CASABLANCA 1942 | UHD 8K + Black and White colorized REMASTERED




Awful. Keep it B & W.
Casablanca is my #1 film of all time. Hands down.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
The colorized version looks interesting for sure, compared to black and white. Was it the director's intent to shoot in black and white, or did he want it in color, but couldn't afford it. If color, would colorizing it be bad then, since it might be the director's wishes?

Trouble with a capital "T"
I liked the colorized version It looked pretty damn real...BUT I still prefer the B&W. One thing when a company makes a HD colorized version of a classic film, they also fully restore the original B&W print, then both are included on the BluRay. So it's a plus to purist when companies do this as we get a beautiful and original B&W copy.

All good people are asleep and dreaming.
They should do a colorized version of Raging Bull.

All that red blood spurting out, Herschell Gordon Lewis would be overjoyed.

They should do a colorized version of Raging Bull.

All that red blood spurting out, Herschell Gordon Lewis would be overjoyed.
Raging Bull and Some Like it Hot are the two movies I’d least like to see in color.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper

Here's a colorized image from Raging Bull, if it would look like that if colored, but probably a little de-saturated more?

Okay I tried to upload it, but whenever I upload images on here, it never seems to work, sorry about that.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I think the colorized clip looks nice, but I'm not a fan of colorized movies. I prefer the b&w version.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
What about movies where they are shot in color originally, but the color is changed in newer versions? For example, the movie Blade Runner: The Final Cut, the color is hugely altered from the original and it doesn't even look like the same movie anymore, when you do a side by side comparison. But most people seem to prefer the new color of The Final Cut better. So why are people all for that, but not colorizing black and white movies?

All good people are asleep and dreaming.
They should do a colorized version of Raging Bull.

All that red blood spurting out, Herschell Gordon Lewis would be overjoyed.
Raging Bull trivia from IMDb.

The reasons why the film was made in black and white were mainly to differentiate it from Rocky (1976), as well as for period authenticity. Another reason was that Martin Scorsese didn't want to depict all that blood in a color picture. Also, in the book, Jake LaMotta says "Now, sometimes, at night, when I think back, I feel like I'm looking at an old black and white movie of myself. Why it should be black and white I don't know, but it is."

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Doing it to differentiate from Rocky seems like a strange reason, cause Rocky and Raging Bull are so different. That's like comparing Schindler's List to Forrest Gump or something like that.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Since they are releasing 8K movies now, do they have 8K disc players out yet to play them?

Andrei Tarkosvky : 'I think that color is a dead end. First because all art forms tend towards reality, and second because they seek some sort of generalization, they look for a model idea. I'll explain what I mean about color cinema. The way each color is perceived lies in the psychology and physiology of the acceptance of color, in the external world. We live in a world in color. We all know that. But we never think that we live in a world of color, unless something makes of conscious of it. It's like looking without seeing, like hearing without listening. In the world, we do not think of color when we look around us. Moreover, when shooting a scene in color, we must organize it and enclose it within a frame, and suddenly we realize that this world is in color. That is, we force the viewer to think about the frame being in color. We impose these color postcards, one after another. In my opinion, the advantage of black and white is that it can be more expressive and, at the same time, it does not distract the viewer with a continuous succession of postcards. For me what black and white is, it's a more realistic and correct art form, because it allows the viewer to think not about the colors, but to focus on the film's true essence. I find that, since color films first appeared, realism has been lost, cinema has become falser (...)'. Watch it in here.

They should do a colorized version of Raging Bull.

All that red blood spurting out, Herschell Gordon Lewis would be overjoyed.