Tips for Keeping Your Sanity


Registered User
What are your tips to staying sane and not going completely insane?

It’s 2019. I figure we all could use as much help as possible to stay sane.

So how do we stay sane?

Registered User
Are there any good movies to watch that you feel would help keep you sane?

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
What are your tips to staying sane and not going completely insane?

It’s 2019. I figure we all could use as much help as possible to stay sane.

So how do we stay sane?
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Exercise. Not just once in a while, but everyday - it's got to become a part of a lifestyle.

Preferably combine some exercise with going outside - fresh air and removing yourself from your abode does a lot for refreshing one's perspective (as somewhat of a hermit, I've found and observed from others that staying indoors too much, being reclusive, engaging in seclusion, insulating yourself from the outside world too much makes one more vulnerable to depression, paranoia, loss of confidence, a skewed perspective and phobias - in simple terms, you can get "cabin fever" and that's something we should all avoid).

Always be engaged in learning something new - whether it's a new work out routine, martial arts, playing an instrument, studying a language, learning about a different culture or studying history, trying new recipes, operating new equipment, buying a telescope & taking up astronomy, reading mind-opening books, building something, developing new skills, taking on a new hobby, etc.

Discipline - this ties into everything else as you must discipline yourself to exercise your body and brain, eat right, get enough sleep, stay active, and control your thoughts to develop a positive mental attitude, etc.

Be balanced... in everything. Limit time on the computer, on the Internet, engaging in social media, watching TV, sitting around doing nothing, etc. Limit your consumption of food, drink, how much media and "news" you allow into your head, and balance any negatives with equal parts positive (if you watch a half hour of news, then read a half hour of something positive, if you love horror movies or violent films, insert something inspiring once in a while).

Drink a couple of glasses of wine, enjoy your family, don’t overthink things, don’t sit back and expect other people to organise things - you do it, look after the older people in your community, do something nice every day even if its just a few kind words to a stranger, do lots of walking, try and enjoy your job, don’t look at the leader of your country and despair - breathe,it’ll pass, read more for pleasure, stay calm, let stuff go over your head.

1) Exercise. Doesn't even have to be a lot. Just get up and walk around now and then. If you can do more, great. Even short (5-10 minutes) walks, if regular, make a huge difference.

2) Go outside. You literally absorb vitamins from being in the sun. It's good for you.

3) Remember that nobody is as bad as they seem. Every person you see saying something you think is awful has done any number of kind things you would admire, and every single one of them is going through some kind of deep personal struggle, same as you. And almost none of them are evil, stupid, or acting in bad faith. The world is a complicated place, and while that can be a very scary thought, it's true, and it's healthier and easier to cope with than the idea that half the people around you are terrible.

4) Find smart people who disagree with you and read what they have to say. Be it on Facebook, Twitter, whatever. Consider it your intellectual duty to find these people. If everything you read either makes you nod or makes you mad, you're not seeing the world as it really is, and you're not going to be happy in the long run, either.

What are your tips to staying sane and not going completely insane?

It’s 2019. I figure we all could use as much help as possible to stay sane.

So how do we stay sane?
Reading this thread 4 years ago

This might just do nobody any good.
Are there any good movies to watch that you feel would help keep you sane?
I got Dr. Strangelove playing in a loop and I feel GREAT!

Exercise. Not just once in a while, but everyday - it's got to become a part of a lifestyle.Preferably combine some exercise with going outside -
Agree. Agree.

do lots of walking ... don’t look at the leader of your country and despair
Easy for you to say. You don’t got Trump for a possible 2nd term.

1) Exercise. Doesn't even have to be a lot. Just get up and walk around now and then. If you can do more, great. Even short (5-10 minutes) walks, if regular, make a huge difference. Go outside. You literally absorb vitamins from being in the sun. It's good for you.
Agree. But I think you have to walk for a minimum of 30 minutes for a good effect. I walk from between 1-1/2 to 2 hours every day & it does wonders for me.

Always amazed at how many people in Connecticut don’t go outside except to drive their car from point a to point b. I know so many people who I have never seen outside.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

What are your tips to staying sane and not going completely insane?
Embrace your 'insanity' because that which does not kill us makes us all the stranger. And that's a good thing, because no one wants to be robotic.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
What are your tips to staying sane and not going completely insane?

It’s 2019. I figure we all could use as much help as possible to stay sane.

So how do we stay sane?

Get a pet.

Whenever I have a bad day, I hug my rabbit and she gives bunny kisses.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

I got Dr. Strangelove playing in a loop and I feel GREAT!
Just the Slim Pickens part!
(His sheer joy, exaltation and exuberance in the face of imminent death always makes me hope I can go out half as well!)

