MoFo Health Thread


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In the last 5 weeks, I've only had 4 days of good sleep and no migraines (and the flu, sinus, etc). Sometimes I feel like I'll never by "myself" - which wasn't that healthy, anyway. I take 3mg of Xanax every night, and I don't know how I can still do this. This has to be worse than death. I even cut the grass today in the morning hoping I'd have a fatal heart-attack.

That's rough man. What happens when you don't take the Xanax?

Hope you find the solution.

well, that can be solved with just a tune, if it's a problem of relaxation with weed
if it's a mind problem, relative urges i advice you to exercise, anything, just don't go to shrinks
not trying to be negative, but once you walk the "drugs to sleep" path you never come back
lowering the room temperate works, meditation also work for that and for more

In the last 5 weeks, I've only had 4 days of good sleep and no migraines (and the flu, sinus, etc). Sometimes I feel like I'll never by "myself" - which wasn't that healthy, anyway. I take 3mg of Xanax every night, and I don't know how I can still do this. This has to be worse than death. I even cut the grass today in the morning hoping I'd have a fatal heart-attack.
Matt, sorry to hear you're having problems. But if you're taking 3 mg every day, you're likely suffering from "interdose withdrawals". Benzodiazepines can be a real horror show. It took my wife 2 years to withdraw from them, after taking Xanax for 10 years. She's just now becoming normal in terms of sleep and other physical symptoms.

There's a life saving and highly experienced forum for benzo folks called "Benzo Buddies" If you investigate this site you'll surely find some relief, and be able to read about people suffering from benzos. It'll give you comfort and hope, along with helpful tips.

You'll likely have to very slowly reduce your dosage in order to kick Xanax. Some have to add decreasing doses of valium for help. Valium is much easier to kick. You may have to find a doc who specializes in that type of thing; or your own physician may be willing to go along with the project.

Good luck, my friend. There is hope, and it does get better. Check out that forum.


I feel bad for you Matt, and reaching out to the reference Doc gave is a good idea. Also think about reaching out to a support group or a trusted physician to help you.

Do you know what brought this on? Also if you can remember why you were able to sleep those 4 nights, maybe you can repeat what made that possible. Also Doc mentions the rebound effect, there's also a problem with caffeine. Better to cut out all caffeine for a while - coffee, tea, soda, chocolate (! yes caffeine lurks many places) . Some find that eating tryptophan rich foods help- turkey, milk products - before you go to sleep ( but not right before you go to sleep, eating too close to bedtime can keep you up too)

Don't lose hope! This is a solvable problem but you may have to problem solve a bit.

Trouble with a capital "T"
In the last 5 weeks, I've only had 4 days of good sleep and no migraines (and the flu, sinus, etc). Sometimes I feel like I'll never by "myself" - which wasn't that healthy, anyway. I take 3mg of Xanax every night, and I don't know how I can still do this. This has to be worse than death. I even cut the grass today in the morning hoping I'd have a fatal heart-attack.
You need some life changes, fast! We care about you and you need to care about yourself, so please Matt take care of yourself.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
Matt, sorry to hear you're having problems. But if you're taking 3 mg every day, you're likely suffering from "interdose withdrawals". Benzodiazepines can be a real horror show. It took my wife 2 years to withdraw from them, after taking Xanax for 10 years. She's just now becoming normal in terms of sleep and other physical symptoms.

There's a life saving and highly experienced forum for benzo folks called "Benzo Buddies" If you investigate this site you'll surely find some relief, and be able to read about people suffering from benzos. It'll give you comfort and hope, along with helpful tips.

You'll likely have to very slowly reduce your dosage in order to kick Xanax. Some have to add decreasing doses of valium for help. Valium is much easier to kick. You may have to find a doc who specializes in that type of thing; or your own physician may be willing to go along with the project.

Good luck, my friend. There is hope, and it does get better. Check out that forum.

Matt, sorry to hear you're having problems. But if you're taking 3 mg every day, you're likely suffering from "interdose withdrawals". Benzodiazepines can be a real horror show. It took my wife 2 years to withdraw from them, after taking Xanax for 10 years. She's just now becoming normal in terms of sleep and other physical symptoms.

There's a life saving and highly experienced forum for benzo folks called "Benzo Buddies" If you investigate this site you'll surely find some relief, and be able to read about people suffering from benzos. It'll give you comfort and hope, along with helpful tips.

