Thread (2017)
7 Blood Diamond (2006)
8 Cool Hand Luke (1967)
9 Ghostbusters (1984)
10 Monsters, Inc (2001)
11 The Squid and The Whale (2005)

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Woooohooo, PTA finally in the Hall of Fame!
Thanks everyone for making of this such an enjoyable HoF, and thanks CR for the amazing hosting!

I never reviewed my own movie cause I'm stupid but what I can say is: Paul Thomas Anderson is, IMO, the best director working today by a landslide. There are many things he does well, actors direction is probably the main one. When you add the best actor in the business you get a performance so deeply detailed that it overcomes the borders of the movie and turns into a piece of art in itself. And the fact that all the actors don't seem inferior is even more astounding!
The rest is pretty obvious: great script, amazing cinematography and a beautiful wardrobe! That's one of those films that will be a classic 100 years from now! And I'm so glad it won this!

My ballot

1. Ghostbusters
2. Blood Simple
3. High Noon
4. Phantom Thread
5. Cool Hand Luke
6. The Squid and the Whale
7. Elmer Gantry
8. The Music Man
9. Blood Diamond
10.Monsters Inc

My ballot:

1. Blood Simple 5/5
2. Rear Window 5/5
3. Elmer Gantry 4.5/5
4. Ghostbusters 4.5/5
5. Cool Hand Luke 4/5
6. The Music Man 4/5
7. Blood Diamond 4/5
8. High Noon 4/5
9. Phantom Thread 3/5
10. The Squid and the Whale 2.5/5
11. Monsters Inc. 2.5/5

I fell asleep right in the middle of the reveal. I'm not really surprised how it turned out just because I thought it was wide open. I felt bad voting for Monsters Inc. last because I do like it. Congrats Neiba and well done to you and CR

1. Elmer Gantry
2. Blood Simple
3. Phantom Thread
4. High Noon
5. Blood Diamond
6. The Squid and the Whale
7. Cool Hand Luke
8. Ghostbusters
9. The Music Man
10. Rear Window
11. Monsters Inc.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Well I voted Elmer Gantry last but I actually liked it too. Plus I had Monsters second to last. It was a really stacked Hall of Fame in my book.

The trick is not minding
Well I voted Elmer Gantry last but I actually liked it too. Plus I had Monsters second to last. It was a really stacked Hall of Fame in my book.
It really was. Of those films nominated, only haven’t seen 3 (Blood Simple, The Phantom Thread, The Squid and the Whale). All three are on my list to watch however.
Of the other 8 films I have watched previously, only Elmer Gantry was not liked.

It reminds me of the comedy HOF I’m currently in. That has a strong amount of films nominated as well

1. the squid and the whale
2. monsters inc.
3. cool hand luke
4. phantom thread
5. blood simple
6. ghostbusters
7. high noon
8. the music man
9. elmer gantry
10. blood diamond

i like nine of these. oddly enough, the four films i hadn't seen before all ended up in the bottom four of my list
Most Biblical movies were long If I Recall.
seen A Clockwork Orange. In all honesty, the movie was weird and silly

alright time to polish off these last two reviews:

i found the music man fairly amusing. i generally like musicals but i think i prefer the classic hollywood astaire/rogers, kelly, garland, etc. model over this extremely broadway style. there are a few embarrassing moments, but robert preston is so damn good here and any moment involving him works really well. i've been getting "ya got trouble" stuck in my head periodically ever since i saw it. i also loved the aesthetic of the whole movie. even when the stuff happening on screen is a little lame, i still find myself drawn to the colorful and cartoonish design of everything. i would like to see an alternate version of this that allows itself to go really off the rails at the end, i think that would've been more interesting than the weirdly pro-con man happy ending we get. i have no idea what to make of buddy hackett in this but it was neat to see him in a movie at least. the simpsons did everything better, but this was still good.

i'd seen blood simple twice before: the first time was six years ago, when i was just a budding young cinephile and had convinced myself the coens' first effort was nothing more than an overly-cynical and unpleasant genre exercise. then i had to rewatch it earlier this year for a film class and realized i had drastically underrated it, and then this third watch even bumped it up a little more. my initial criticisms weren't particularly off-base, it just happens to be an extremely good overly-cynical, unpleasant genre exercise. it could accurately be described as being a little too "film school," in that it's painfully obvious that the coens are just trying to show off every formal trick they know, but when the technical mastery is so strong right off the bat, that film-school quality becomes almost exciting. every shot is laden with purpose to the point of obviousness, yet it makes it no less captivating. mcdormand is good as the quasi-femme fatale and hedaya is perfectly sleazy as the cucked husband. i remember how jarring it was to see m. emmet walsh in such a frightening role after i had previously only known him as the doctor from fletch, but he really is incredible here.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm going to post all the voting list. I believe Raul did this once before and I thought it was a good idea and should be a standard practice. Besides I could have made a mistake, you never know!...Though I did add the points 5 times.

