Female Beauty We Appreciate


You end up with head and chest injuries, but save your testicles. You only saved one out of three! Not smart!
It's either not showing, or the GIF is cut. :3
Just for a point of reference, the line I wrote is preceded by:

Daniel: Hey, what kind of belt do you have?

Miyagi: Canvas. JC Penney, $3.98. You like?

Daniel: [laughs] No, I meant...

Miyagi: In Okinawa, belt mean no need rope to hold up pants.

Miyagi: [laughs; then, seriously] Daniel-san...

(part I already quoted...)

Miyagi: [taps his head] Karate here.

Miyagi: [taps his heart] Karate here.

Miyagi: [points to his belt] Karate never here. Understand?

I understood that reference. I was just trying to be goofy.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

yup err, i mean, which one. Pinku eiga or AV?
Take a guess. There is a reason I know words like "iku" (f*ck I even now the inflection: "ike"), or "kimochi ii".


Chieko Baisho

Misako Renbutsu

for (Post post : List<Post> allPosts) {
PostImage image = post.getImage();
if (isGirl(image) && isAsian(image)) {
PostingUtil.replyToPost(post, "SUGOIII");

for (Post post : List<Post> allPosts) {
if (isGirlAsian(girl)) {

My code needs refactoring! I will do it later and push the changes! Bye!

Is it a Japanese trait that the men like innocent, virginal-looking girls who look like butter wouldn’t melt in their mouths?
Yeah . Female virginity is still a big issue in Japan .

To be honest it is an issue in India too , but India is not as developed as Japan so it is more understandable . Japan has the issue inspite of all the development .

seiko no musume.. Err i mean Doppelganger
Hamabe Minami

Do total losers get two?

When are you and Minio gonna have a threesome with an Asian beauty?
well it's not up to us. he just never show up when time call

well it's not up to us. he just never show up when time call
Yeah. We wait, and he simply never comes. Maybe that's good. I have ambiguous feelings about me and another man having a threesome with you.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Looks like Mary Elizabeth Winstead.

well it's not up to us. he just never show up when time call
Yeah. We wait, and he simply never comes. Maybe that's good. I have ambiguous feelings about me and another man having a threesome with you.
and it's always okay when man woman and woman but not when man woman and man? double standard!

Well okay ima not really good showing a pretentious tantrum 😐

and it's always okay when man woman and woman but not when man woman and man? double standard!
Actually, I'd find it very hard to agree to have sex with anybody else except for my (potential) girlfriend. Apart from all the kinky mantle, I'm still very romantic, and don't want polygamy, but that's just me.
Well okay ima not really good showing a pretentious tantrum 😐
You don't have to, if you don't feel like it. Wouldn't you love a threesome with me and any of these girls you posted (just to be fair and sound less creepy, I know that I would be most superfluous in such configuration)?