Weird is relative.
Make small goals that you can accomplish throughout a week. This will make you feel empowered and ready to tackle larger plans over a period of time.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Don't get AIDS.

I had 5 Swatches on my arm…
Do something you don't want to do everyday.

Help someone you don't want to help everyday.

Don't poison the well, fill the bucket.

Make an effort everyday.

Your media intake affects you just like your food intake. What have you been feeding your mind?

Surrender the results to the process.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Do something with your hands. TUS covered the obvious, but something crafty or artistic helps. Musical instruments are great puzzle pieces to distract the thoughts. Wood building helps too. The planning, measuring, and assembly of something simple can hold my attention. Painting. If you have it, join a public ceramics class. That always calmed me right down. Quite therapeutic.

1) Exercise. Doesn't even have to be a lot. Just get up and walk around now and then. If you can do more, great. Even short (5-10 minutes) walks, if regular, make a huge difference.

2) Go outside. You literally absorb vitamins from being in the sun. It's good for you.

3) Remember that nobody is as bad as they seem. Every person you see saying something you think is awful has done any number of kind things you would admire, and every single one of them is going through some kind of deep personal struggle, same as you. And almost none of them are evil, stupid, or acting in bad faith. The world is a complicated place, and while that can be a very scary thought, it's true, and it's healthier and easier to cope with than the idea that half the people around you are terrible.

4) Find smart people who disagree with you and read what they have to say. Be it on Facebook, Twitter, whatever. Consider it your intellectual duty to find these people. If everything you read either makes you nod or makes you mad, you're not seeing the world as it really is, and you're not going to be happy in the long run, either.
All these are great tips, specially number 3. My mum always used to say don’t be judgemental of other people, you don’t know what’s going on behind their closed doors.

Number 4 is a good idea too. Specially on Twitter which is more political I think. It’s also pretty easy to only follow people of the same mindset as you and get conned into thinking the real world is like that. You only have to pay a visit to a local pub and make conversation to know that actually really most people don’t care that much about politics. In the UK a good third of people don’t even bother to vote.

What can I say after reading all these great comments? I think I'll give my negatives that might help finding positives.
I've searched about very different perspectives over the years, like Yoda said it's very useful, but you have to do it properly. My father thought me many lessons, that's why I disagree with him all the time. He kept saying: "What is truth you are always talking about?" I thought he was just trying to be smart. I don't like to read, I just can't read, I'm ashamed to say that, I know many books that would totally blow my hair back but I don't have the willpower to read them. I once searched about Marcus Aurelius and I found a quotation that changed my life: Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.
After that I started to understand what my father was trying to tell me, and I started questioning everything I thought was trued, and I entered in a world of over-thinking and existentialism. I searched about many-many philosophies and religions, gurus and masters, many forms of meditation, and I fond Alan Watts, a very articular, intelligent zen master that somehow had the answer to everything, and what a elegant answer it was, he made some points which I couldn't disagree with, I still can't, but the problem is/was that he was driving me to the opposite direction his teaching were suppose to, not to depression, well I don't know what depression is, the foundation of his teaching and Taoism is that everything implies something else, black implies white, dying implies living, without unhappiness you don't know happiness, so I don't know if I know depression, maybe I am depressed.
What we all want is relevance, be significant, be connected, that's why we seek a partner, is not just for sexual pleasure, reproduction, there is nothing that completes more another human being that the devotion some else gives you by trusting there only single living experience by spending it on there side. You can romanticize whatever you want, but after a certain age, being alone is not a good thing mentally, because this idea is deeply rooted in our society.
I think we should find what gives us bliss, might be painting, might be fishing or any other thing. For instance, I thought I would like to fish, so I went fishing with some friends, all night long, negative temperature and I found that I hate fishing, so I have to find something else, might be agriculture. The reason I like movies is because I like to see other peoples situations and dilemmas. In the movie Bruce Almighty, Morgan Freeman representing God said: People underestimate the benefit of good old manual labor. There's freedom in it. Some of the happiest people in the world go home smelling to high heaven at the end of the day.
The amount of people that find bliss on this situation is incredible, is the majority, but you have to regard your job as something you like to do, like I regard mine. Most people enjoy there cold beer and football talk in some pub after a hard day working while there wife is cooking dinner, and because she cooked dinner while he was drinking now she can choose the TV channel. People find bliss and enjoyment in the smallest things in life. Today's morning I was fixing my car front bumper, I ended up thinking I saved fifty bucks and I was happy, not because of the money, because I was able to be useful, because of the challenge. I don't know if I can help you, because to help you I have to help myself, I think I believe you find bliss in the smallest things in life, by not asking much, being simple, but some people might disagree, thinking you have to have things and search for more, be ambitious. Who knows? I think people nowadays have more doubts then never.