18th Mofo Hall of Fame


Trouble with a capital "T"
got mine ready for the 19th as well. I'm still looking for mid May, perhaps a little later to give the Sci Fi HoF a good start...
I got my nom ready for the 19th too Waiting tell mid May or later to start the 19th is cool by me and sounds like a good idea too.

I can also host the second animation HOF if people are cool with it, perhaps late May/early June
I'm cool with you hosting I might even join, can't promise that I will, but I did enjoy the Pixar HoF so maybe I will.

I have noms for 19, sci fi, and animation, so I would join all three.

I think I'll need some time to think of noms for the 19th and sci-fi HoFs.

Originally Posted by Iroquois
To be fair, you have to have a fairly high IQ to understand MovieForums.com.

I think I'll need some time to think of noms for the 19th and sci-fi HoFs.
There never seems to be enough time for me to come up with films.

I don't even have a nomination for the sci-fi HoF, and I've been planning to host it for a number of months now. I did make a banner for the thread yesterday though, so at least I'm not going into it completely empty handed haha.

Trouble with a capital "T"
There never seems to be enough time for me to come up with films.

I don't even have a nomination for the sci-fi HoF, and I've been planning to host it for a number of months now. I did make a banner for the thread yesterday though, so at least I'm not going into it completely empty handed haha.
I had my nom picked out for the 19th for many months, it was easy. And I tentatively picked out a nom for the animation HoF in like a minute...BUT I'm like you in that I'm having the hardest time deciding on a nom for the sci-fi Hof. There's lots of sci-fis I love, but they are either the biggies that everyone has seen, and I try not to nominate those (but I might), or they are B budget 50s sci fis, I love those, but no one else would I would have went with Cherry 2000, but I just nominated that in the B movie HoF. Oh well 'window shopping' for a nom is half of the fun of an HoF

Trouble with a capital "T"
I don't have any clue what I'm going to nominate for sci-fi or 19. I'll try to participate on at least one of them though, probably even both.
Both, I hope.

Sci-Fi isn't my thing, so I probably won't sign up for the Sci-Fi HOF.
Maybe if you join you might find some sci-fis you like. Have you seen any that you liked?

Sorry I missed the reveal. I had a sneaking suspicion that Road to Perdition would edge it but I would have been happy either way. Here's my list:

1. Perfect Blue
2. The King of Comedy
3. Road to Perdition
4. The Square
5. The Little Stranger
6. The Florida Project
7. Bubba Ho-Tep
8. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
9. Abandon Ship!
10. Brimstone
11. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
12. Split

I have noms for 19, sci fi, and animation, so I would join all three.
I have a nom picked out for sci-fi and the 19th. Animation is a bit trickier though as there's about four or five that I would pick.

Have you seen any that you liked?
Of course there are. Her, for example. But Sci-Fi is one of my least favorite genres and the few I do like are generally light on Sci-Fi elements.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Of course there are. Her, for example. But Sci-Fi is one of my least favorite genres and the few I do like are generally light on Sci-Fi elements.
There's a number of sci fis in your list that I like.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Mid May sounds great for the 19th. I can also host the second animation HOF if people are cool with it, perhaps late May/early June
And that sounds like an ideal time to start it as well
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Trouble with a capital "T"
Hmm... I have already two possible nominations for sci-fi HoF. Just wondering if the other one is too much a B-movie and ends up getting the Split-like reception
B-Sci-Fis are my favorite kind I'm considering a couple of those myself.

In hindsight I wish more people had access to at least a solid dvd copy of Split. It's a good film but again - it needs to be payed attention to and seen/heard. Bad quality probably makes it unbearable.

A bacteria carried by a nomad threatens government evil if released into the water in fear people will drink it and start thinking for themselves.