I will remove the names from the few list that weren't posted yet.

Voting List:
*Miss Vicky
1. Blood Diamond
2. Monsters, Inc.
3. Rear Window
4. Blood Simple
5. Ghostbusters
6. Cool Hand Luke
7. Phantom Thread
8. Elmer Gantry
9. High Noon
10. The Squid and the Whale
11. The Music Man

1. Rear Window
2. Elmer Gantry
3. Monsters, Inc.
4. Phantom Thread
5. Cool Hand Luke
6. Blood Simple
7. Ghostbusters
8. The Squid and the Whale
9. High Noon
10. Blood Diamond
11. The Music Man

1 Elmer Gantry (1960)
2 The Music Man (1962)
3 Blood Simple (1984)
4 High Noon (1952)
5 Rear Window (1954)
6 Phantom Thread (2017)
7 Blood Diamond (2006)
8 Cool Hand Luke (1967)
9 Ghostbusters (1984)
10 Monsters, Inc (2001)
11 The Squid and The Whale (2005)

1. Elmer Gantry
2. Blood Simple
3. Phantom Thread
4. High Noon
5. Blood Diamond
6. The Squid and the Whale
7. Cool Hand Luke
8. Ghostbusters
9. The Music Man
10. Rear Window
11. Monsters Inc.

*Hey Fredrick
1. Blood Simple
2. Rear Window
3. Elmer Gantry
4. Ghostbusters
5. Cool Hand Luke
6. The Music Man
7. Blood Diamond
8. High Noon
9. Phantom Thread
10. The Squid and the Whale
11. Monsters Inc.

1. Rear Window
2. Phantom Thread
3. High Noon
4. The Squid and the Whale
5. Blood Simple
6. Ghostbusters
7. Cool Hand Luke
8. Blood Diamond
9. The Music Man
10. Monsters Inc.
11. Elmer Gantry

1. Ghostbusters
2. Blood Simple
3. High Noon
4. Phantom Thread
5. Cool Hand Luke
6. The Squid and the Whale
7. Elmer Gantry
8. The Music Man
9. Blood Diamond
10.Monsters Inc

1) Phantom Thread
2) Elmer Gantry
3) High Noon
4) Cool Hand Luke
5) Ghostbusters
6) Blood Diamond
7) Monsters, Inc.
8) The Music Man
9) Blood Simple
10) The Squid and The Whale

1 Phantom Thread
2 High Noon
3 Cool Hand Luke
4 Blood Diamond
5 Elmer Gantry
6 Monsters Inc.
7 The Squid and the Whale
8 Ghostbusters
9 Blood Simple
10 The Music Man

*Frightened Inmate No. 2
1. the squid and the whale
2. monsters inc.
3. cool hand luke
4. phantom thread
5. blood simple
6. ghostbusters
7. high noon
8. the music man
9. elmer gantry
10. blood diamond

Trouble with a capital "T"
I was list #2 (Rear Window first).
I wonder how Rear Window would have finished? Maybe it would have won as it was doing pretty good, except Cricket hated it

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I didn't join this HoF, but I did watch all of the movies. This would have been my list if I had joined:

1) The Music Man (1962)
2) Monsters, Inc (2001)
3) Rear Window (1954)
4) High Noon (1952)
5) Ghostbusters (1984)
6) Cool Hand Luke (1967)
7) Elmer Gantry (1960)
8) Blood Simple (1984)
9) The Squid and The Whale (2005)
10) Blood Diamond (2006)
11) Phantom Thread (2017)
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I didn't join this HoF, but I did watch all of the movies. This would have been my list if I had joined:

1) The Music Man (1962)
2) Monsters, Inc (2001)
3) Rear Window (1954)
4) High Noon (1952)
5) Ghostbusters (1984)
6) Cool Hand Luke (1967)
7) Elmer Gantry (1960)
8) Blood Simple (1984)
9) The Squid and The Whale (2005)
10) Blood Diamond (2006)
11) Phantom Thread (2017)
At least someone like The Music Man

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
At least someone like The Music Man

I probably should have joined this HoF, but I've had some stuff going on, and I didn't know if I would be able to finish it.

The Music Man has been one of my favorite musicals for as long as I can remember. When I was a kid, my father used to dance around the house singing the song "Shipoopi" whenever he was in a good mood.