Rate The Last Movie You Saw


This is the funniest Korean movie I've ever saw in my entire life, in the good sense. A rape crime scene without any pubic hair fond so the genius detective (Kang-ho Song) goes to a spa for a full day to find the a suspect without a bush?
Yeah, sounds like a laugh a minute.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

As Above, So Below (2014)

This is 40 (2012)


It may or may not be a Cloverfield/Fringe film, but it is a surprisingly excellent horror film. A number of things in the film made zero to no sense and the historical accuracy of certain parts of the film are ridiculous. It also has a bad case of poor casting where every character has a gimmick and once the gimmick is revealed and the character becomes pointless prepare yourself to say goodbye to said character.

So why is this film a borderline 4 star film...well to be slightly vague it's the best certain type of film I've seen in 40 years.

The other reason why this is so good is a number of the set pieces, action and horror parts are just so well made and perfectly put together. The War scenes work really well, the horror scenes work really well and when you can move past the criminally one dimensional identity'd characters you can actually have fun with this.

Have to say it's a much easier watch than the other Pasolini film I've seen (Salo). I had a feeling this would be a real slog to get through but it moved along pretty quick. There's nothing flashy here. Just a simple re-telling of the Gospel.


It may or may not be a Cloverfield/Fringe film
I've heard a few people bring up Overlord's possible ties to the Cloverfield universe, but having just seen the film, I have no idea why that theory even exists.

It's possible that I missed some big clue in Overlord, and to be fair I haven't actually seen Cloverfield (though I have seen 10 Cloverfield Lane and The Cloverfield Paradox). Did you get any hints of that when you saw it? Was there some throw away dialogue that I didn't catch since I didn't see the original film?

I've heard a few people bring up Overlord's possible ties to the Cloverfield universe, but having just seen the film, I have no idea why that theory even exists.

It's possible that I missed some big clue in Overlord, and to be fair I haven't actually seen Cloverfield (though I have seen 10 Cloverfield Lane and The Cloverfield Paradox). Did you get any hints of that when you saw it? Was there some throw away dialogue that I didn't catch since I didn't see the original film?
I saw it and there was nothing tied to Cloverfield from what I could tell. It's just a good stand-alone genre flick, in my opinion.

Better off Dead (1985)
by Savage Steve Holland

very strange movie but i could tell that ssh had all his intentions in the right place. his attention to detail and timing are super. so many great moments and sight gags, not to mention a killer and totally 80's soundtrack that is dominated by rush producer rupert hine. so again, it's a strange movie. squid cooking in the pot with tentacles moving, a green gelatin crawling away at the dinner table, a scene where booger estimates the street value of actual mountain snow and tries to pass it off as a serious joke, a cartoon drawing coming to life in the cafeteria at high school..and a lot more weirdness. I love this movie. it's just the right blend of surreal and broad, and it always satisfies me. i used to not give it much due because i was 11 and i figured a PG film wasn't as good as an R film. Wrong.


When I saw the trailer I though this movie had everything I would like, lots of snow, I love cold weather, wolves, the animal I most fear and love, native Americans, empathize a lot with there culture and Jeffrey Wright on the main roll. I was thinking more about a horror movie, but came out as a dramatic very dark suspense instead. Most people hated this movie, mainly because it catches your attention and then drives you to nowhere. I believe the story telling could make a very important detail a little more obvious, that detail is incest. Directors nowadays are trying to hide certain aspects while making a movies to make people think about what they saw, some people end up hating them, those who care write a review, other never think about it until they see it again years later.

Welcome to the human race...
It slaps.

Manhunt (2017) -

what if The Fugitive but also a mediocre John Woo movie
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

I've heard a few people bring up Overlord's possible ties to the Cloverfield universe, but having just seen the film, I have no idea why that theory even exists.

It's possible that I missed some big clue in Overlord, and to be fair I haven't actually seen Cloverfield (though I have seen 10 Cloverfield Lane and The Cloverfield Paradox). Did you get any hints of that when you saw it? Was there some throw away dialogue that I didn't catch since I didn't see the original film?

Well the biggest reason that it's an alternative universe because black and white soldiers were serving together, remember WWII on our the military services were segregated.

Hellloooo Cindy - Scary Movie (2000)
Creep 2

I thought the first creep was very good. It’s creeped me out. This is trash. Midway through I thought this can’t be it , there must be some payoff, something scary, something interesting, some twist likely to happen, it must be building to it. I was wrong. It just nothing, nothing interesting. Two boring unpleasant characters talking about nonsense. Then both miraculously recover from something that happens to them at the end of the film. Lol, what. The first movie was a slow build horror, this is a slow...as we are not building to anything and nothing horrifying.
