All Things West Side Story


"They should make a remake of WSS, but make it serious: just have it be about two lovers from different families or backgrounds that don't get along. Don't know what you'd call it, but it sounds very original! "

Nope! I still disagree, Captain Steel. West Side Story, as a movie/musical, is what it is, and should be left alone. Ever heard the expression "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"? That applies here, perfectly.

They should have the remake be a little different and take place in maybe the 14th century and have it set somewhere else like... oh, I don't know... Verona or Mantua! (And maybe change Tony's and Maria's names to something more romantic sounding!)

Do you have any links anywhere on the Net which claim that West Side Story was ever thought of in a negative light on Broadway? I'm having a tough time finding any, so I would appreciate those.
I don't think that a Maria with fair skin and blonde hair would matter, especially since there are different ways for Latinos and Latinas to look. Sometime after I graduated from high school (back in 1969), an old classmate of mine who was fair-skinned, blue-eyed, and somewhat blonde-haired got to play the part of Maria in a local stage production of West Side Story, and it got great reviews, including a great review of her beautiful singing voice.
"It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brush fires of freedom in the minds of men." -- Samuel Adams (1722-1803)

It would be one thing if Spielberg were to create a movie of his own with the same kind of theory, or even a similar theory to that of West Side Story, but to try to re-make an already beautiful and wonderful movie-musical such as West Side Story, which won ten well-deserved Academy Awards, including Best Picture, when it came out into the movie theaters in October of 1961, imho, is total folly, on anybody's part, including Steve Spielberg.

Having said all of the above, I firmly believe that the 1961 film version of West Side Story is in far too special a class by itself to justify a re-make/re-boot of it by anyone, including Spielberg.

All good people are asleep and dreaming.
Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Ridley Scott and Paul Verhoeven present...

West Side Story... IN SPACE!
Coming to a theater near you in the year 2020!,
I like the idea of Paul Verhoeven doing West Side Story. All Dutch cast, Carice van Houten plays Maria, graphic sex scenes. After Tony gets killed, Maria methodical kills The Jets with a pair of scissors. Cinematic gold!

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I saw the movie not too long ago, and have a couple of questions about it.


Why didn't Toni come to the woman's aid when the men were attempting to rape her upstairs? Couldn't he hear it from downstairs, and think something bad is probably happening from those sounds?

Also why is it that when Maria asked for the gun, the guy gave it to her at the end? Didn't the guy think that, i just shot the man she loved, and giving her my gun is probably not in my best interest?

I did really like the movie though, and I love the opening shots of New York, awesome shots!

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Ridley Scott and Paul Verhoeven present...

West Side Story... IN SPACE!
Coming to a theater near you in the year 2020!,

I would watch West Side Story in space for sure. There aren't enough sci-fi musicals. Plus, doing something different with it would be much more exciting than a straight remake.

I would watch West Side Story in space for sure. There aren't enough sci-fi musicals. Plus, doing something different with it would be much more exciting than a straight remake.
"The singin'est, dancin'est, laser-blastin'est best time you've had since Solarbabies!"

"Like Star Wars on steroids! Two thumbs way up!" says the ghost of Roger Ebert.

"Rita Moreno's cameo blew me away!" says actor Russ Tamblyn.

"Who would have thought the Jets would transform into actual jets?" says director Michael Bay.

"Can't wait to re-make this in a rebooted, alternate, concurrent counter-continuity, splinter-timeline where my Tony will call upon an aged Tony from the original movie for advice!" says filmmaker J.J. Abrams.

Trouble with a capital "T"
@Sofia Coppola ...need I say more? The perfect director for the next West Side Story.

I know she's a fan of my post, so maybe she'll take on the project. You guys can thank me later

I'd prefer a more Christian based reworking of it myself where the primary viewpoint is from the other side of the tale - Easter Side Story .... can't possibly go wrong with a fillum that has dancing bunnies and singing chocolate eggs imo.

I'd prefer a more Christian based reworking of it myself where the primary viewpoint is from the other side of the tale - Easter Side Story .... can't possibly go wrong with a fillum that has dancing bunnies and singing chocolate eggs imo.
...And peeps!

Coming next Christmas: WSSS (West Side Story in Space) II: The Wrath of Baby-John

Cut to preview scene of Chino (screaming toward the sky...) "Baby JOHHHHNNNNNN!"

Trouble with a capital "T"

Have you ever seen the original West Side Story restored on Blu-Ray? I did and it looked amazing, especially with the correct wide screen format.
This screen shot doesn't do it justices as it's not nearly as sharp as the Blu-Ray was.


Have you ever seen the original West Side Story restored on Blu-Ray? I did and it looked amazing, especially with the correct wide screen format.
This screen shot doesn't do it justices as it's not nearly as sharp as the Blu-Ray was.

Yes, I have seen the new Blu-Ray version of the original 1961 film version of West Side Story. It's beautifully done, although they did have some problems with it when the original 1961 film version of West Side Story first came out in Blu-Ray 10 years ago. The coloring was off, some parts of it, such as the Rumble scene, were way too dark, and parts of the Overture, which was supposed to turn various colors, went black, to name afew problems with it. Since there were a lot of angry people sending their Blu-Ray copies of WSS back, or cancelling their pre-orders or their back-orders of that Blu-Ray version of West Side Story, the Blu-Ray people obviously fixed the problems. It took a lot of angry people to make them do so, however.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I want to see the new West Side Story, but I keep reading that some people are not liking it because the Spanish dialogue is not subtitled. I might have a problem with this, and was looking forward to the movie though. How much of it is in Spanish though, since I do not know Spanish?

Victim of The Night

Have you ever seen the original West Side Story restored on Blu-Ray? I did and it looked amazing, especially with the correct wide screen format.
This screen shot doesn't do it justices as it's not nearly as sharp as the Blu-Ray was.

It looks pretty amazing. I mean, you can really see Rita Moreno's brownface.