You'll likely have to very slowly reduce your dosage in order to kick Xanax. Some have to add decreasing doses of valium for help. Valium is much easier to kick. You may have to find a doc who specializes in that type of thing; or your own physician may be willing to go along with the project.

Good luck, my friend. There is hope, and it does get better. Check out that forum.


Thanks for writing, Doc.. My doctor initially put me on Valium, and for the last 15 years, I've been on Xanax.. I actually think my headache caused a lot of this. I've noticed getting headaches after playing drums, even though I've been wearing protection for almost 20 years. The thing is, they work for me; they relax me. I think its other problems, and the nightmare of "it's getting near dark", and the pressure, as well as having to get up and pee, and basically having to try to fall back asleep again. I've had trouble sleeping since pre-school, I'm almost 40, I don't even have the energy to try, but I really appreciate you writing this.

I feel bad for you Matt, and reaching out to the reference Doc gave is a good idea. Also think about reaching out to a support group or a trusted physician to help you.

Do you know what brought this on? Also if you can remember why you were able to sleep those 4 nights, maybe you can repeat what made that possible. Also Doc mentions the rebound effect, there's also a problem with caffeine. Better to cut out all caffeine for a while - coffee, tea, soda, chocolate (! yes caffeine lurks many places) . Some find that eating tryptophan rich foods help- turkey, milk products - before you go to sleep ( but not right before you go to sleep, eating too close to bedtime can keep you up too)

Don't lose hope! This is a solvable problem but you may have to problem solve a bit.
I mentioned above, but I eat sliced turkey almost every night (had to put them in the freezer to avoid the expiration date). I also keep such good track of what helps, and what hurts. I think it might have been a phone call from my brother. Those 4 days I slept good were days I didn't leave the house, didn't talk to anyone. I turn my phone off by 7pm, and try to keep a very uneventful night, but I think now, I'm pressured so much, that I can't sleep.

Well I can only offer my best practical advice, so I think that if you have to lay low and stay in one day a week, then at least you know you' ll have one safe day. Even the good Lord rested after 6 days. Then you may be able to do an extra 'half day' or two, of lying low; and see if that works. And knowing you have at least one or 2 'safe sleep nights' you may feel less tense about the other days. Also I don't think it's all that odd to start relaxing from the world at 7 to get to sleep by 10. Our modern society inundates us with tv, movies, computers, , cell phones etc 24/7 - not the best way to sleep OR function.

You're not old, but you're not a teenager either- by all means play the drums if it relaxes you , but you may need a better protection for the sound now. . And hey, correct me if I' m wrong , but didn't you buy Tap Dancing shoes a while ago. I think a good stretch of tap dancing before dinner - would tucker ME out for the night.

A few things to STOP doing at least 3-4 hours before bedtime.
-Drinking liquids; have your water earlier in the day so you don't need to get up in the middle of the night to go.
- Worrying- I know this is a toughie- but if you need to, allow yourself to worry all you want in the day- then just put these thoughts away for the evening. Make a list of things that relax you too. Get in the habit of thinking and doing relaxing things in the evening -and btw I personally find a walk in the beauties of nature in the day soothes me for the rest of the day and evening.

These are only a few approaches Matt, and I do encourage you to find other ways. If there are some medical issues in the background here; you may also need to work more with a trusted md or other healer.

Good luck - all we mofos are pulling for you. And if all else fails - watch a really really REALLY boring movie. ( no offense again to CR but)
Castaway does it for me every time. . Slumber city

Thanks for writing, Doc.. My doctor initially put me on Valium, and for the last 15 years, I've been on Xanax.. I actually think my headache caused a lot of this. I've noticed getting headaches after playing drums, even though I've been wearing protection for almost 20 years. The thing is, they work for me; they relax me. I think its other problems, and the nightmare of "it's getting near dark", and the pressure, as well as having to get up and pee, and basically having to try to fall back asleep again. I've had trouble sleeping since pre-school, I'm almost 40, I don't even have the energy to try, but I really appreciate you writing this. ...
Matt, in my layman's opinion you likely have some serious issues here, and they're not going to get better. I'm not going to try to convince you. But please take a few minutes and visit the benzos site. I guarantee you that you'll find yourself described in there. The miracle of identification is a key that might unlock your quandary.


Seeing as how the last post was on the 14th...

