Star Wars: The Force Awakens

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JJ Abrams did fantastic job bringing Star Wars back to its roots in a sort of reminiscent Fashion as there are a lot of similarities with the original trilogy. but there are some things in the movie that disappointed me. The force awakens wasn't as dark as anything that you see in the original movies. The original trilogy had a haunting unknown and sinister vibe about the mystery of the Darkside and the darkness that exists within us all. And Luke Skywalker's struggle of choosing the right path to become a great Jedi. So the movie wasn't as dark as I wanted it to be. perhaps because of The movie being under control by Disney. but some of my main problems with the film was Rays ability with force. she picks up her force abilities so quickly to the point where it's unrealistic for Star Wars film anyway. you don't see her struggle and developed her abilities. you could argue it's because she's some sort of prodigy but even Luke at the beginning struggle to even lift a rock using the force. And this is also my issue with Kylo Ren at the beginning of the film we see him stop a blasters laser in its tracks. Yet he got defeated by Ray and fin who have no experience with the force it's clear Kylo Ren is no great sith warrior but nevertheless the fact is he's been training his whole life and a minor gunshot wound shouldn't of made any difference against two people who have no experience with the force. A lot of people overlook the small things but as a huge Star Wars fan I feel they should matter. but on a good note Visually the film was unforgettable especially the effects on the millennium falcon. And the film was genuinely funny and well acted. It would be more fitting for me to do a review on the Rogue one but I'm seeing it tomorrow can't wait

JJ Abrams did fantastic job bringing Star Wars back to its roots in a sort of reminiscent Fashion as there are a lot of similarities with the original trilogy. but there are some things in the movie that disappointed me. The force awakens wasn't as dark as anything that you see in the original movies. The original trilogy had a haunting unknown and sinister vibe about the mystery of the Darkside and the darkness that exists within us all. And Luke Skywalker's struggle of choosing the right path to become a great Jedi. So the movie wasn't as dark as I wanted it to be. perhaps because of The movie being under control by Disney. but some of my main problems with the film was Rays ability with force. she picks up her force abilities so quickly to the point where it's unrealistic for Star Wars film anyway. you don't see her struggle and developed her abilities. you could argue it's because she's some sort of prodigy but even Luke at the beginning struggle to even lift a rock using the force. And this is also my issue with Kylo Ren at the beginning of the film we see him stop a blasters laser in its tracks. Yet he got defeated by Ray and fin who have no experience with the force it's clear Kylo Ren is no great sith warrior but nevertheless the fact is he's been training his whole life and a minor gunshot wound shouldn't of made any difference against two people who have no experience with the force. A lot of people overlook the small things but as a huge Star Wars fan I feel they should matter. but on a good note Visually the film was unforgettable especially the effects on the millennium falcon. And the film was genuinely funny and well acted. It would be more fitting for me to do a review on the Rogue one but I'm seeing it tomorrow can't wait
Sadly, I don't think we're going to get another SW film that deals with any sort of gravity like the OT did. Different generation and movies are bottom lined, aiming to appeal to the dummies who think Kylo Ren doesn't look like the nerd from Gramma's Boy.

Welcome to the human race...
Huh, and here I was thinking that the film actively works to undermine Kylo Ren's "badass" credentials even as it establishes his power and abilities - even in his very first scene, Poe's cracking jokes about his Vader-wannabe helmet (and other characters continue to strike back at him on a personal level throughout the film). We're not meant to think that Ren is cool - he's a misguided pawn at best and a relentless murderer at worst. People think it sucks because they didn't make a villain as instantly iconic as Vader when that's literally part of the text with Rey even calling out Ren for being afraid that he'll never be as good as Vader.

As for Bunker's claims, I've...debunked them at length already but most of the OT's "darkness" comes from Empire and Jedi anyway while A New Hope is comparatively light. I get the impression that the real dark stuff is yet to come.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Absolutely agree with Iro. They go out of their way to show you Vader visually but make sure you know he is a punk with daddy issues emotionally.

This was a long-awaited reboot of the franchise but if you're a Star Wars fan, I feel that it wasn't the best.

I remember i wanted to ask this, why did kylo ren look at Fin at the beginning of the movie when they were ordered to kill the villagers, he looked at him without any kind of aftermath, as if he knows him or there is something behind, it s like he knows that fin won t fire his weapon and accepts it, at least that s the way i understand it, am i right or wrong?

I remember i wanted to ask this, why did kylo ren look at Fin at the beginning of the movie when they were ordered to kill the villagers, he looked at him without any kind of aftermath, as if he knows him or there is something behind, it s like he knows that fin won t fire his weapon and accepts it, at least that s the way i understand it, am i right or wrong?

Finn is having doubts, as seen when he refuses to fire on innocent people, and Kylo can sense something.
Then when Finn helps Poe, and a report comes through about a Stormtrooper gone rogue, Kylo immediately knows which Stormtrooper it is and says "The one from the village, FN-2187".
Kylo can sense there's something different about FN-2187, which is why he looks at him, then when stuff goes down he puts 2 and 2 together, knowing immediately it is him that's helping Poe.

It's all to do with the Force

Finn is having doubts, as seen when he refuses to fire on innocent people, and Kylo can sense something.
Then when Finn helps Poe, and a report comes through about a Stormtrooper gone rogue, Kylo immediately knows which Stormtrooper it is and says "The one from the village, FN-2187".
Kylo can sense there's something different about FN-2187, which is why he looks at him, then when stuff goes down he puts 2 and 2 together, knowing immediately it is him that's helping Poe.

It's all to do with the Force
Thanks a lot rodent

The tone of the movie was done perfectly, but I found The Force Awakens to be far too derivative for my liking. And the sequels that followed it have just gotten progressively worse, I'm sorry. I want to like them, but they don't do it for me.

Wookiees live to be about 400 years old... in Solo, Chewie is revealed as 190 years old...

So basically the relationship between the two is the other way around to what many people think... Chewie isn't Han's dog... Han is Chewie's dog...

... so it's Chewie's fault for Han's death because he didn't get him neutered.

Mind. Blown.

Wookiees live to be about 400 years old... in Solo, Chewie is revealed as 190 years old...

So basically the relationship between the two is the other way around to what many people think... Chewie isn't Han's dog... Han is Chewie's dog...

... so it's Chewie's fault for Han's death because he didn't get him neutered.

Mind. Blown.
Wow that s some new info there rodent, good to know,good stuff

Damn, Disney's German dubbing for The Force Awakens is something else.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.