MOFO 80's Teen Movie Hall of Fame


That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I owe you all three more comments/reviews and still need to knock out the final five from my list:

Grease 2
Can't Buy Me Love
My Bodyguard

I will hit one of these tonight. Maybe two. Last night was invaded by Apocalypse Now. I've not been able to locate my copy of Akira. I might have trashed it as it didn't have the original US voice actor (or at least not as I remember it!), so I need to sort that. Yeah yeah, subs or die. No.
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
It is different from most of the list I guess. More in line with Stand By Me, maybe. And I admit to be stand-offish with Macchio, so there's that. Hopefully the music angle might be a good doorway in. Once Willie Brown starts cussing, it all kinda settles in.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Just knocked out Can't Buy Me Love and My Bodyguard. 3 left to go.

Grease 2

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I just want to apologize for not being around for the last couple of weeks, but I've had a few personal issues that were more important than MoFo. (My mom went into the hospital, and I have a very sick bunny who needs several meds every few hours, and they're in different states so I can't be with my mom right now, and it's driving me to the edge of my sanity.)

However I already watched all of the movies, so I'm still in this HoF. I'll post write-ups for the movies I haven't posted about within the next week, (once I figure out which movies I haven't posted about yet), and then I'll send in my list.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
I just want to apologize for not being around for the last couple of weeks, but I've had a few personal issues that were more important than MoFo. (My mom went into the hospital, and I have a very sick bunny who needs several meds every few hours, and they're in different states so I can't be with my mom right now, and it's driving me to the edge of my sanity.)

However I already watched all of the movies, so I'm still in this HoF. I'll post write-ups for the movies I haven't posted about within the next week, (once I figure out which movies I haven't posted about yet), and then I'll send in my list.
I'm sorry to hear that, gb. Hope your mom will get better soon. The same with the bunny. I can imagine it's hard time for you and your family.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I just want to apologize for not being around for the last couple of weeks, but I've had a few personal issues that were more important than MoFo. (My mom went into the hospital, and I have a very sick bunny who needs several meds every few hours, and they're in different states so I can't be with my mom right now, and it's driving me to the edge of my sanity.)

However I already watched all of the movies, so I'm still in this HoF. I'll post write-ups for the movies I haven't posted about within the next week, (once I figure out which movies I haven't posted about yet), and then I'll send in my list.
Obviously real life takes precedence over MOFO. No one will judge you on that. Is it impossible to take the bunny cross state? Have a trusted friend take care of bunny?

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Truly sorry to hear about your mom and your bunny and wish them both the very best.

Take sweet care, gbg!!
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

Teen Wolf

Ah, the halcyon days of car surfing. . .
though it was normally done on the hood of the car and, you got out, onto the hood, while in motion, but I'm kinda nitpicking the point here, aren't I?

And this is NO movie for telescopic analyzing of any kind.
Because then you'd be wondering when, the hell, is the Government agents agents showing up to dissect and study Teen Wolf? Just how clogged up are the shower drains in the Howard residence? When, exactly, is that flamboyant friend of his that thinks up naughty games at parties, coming out of the closet?

You will not find any answers.
Just Michael J Fox being his usual self but with a WHOLE lot more hair. Along with a very fuzzy and understanding dad. Whom, unlike so many other 80's flicks, DOES understand his son's anxiety and worries. (Yay Dad)

Very much a paint by the numbers 80s teen flick with the wacky twist of finding popularity and losing the geeky image via lycanthropy. We follow along as Mikey learns the importance of being one's self, as well as being a team player and to quit hogging the ball, wolfie. No body likes that.
And, of course, never mind the popular chick, there's a true lady right there, beside you.
Brought to you with the usual cheesy, synthesized pop music that all the crazy kids are dancin' to. Gosh love 'em.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Just started Grease 2 and holy $:;÷&€_&/%==÷$× I'm so not prepared for this lol. I'm literally hiding behind my phone. Oh there's Frenchy! Rofl. Omg pink ladies singing... I need to be be drinking.

Lucas (1986)

Dir. David Seltzer

Participating in this tournament has enabled me to visit a number of interesting films that I previously had not heard of - this is one of those examples.

Lucas is a nice little film; I would argue that it doesn't display anything too special, but I definitely still enjoyed it. A great choice of the cast too.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds

It's hard to watch a movie like this when there are accusations about the rape of a 13 year old child on set. It will undoubtedly cloud one's view of the film. When I first watched it, it was an innocent film about a kid wanting to impress a girl. It still holds that charm, I just think less fondly of it now.

It does feel different from other teen movies, which are mainly about sex, pranks and being hostile and mean to each other. This film has a different tone and it bleeds through the screen with the honest performance from a young man. Haim is good here, he was always good as a kid. Sheen plays nice here, before the crazy started to set in.

Cheesy yet classic slow-clap ending which screams 80's and 90's, Gave me a chuckle. It has the classic underdog type story that fits within this decade of teen films. In the effort to be a little different, it somehow becomes a little forgettable. Decent nomination, but one that I doubt I'll ever visit again.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Lucas is next on list. Having a hard time finding it. Haven't tried YouTube yet. I'm not sure if I'll have time to provide a write-up for anything today, but I've knocked out Grease 2, My Bodyguard, and Can't Buy Me Love the last two nights. I'll be writing a lot this weekend it looks.

Three O'Clock High this is the rare one I hadn't heard of before watching. Five minutes in I was like...oh I guess they could only get a Matthew Broderick type for this one, ten minutes in I was like...okay this was working.

A down on his luck shlub ends up crossing paths with a psychopath in the worlds most luxurious high school. Major credit to the cinematographer Barry Sonnenfield who really gives the film this crazy look. Like most teen films from this era it's got it's problems...though it's nice that the rape jokes are from the teacher to student instead of male student to female student. I also enjoyed the dynamics of the friend group, unlike most films from this era you actually buy this group of people being friends.

The biggest knock I have on the film is that the bully seems to live in this strange world removed from all the other characters in the story. Anyways this was a good nom.

Lucas is next on list. Having a hard time finding it. Haven't tried YouTube yet. I'm not sure if I'll have time to provide a write-up for anything today, but I've knocked out Grease 2, My Bodyguard, and Can't Buy Me Love the last two nights. I'll be writing a lot this weekend it looks.

SmudgeEFC1985 Last Activity: 11-24-18

I'm not doing Lucas, that poster hasn't even been online for nine weeks.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
SmudgeEFC1985 Last Activity: 11-24-18

I'm not doing Lucas, that poster hasn't even been online for nine weeks.
I had not noticed. Thanks for the heads-up there.

Then I suppose Akira is next! :P

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
SmudgeEFC1985 Last Activity: 11-24-18

I'm not doing Lucas, that poster hasn't even been online for nine weeks.
Which is why I'm holding off on that one and velvet's Can't Buy Me Love. Neither has been around.
I will wait til near the due date to send in my vote, just in case, something occurs otherwise.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Yeah, I wouldn't count on Smudge or Velvet finishing, they probably should have been disqualified long ago for non participation. That's why in the last HOF I hosted I had this new rule:

We've had a problem with people joining HoFs, but never participating, and never saying they've dropped out either. That causes problems!

New HoF members will need to post their movie write ups on a regular basis. 1 write up in the first 2 weeks, and 3 in the first month and so on. That way we know your keeping up. If too much time passes without any activity from someone, their movie with be disqualified.
That new rule worked good too.