I just took my biometric test for work. 152lb with a 31" waist (measured from the belly button, srsly?). I counted calories and limited my garbage food eating to one MNF fiasco, for two weeks leading up to the test. The MNF fiasco ended at a friends house who is a Grand Champion Snackmaster. "Oh, you want a Starcrunch, howbout a Fudge Round, you know they make Warhead's popsicle, TMNT ice cream, try one of ..." Yeah.

My new goal is to see how much I can pack on by New Years, in order to cut leading up to my birthday in March. I've hit 170 lbs before, but I'm gonna bet the over this time. If I can hit 180, it will be a real achievement. It's gonna be primarily a diet of oatmeal, chicken, broccoli and protein supplements. Wish me luck #skinnyfatguy

⬆️ I’m confused. You weigh 150, but you hope to reach 180. Why?
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

It ties in to gaining muscle. The older one gets, the more you lose. The more you have, the more you can lose without the adverse effects.

I went for the follow-up to my biometric tests at work. My BMI was 21. They were shocked to see I put on 12 lbs in 5 days.

Chicken. Broccoli. Oatmeal.

So are you doing weight bearing exercises to build muscle too?

Good that you are eating very healthy foods to gain the weight. You could also try avocados which I hear are quite healthy, if you can stand the green little buggers.

The mystery to me is how you've stayed so admirably slim eating all those donuts !!!!

(Not fair)

Well good luck to you @doubledenim , even tho I woulda thought you are too young to worry about muscle loss. But you are never too young to try and be healthy,
right ?

(Donuts !!!! and if I remember correctly - chocolate cake for breakfast one time- sooooooooo not fair!)

So are you doing weight bearing exercises to build muscle too?
Ab-So-Lutely! I have always had mixed results,despite following a steady regimen. I have found that heavy weight (something that can't be done more than 6 reps) with extra sets is working better for me.

Good that you are eating very healthy foods to gain the weight. You could also try avocados which I hear are quite healthy, if you can stand the green little buggers.

In light of all the calories, I am watching my fat intake. In addition, I aim to stay away from the animal fat and cholesterol that usually comes with it. My cholesterol lab from my blood work came back really good. Then again, a lot of the cholesterol is genetics.

The mystery to me is how you've stayed so admirably slim eating all those donuts !!!!

(Not fair)

Well good luck to you @doubledenim , even tho I woulda thought you are too young to worry about muscle loss. But you are never too young to try and be healthy,
right ?

(Donuts !!!! and if I remember correctly - chocolate cake for breakfast one time- sooooooooo not fair!)

As much as I ham it up about doughnuts, being the LA Doughnut King , I indulge in that stuff sporadically. I try to keep stuff out of the house, because I am prone to emotional eating. Especially after a long day, nerves shot, you want that instant gratification. Other than that, most days go by without "the shug".

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User
Ab-So-Lutely! I have always had mixed results,despite following a steady regimen. I have found that heavy weight (something that can't be done more than 6 reps) with extra sets is working better for me.
Interested to hear what exercises you've been doing DD. That's some going, well done.
Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

Ab-So-Lutely! I have always had mixed results,despite following a steady regimen. I have found that heavy weight (something that can't be done more than 6 reps) with extra sets is working better for me.
Interested to hear what exercises you've been doing DD. That's some going, well done.
I do a push/pull/legs split

Incline fly
Arm raises
Shoulder press
Incline bench

Hammer curl
Bent over row

Calf raise
Goblet squat

I need to work on integrating combo exercises. There is a lot of info on the only 3 exercises... Squat, deadlift, hang clean. I need to get a Smith machine and Olympic bar first. I do everything with dumbells.

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User
I do a push/pull/legs split

Incline fly
Arm raises
Shoulder press
Incline bench

Hammer curl
Bent over row

Calf raise
Goblet squat

I need to work on integrating combo exercises. There is a lot of info on the only 3 exercises... Squat, deadlift, hang clean. I need to get a Smith machine and Olympic bar first. I do everything with dumbells.

Do you mean supersets?
That's all pretty similar to what I was doing for PPL. I don't get that much now with the new arrival, so going to try and plan new routine of just compounds only in the 1 session. I'll probably not get going consecutive days so should be time to recover from deadlifts and bench etc.

I'll have to look up supersets.

I shoot for being able to do a set of 8 reps, 3x's and then move to heavier weight. Until I can do that, I add an extra set.

I'm looking to the compound exercises to make more out of less time. I get up at 2am, coffee and stretch till 2:30am, do as much as I can by 3:20am, then morning out the door stuff.