Do people only give bad movies the SJW label?


Ranting time: Social justice warriors are ignorant, selfish children wearing adult clothing ignoring the real terrors of the world in place of promoting that all white men (including them) are racist and that anyone who disagrees deserves to be insulted because insulting people unintentionally is evil but calling them racist sexist homophobic capitalist pigs is like the Ten Commandments and the Bill of Rights rolled into one.

Politcal agendas have gone from being about respecting all people to "waah waah I want my way," except that there's a lot of WHITE MEN doing that in these groups simply because white men are more prominent in America than men of any race simply because most people in the country are white. Oooh, I said something scary and should be insulted. I'm not allowed to use the most basic and obvious of statistics and facts when someone could intentionally twist my words to be a big fat insult.

I really wish there would be an age of respectful political neutrality. I really don't want to believe it's not possible anymore.

EDIT: Ugh, I really shouldn't be using a movie forum to vent my political stress. OK, if there are any social justice whiners here, get out what you want to say right now. Pretend I'm a racist because I'm white because your opinion changes science.

I think this is sort of the point, though? That people didn't automatically assume nefarious motives as often back then. If that comes out today, maybe we get a few facile attempted think pieces about it.

I have a nephew who graduated from college a few years ago, told me that one time in class they were listing their favorite movies...and he likes those old black-and-white gangster/mystery films...another student told him not to watch them because they had all-white casts and thus were racist. I remember watching Grease on TV in the waiting room at the dentist's office not long ago, and a Hispanic woman sitting next to me pointed out how there's not one latino in it. Said something like "You notice there's nobody of color in this?" "This is some old-ass sh¡t".

This is the kind of thinking that pervades the world today.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
But Grease takes place in an American high school where there would be a lot of white people. If I watched high school movie from a Hispanic country, should I, as a white person, be bothered that there are no 'gringos' in the movie?

But Grease takes place in an American high school where there would be a lot of white people. If I watched high school movie from a Hispanic country, should I, as a white person, be bothered that there are no 'gringos' in the movie?

No one should ever be bothered by something as petty as that.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Since I'm into filmmaking and try to get more and more into the industry, I had a screenplay shown to me a while ago, and the writer advertised it as a "female driven thriller". But I was thinking what do I care if the main characters, were female or not. I want a premise and synopsis, but I'm not going to be sold on being excited about a script all because of the genders the main characters alone.

Does that make sense?

Trouble with a capital "T"
Since I'm into filmmaking and try to get more and more into the industry, I had a screenplay shown to me a while ago, and the writer advertised it as a "female driven thriller". But I was thinking what do I care if the main characters, were female or not. I want a premise and synopsis, but I'm not going to be sold on being excited about a script all because of the genders the main characters alone.

Does that make sense?
If it makes sense to you, that's all that matters.

If I was making a film and someone pitched the idea of a female driven thriller, I'd be like, 'cool, tell me more'. I mean it could be a good script with a fresh angle. Just depends on the script.

Yeah, sucks doesn't it? They used to make great movies, and had a little bit of faith in the people. And many of those great movies made money, a triumph for good taste. It seems like they talk about everything EXCEPT the movie.. "Did you see what _____ said on fakebook?"
This seems to be a divide to me between a movement towards blockbusters having substantive greater representation outside of white males and a more recent trend to use politics in a cynical fashion to sell product.

I would say that something like Fury Road for example is a good example of the former and clearly links back to say something like Aliens in terms of having feminist themes to it but being sold on quality and having some weight to those themes and its drama. The Last Jedi on the other hand feels to me like something much more cynical, a film lacking in real weight or quality and looking to play on partisan politics to sell itself.

I think its highly questionable whether such cinema actually helps the causes it claims to espouse. Indeed I think you could argue that actually making a strong and balanced case for such politics is bad for such films marketing, if there going to draw the ire of conservatives most effectively then making a shallow and insubstantive case is actually more effective.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
None of this thread makes any sense [from inside or outside the industry], but you already know that.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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I have a nephew who graduated from college a few years ago, told me that one time in class they were listing their favorite movies...and he likes those old black-and-white gangster/mystery films...another student told him not to watch them because they had all-white casts and thus were racist. I remember watching Grease on TV in the waiting room at the dentist's office not long ago, and a Hispanic woman sitting next to me pointed out how there's not one latino in it. Said something like "You notice there's nobody of color in this?" "This is some old-ass sh¡t".

This is the kind of thinking that pervades the world today.
The first paragraph here, where you relay a (secondhand) personal anecdote, in no way logically implies the second paragraph, where you extrapolate that anecdote to the world at large.

I must say that old movies are best, new remakes movies just makes me sad, that's all I can say, because are kinda terrible.

The first paragraph here, where you relay a (secondhand) personal anecdote, in no way logically implies the second paragraph, where you extrapolate that anecdote to the world at large.
Well obviously I was exaggerating. All I meant was that kind of thinking is pervasive.

