What new feature do you most want next?


What new feature do you most want next?
15 votes
Searchable/sortable log of seen films
5 votes
Expanded/upgraded lists area
6 votes
Statistics on posts, rep, etc.
2 votes
Overhauled forum structure
5 votes
Something else (specified below)
33 votes. You may not vote on this poll

Yeah, right now my plan is:

a) Some fun stats/favorite movies ranking thing. Possibly as part of a more elaborate Movies page.

b) Some kind of vaguely IMDB-ish thread categorization based on movies.

It'll be really modest and simple, and the forum will basically just continue to exist as-is. This'll just be an extra thing, since it's really logical that people would want to look up a movie and then see threads related to it. So it'll probably just be some threads dedicated to each film that are "attached" to their movie pages. Not sure if that means one giant holding forum for all of them, if they should show up in New Posts (probably yes), if they should be styled differently than general threads when they do (also probably yes).

Trouble with a capital "T"
Yeah, right now my plan is:

a) Some fun stats/favorite movies ranking thing. Possibly as part of a more elaborate Movies page.

b) Some kind of vaguely IMDB-ish thread categorization based on movies. It'll be really modest and simple, and the forum will basically just continue to exist as-is. This'll just be an extra thing, since it's really logical that people would want to look up a movie and then see threads related to it. So it'll probably just be some threads dedicated to each film that are "attached" to their movie pages. Not sure if that means one giant holding forum for all of them, if they should show up in New Posts (probably yes), if they should be styled differently than general threads when they do (also probably yes).
That all sounds good logical too. Me like

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
Threads on individual movie pages (like IMDB use to have).

I'm positive that has already been talked about, in fact I think I talked about it, but if I did and didn't think it would work, I now have changed my mind and think it would be a neat & useful feature.
It would be great to add the old IMDB posts, with THIS audience continuing to add.

Should be more coming later this month. I've already got the favorite movie ranking thing (with weighting and without) working. Just trying to decide if that should be part of a new Movies page, or a general stats page, or maybe just do both but separately.

So, the winning vote-getter here was indeed next. Now it's time to pick again.

I'm just bumping this for random opinions. I might post another poll instead.

My inclination is to do the new forum structure and/or Custom Lists next.

What would custom lists entail? Just that we could make our own? If so, I’d be down for that.

What would custom lists entail? Just that we could make our own? If so, I’d be down for that.
Yep. Make your own, share them, check them off, let other people check them off, stuff like that.

Obviously it's a pretty big reimagining of the system, so other changes would be part of it. The "official" lists would still be given top billing and be pretty well highlighted.

Right now I'd quite like a feature that automatically runs and presents countdowns. Fairly understandable if that suggestion only has a fan-base of one though

(acutally, truth be told, I'm finding the whole thing rather enjoyable)

Not for this update but another big update in the future. Have you ever seen the crickiter website by frightened inmate no2?, I believe there's a million dollar idea in there somewhere if executed properly.

Not for this update but another big update in the future. Have you ever seen the crickiter website by frightened inmate no2?, I believe there's a million dollar idea in there somewhere if executed properly.
I remember, but I think they just used it, and didn't run it? Feel free to elaborate regardless.

Anyway, this has gone much smoother than expected. I could launch a rough version of it right now in fact. But I'll give it a little more time and maybe try tomorrow or the day after. Almost definitely this week, though, if not literally tomorrow. It won't be a big change at first, but I'll tweak more things over time and it could lead to bigger stuff down the road. Just wanna start, get feedback, iterate, etc.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Anyway, this has gone much smoother than expected. I could launch a rough version of it right now in fact. But I'll give it a little more time and maybe try tomorrow or the day after. Almost definitely this week, though, if not literally tomorrow. It won't be a big change at first, but I'll tweak more things over time and it could lead to bigger stuff down the road. Just wanna start, get feedback, iterate, etc.
Cool, are these behind the scenes stuff or changes that will be evident to us?

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
It's maybe a small thing but I've noticed a couple times people would complain about accidentally pressing the rec button when they meant to press the quote button. This is especially probable for those of us who post using a smartphone. Maybe spreading the two further apart might solve this.

It's maybe a small thing but I've noticed a couple times people would complain about accidentally pressing the rec button when they meant to press the quote button. This is especially probable for those of us who post using a smartphone. Maybe spreading the two further apart might solve this.
When you say using a smartphone, do you mean using a smartphone, but using the desktop style anyway? Because they're a lot bigger and easy to hit properly on the mobile style.

Cool, are these behind the scenes stuff or changes that will be evident to us?
Evident. First step is making it so people can start and find threads directly from individual movie pages, same as IMDB. Makes sense, since a new person is going to find the site and want to talk about whatever movie they just saw, so it's a lot more intuitive to use movie pages as entry points for that. So at first, no real difference for people who want to use the site the same way, but over time, probably layout changes emphasizing those movie pages more. Maybe a proper home page with recent releases front and center, rather than just one that redirects to the forum home page.

It'll also help with the weirdness between Movie Reviews and Upcoming threads, where we kinda end up with one thread in each, or else get reviews posted in the latter.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
When you say using a smartphone, do you mean using a smartphone, but using the desktop style anyway? Because they're a lot bigger and easy to hit properly on the mobile style.
I wasn't aware of that. I do use the desktop on my smartphone only because I'm used to it.

I wasn't aware of that. I do use the desktop on my smartphone only because I'm used to it.
Ah, yeah. Mobile style is much faster, simpler, cleaner. Uses less data, too. A few features aren't there, but the basic forum functions (which is all I'd wanna do on my phone anyway, personally) are there.

It's kinda tricky because I can't justify the time to make the desktop site especially usable on mobile devices in addition to the actual mobile style. It'd be akin to maintaining three things instead of two.

Anyway, there's a switch for it in Edit Options, if you want to give it a try.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
Thanks. I may try to use it and maybe get used to it. The tools menu is almost impossible to use on desktop as they are so small, although I dont use it too often. I generally enter the codes manually.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
The ONLY thing missing from mobile?

AND it's case sensitive which makes it doublevil.

More progress on this today, just wanna iron out a few more things. Small change at first but I'm gonna start reorienting things pretty quick, I think.

Found a possible replacement for the search, too, which I'll test out in the next few days.