Game of Thrones: Season 8, The Final Season (spoilers)


The Adventure Starts Here!
No love for Ghost, eh? And you call yourself fans Pretty lame how all of a sudden he's here and we aren't spose' to act like we haven't seem him in 2 years. Then again, his name is...

I was really surprised that Jon dropped that bomb on Dany in the crypt. Crashed her reality and the past __ years of her life and all she has struggled for. Then again, maybe one of them doesn't survive the ensuing battle. With all the effort that has gone into Jon's story, I can see him surviving and having to deal with the aftermath. As we were watching, we were discussing the lack of merit in telling her before battle.

Podrick and Arya, didn't Big Rob say something about uniting the houses?

I can't think of a television event where I really have no clue how it is gonna go. The battle, the crypts, the dragons. I mean, from a defensive strategy it seems better to keep them away in order to avoid another Whi'serion dilemma. Really seems like the last 2 episodes are being set up as an epilogue, dealing with Cersei type thing. So obviously Jaime lives
I think you mean Gendry and Arya, yes? And yes, Robert did tell Ned, "I have a son. You have a daughter. We should join our houses." Who knew it'd end up being a different son and a different daughter, though? BTW, I assume Arya survives till the end and that she's pregnant. Unsure about Gendry, though. Would love to see Arya and Gendry have a sort of happy ending since neither of them ever had a happy beginning or middle.

Ghost has clearly been in his crate all this time, since he SHEDS LIKE CRAZY. Now that it's winter and the shedding has eased up, they let him out of his crate. Any dog owner could have figured that out.

I'm trying to figure out who CAN'T die yet, and I'm assuming it'll be people we need to see battle/conquer Cersei. So, I'm thinking/hoping that means both of her brothers and Arya (since Cersei remains on her List). Unless the Night King gets to Cersei first, but I doubt they'd give us such an unsatisfying end for her. Maybe her *army* will meet its end at the hands of the White Walkers/the Night King, but not her.

The Adventure Starts Here!
The Night King thing is good for a very specific reason: it allows there to be another major conflict after this battle. I'm kinda stoked that this battle is happening now, earlier in the season, because the existential threat, even though the stakes are higher, is less interesting than the scheming and machinations among the living characters, so I like the idea that all those conflicts will come to the fore after (as opposed to fading away while they just fight zombies in the finale). The Night King surviving fits this theory because it allows them to sort of have both: get this battle out of the way, focus on the stuff we've been following this whole time, but keep the existential threat alive for the end.

Basically a "yeah we won, but as long as the Night King is out there this will happen again, so it's our obligation to vanquish him once and for all so our ancestors don't have to do the same thing."
YES, precisely! This show has always been about the characters, the politics, the game-playing among them. To end with the White Walker battle wouldn't have been satisfying. So it's coming mid-season, so that we have enough time to also deal with the ultimate politics of the show (and hence, its name): the game of thrones and the Iron Throne in particular. After all that's happened and all the characters we've lost, we NEED to see things settle into the cracks and to see storylines dealt with properly. We've aligned characters and couples and enemies... Next they'll battle for their lives. Once that is done, whoever survives has to battle for land, dominion, and political power. Let's hope things settle down in good places for once.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
BTW, I assume Arya survives till the end and that she's pregnant. Unsure about Gendry, though. Would love to see Arya and Gendry have a sort of happy ending since neither of them ever had a happy beginning or middle.
That's what I was hinting at in my spoilers tag earlier ;P

I'm trying to figure out who CAN'T die yet, and I'm assuming it'll be people we need to see battle/conquer Cersei. So, I'm thinking/hoping that means both of her brothers and Arya (since Cersei remains on her List). Unless the Night King gets to Cersei first, but I doubt they'd give us such an unsatisfying end for her. Maybe her *army* will meet its end at the hands of the White Walkers/the Night King, but not her.
Last night I kept cringing during EVERY FRIGGIN CLOSE UP on Tyrion or Jamie, totally expecting a bolt through the eye. During the sit-around-the-fire scene, OMG I was in stitches waiting for Bronn to take his shot. I just KNEW Jamie would get it halfway through the knighting hahaha. Like, through the window from a sniper position. *cries*
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

Kinda speculation stuff and I feel like I should wrap it... unlike what I did with Dragon rider talk...

WARNING: "Cersei and the Golden Army...Hellboy correlations?..." spoilers below

No, no way. But it made me chuckle.

Gleamed from that mega-pod, not my idea.

Apparently in the books they go into detail about the Golden Army and their sole motivation. Yes, they are sellswords. Yes, they always honor a contract. But...
They are led by former lords and knights of Westeros who have been waiting to reclaim what is rightfully theirs. Cersei has all but unlocked the front door.

My take. It would seem fitting that the wealth that has propelled the Lannister fam would lead to its demise. Contrast with the brothers who have worked to redeem themselves and separate from the family, by choice or not. Golden Army closing in, Jaime there to save her, Cersei runs too him, *Swipe*

We've gone on holiday by mistake
The politics is all done though. The only politics left is Dany and Jon's ongoing issue.

The place where all the politicking went down is KL and we literally have Cersei and Euron, that's it.