But Grease takes place in an American high school where there would be a lot of white people. If I watched high school movie from a Hispanic country, should I, as a white person, be bothered that there are no 'gringos' in the movie?
That's what people who make comments like that don't get. As I said, this kind of thinking is ignorant.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Well I just think it's kind of a double standard. I'm a fan of South Korean cinema for example and watch their movies, but I don't lookout for Caucasians to be in the movie, just because I am Caucasian, etc.

Welcome to the human race...
Ranting time: Social justice warriors are ignorant, selfish children wearing adult clothing ignoring the real terrors of the world in place of promoting that all white men (including them) are racist and that anyone who disagrees deserves to be insulted because insulting people unintentionally is evil but calling them racist sexist homophobic capitalist pigs is like the Ten Commandments and the Bill of Rights rolled into one.

Politcal agendas have gone from being about respecting all people to "waah waah I want my way," except that there's a lot of WHITE MEN doing that in these groups simply because white men are more prominent in America than men of any race simply because most people in the country are white. Oooh, I said something scary and should be insulted. I'm not allowed to use the most basic and obvious of statistics and facts when someone could intentionally twist my words to be a big fat insult.

I really wish there would be an age of respectful political neutrality. I really don't want to believe it's not possible anymore.

EDIT: Ugh, I really shouldn't be using a movie forum to vent my political stress. OK, if there are any social justice whiners here, get out what you want to say right now. Pretend I'm a racist because I'm white because your opinion changes science.
What if (some of) the real terrors of the world are being caused by racist white men?

I'm not sure political agendas were ever truly about respecting "all" people because you ultimately can't extend that same courtesy to those whose agendas are fundamentally incompatible with yours in a way that goes beyond mere agree-to-disagree differences. If you're fundamentally opposed to racism, how much respect can you genuinely extend to racists? Neutrality sounds nice in theory and all, but there are some things you just can't be neutral about.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Ranting time: Social justice warriors are ignorant, selfish children wearing adult clothing ignoring the real terrors of the world in place of promoting that all white men (including them) are racist and that anyone who disagrees deserves to be insulted because insulting people unintentionally is evil but calling them racist sexist homophobic capitalist pigs is like the Ten Commandments and the Bill of Rights rolled into one.

Politcal agendas have gone from being about respecting all people to "waah waah I want my way," except that there's a lot of WHITE MEN doing that in these groups simply because white men are more prominent in America than men of any race simply because most people in the country are white. Oooh, I said something scary and should be insulted. I'm not allowed to use the most basic and obvious of statistics and facts when someone could intentionally twist my words to be a big fat insult.

I really wish there would be an age of respectful political neutrality. I really don't want to believe it's not possible anymore.

EDIT: Ugh, I really shouldn't be using a movie forum to vent my political stress. OK, if there are any social justice whiners here, get out what you want to say right now. Pretend I'm a racist because I'm white because your opinion changes science.
What if (some of) the real terrors of the world are being caused by racist white men?

I'm not sure political agendas were ever truly about respecting "all" people because you ultimately can't extend that same courtesy to those whose agendas are fundamentally incompatible with yours in a way that goes beyond mere agree-to-disagree differences. If you're fundamentally opposed to racism, how much respect can you genuinely extend to racists? Neutrality sounds nice in theory and all, but there are some things you just can't be neutral about.
I'm not neurtal to racism. And I know some terrors have been caused by white racists, but the whole world isn't white. There's poverty in almost every country, there's starvation and war all over Africa, and don't get me started on the robots of North Korea. Watch the National Geographic Explorer episode, "Inside North Korea,"

The trick is that SJW's will use even a single white racist to compare all white people to. If you ask me, the white male SJW's are the worst because they're just flat-out hypocrites. They're the ones telling other races what to believe and how to live, so doesn't that make them the new breed of white supremacists in an ironic and much more ignorant way?

Trouble with a capital "T"
...If you ask me, the white male SJW's are the worst because they're just flat-out hypocrites. They're the ones telling other races what to believe and how to live, so doesn't that make them the new breed of white supremacists in an ironic and much more ignorant way?..
Amen Brother!

I've thought the same thing. SJWs who go around condemning whites, just because of their skin color are no better than other hate groups. They troll and stir the vast internet and piss off people of all colors. They seek to create division, not healing. I might be from an older generation but I was taught that judging someone by their skin color was wrong, wrong, wrong!

...If you ask me, the white male SJW's are the worst because they're just flat-out hypocrites. They're the ones telling other races what to believe and how to live, so doesn't that make them the new breed of white supremacists in an ironic and much more ignorant way?..
Amen Brother!

I've thought the same thing. SJWs who go around condemning whites, just because of their skin color are no better than other hate groups. They troll and stir the vast internet and piss off people of all colors. They seek to create division, not healing. I might be from an older generation but I was taught that judging someone by their skin color was wrong, wrong, wrong!
Amen back!