I guess it depends on what counts as politics. In addition to Dany and Jon's issues, there's how people will react to either; will they accept Dany? Will they believe Jon's claim (Dany's argument about his brother and friend "confirming" it was pretty good)? What does Cersei do, and does Jaime back her one more time when she does it? Does someone try to swoop in in the chaos and take over?

We've gone on holiday by mistake
The politics is all done though. The only politics left is Dany and Jon's ongoing issue.

The place where all the politicking went down is KL and we literally have Cersei and Euron, that's it.

There are basically 2 conflicts to settle, and how those conflicts interact with each other could be very interesting.

The politics is all done though. The only politics left is Dany and Jon's ongoing issue.

The place where all the politicking went down is KL and we literally have Cersei and Euron, that's it.

There are basically 2 conflicts to settle, and how those conflicts interact with each other could be very interesting.
That was my problem with "Winterfell" - I didn't get why all these political struggles had soo much weight in the episode. I'm pretty sure everything is gonna sort itself out next episode. That's why I think Tyrion is pretty much done for story-wise.

EDIT: All my predictions of the show have now been reexamined now it was revealed that Qyburn can sniff out STDs.

You guys caught them outing Ed Sheeran's character as one of the infected?

Pretty sure one of the ladies with Bronn mentions the guy with half his face eaten up, red haired...I'm currently looking for the transcript, cuz I'm too lazy to replay the episode.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
That was my problem with "Winterfell" - I didn't get why all these political struggles had soo much weight in the episode. I'm pretty sure everything is gonna sort itself out next episode. That's why I think Tyrion is pretty much done for story-wise.

EDIT: All my predictions of the show have now been reexamined now it was revealed that Qyburn can sniff out STDs.
Imagine if Bronn actually kills Tyrion and in revenge Jamie kills Cersei.

You guys caught them outing Ed Sheeran's character as one of the infected?

Pretty sure one of the ladies with Bronn mentions the guy with half his face eaten up, red haired...I'm currently looking for the transcript, cuz I'm too lazy to replay the episode.
Yea - I think they mention his eyelids being burnt off.

Imagine if Bronn actually kills Tyrion and in revenge Jamie kills Cersei.
I think Jamie is def going to kill Cersei - or at least die contributing to Cersei's downfall. I don't know how to feel about Bronn. I think alot of people don't think he will do it, because his character is soo likable, but a likable piece of ****, so I think he will def intend to kill either Jamie or Tyrion.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
I guess it depends on what counts as politics. In addition to Dany and Jon's issues, there's how people will react to either; will they accept Dany? Will they believe Jon's claim (Dany's argument about his brother and friend "confirming" it was pretty good)? What does Cersei do, and does Jaime back her one more time when she does it? Does someone try to swoop in in the chaos and take over?
I think it's as simple as Jon has his followers and Dany hers and they unite as one entity, dispense with the Iron Throne instead ruling as King and Queen.


First they have to survive the immediate danger and get to the point of ruling Westeros.


Game of Thrones really throws us for a loop and Dany and Jon vs each other is the final conflict. There have been Targaryan civil wars before. The dead really are going to die at Winterfell.


They win at Winterfell but they lose BIG in terms of Westeros, the dead take over most of Westeros, just like the Long Night thousands of years ago.

Then we get into prophecy stuff, Azor Ahai, Meilssandre, our hereos face a truly desperate situation that literally relies on Azor Ahai defeating the NK and all the dead in one final stroke.

How it goes down with Cersei **** knows?? I was sure Arya was going to go kill her with the Hound.

I'm gonna miss speculating about all this, less than 4 weeks and it's all over.

The Adventure Starts Here!
I think Jamie is def going to kill Cersei - or at least die contributing to Cersei's downfall. I don't know how to feel about Bronn. I think alot of people don't think he will do it, because his character is soo likable, but a likable piece of ****, so I think he will def intend to kill either Jamie or Tyrion.
I'm wondering if they're going to pull a fast one on us, hoping we'll half-forget that Bronn is on his way to Winterfell with that crossbow.

However, Qyburn made it clear that the wagon with the gold for Bronn was already waiting for him outside. SO, if Bronn already has his payment, I could see him finding he's unable to kill either Tyrion OR Jaime. He's been a sidekick to both of them, and seemed to end up liking both of them. He clearly said he was glad to see Tyrion when they all met in the dragon pit last season.

So, Bronn seems to be a wild card. I can only hope he flips on Cersei, keeps her gold, and uses the crossbow for some better purpose.

On second thought, they are being really heavy-handed about how safe the crypts are. Who will be there to save the day? Only the guy that has made a bunch of poor decisions for such an intelligent mind.

The Adventure Starts Here!
On second thought, they are being really heavy-handed about how safe the crypts are. Who will be there to save the day? Only the guy that has made a bunch of poor decisions for such an intelligent mind.
Yeah, I lost count on how many times they mentioned how safe the crypts are. That can't be a good sign. Is there a back exit on those things? Prolly not.

Some stuff is going down in the crypts, for sure. Either a fight, or there's secrets down there, or both.

And yeah, something freaky with dead Starks might be possible. I dunno how that works when the remains are just bones, though.