Rank How Important Rep Is


What rating do you give receiving rep for your posts?
6 votes
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3 votes
27 votes. You may not vote on this poll

Are you sure you're not a Swedish man?
Close. A British woman.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Close. A British woman.
SO TRUE. OMFG the repression here is staright up British at times. But for some reason, all Swedish males connect with Brice Springsteen because he had problems communicating with his father. And that's a Swedish thing...you know like Pink Floyd said in one of their lyrics "hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way". It's kind of the same for Swedish males. Except they take it ALL from Bruce Springsteen. I can't even explain why. I can only tell you I have a friend who wrote a dissertation about Brice Springsteen and the role his father had in his lyrics...

I just like to grind, man...
You're an enigma, cat_sidhe.

I know you can see how many rep points you have in total, is there a way to figure out how many you've given other people???
Yes, with the caveat that any time you guys say "is there a way" or "is it possible" the answer is almost always yes because that's super broad.

There is not currently, however, a page everyone can just go to to see this number. But I've been meaning to expand the rep stats system for a long time now, and that might be a good addition...

I was being sardonic. I can’t imagine any similarities between a Swedish man & a British woman. We don’t even speak the same language.

You think British people are repressed?

Yes. Even Swedish people recognise they're repressed like the British. You only see the REAL Swedes when they're drunk and it's a såorting event, or it's pay day weekend... THEN you see the Viking OMFG TAKE COVER Swede.

It's not important for me to get it, but it's important for me to give it. I like people to know that someone is paying attention, especially when I don't have time to comment.
Unless it is for a competition .
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

You ready? You look ready.
I know a lot of people don't care for it, but I like it. It's unique to this site. I will say though, that back when there was negative rep....boy....people were really petty back then.
Quoted for truth!

I remember the great flame wars of yore!

I love the rep system and don’t ever want to see it go, but I would like to see it built upon, too. But I honestly can’t think of anything that is *needed* to make it better. So I voted
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

See, that got you a rep. Because you MADE A JOKE and ypu kinda hate comedy. GOTCHAAAAA!
lol @cat_sidhe

You must have never read this


don't get me wrong.. I love MovieMeditations to death.. yes damn it!! to death.....

Him, Neiba, Mr Minio and several others are close friends and I care a hell of a lot about them...

feel free to read a couple of pages into it.. you can tell who luvs me..

It depends on a thread.

I like it on musical threads because you not only get a feel of someone liking your music or songs, but also liking a specific genre. It just feels more specific. I sort of keep an eye on a few people to see what else they post musically speaking because I just like their taste.

Political threads are a different story. I feel it is a lot more tribal and I like it less than anywhere else. You get a feel like it's the same people repping the same other people like one giant virtual circle jerk. If that is your thing, you go ahead. It certainly is not mine. Don't like the gang mentality of it.

The thing I really dislike the most is when people complain about a person with opposing views being repped. I mean, your ego can't be THAT fragile can it?
“There's no place to hide, When you're lit from the inside” Roisin Murphy

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I like seeing at least a few reps on some of my posts just so that I know that I'm not just talking to myself sometimes, but I have no interest in having that "one big post" that gets the most rep for a single post. I just like to know that I'm not wasting my time posting to nobody.

Having said that, I love to give rep. I think it's important to let people know that other people are paying attention to them, and that we like what you have to say and/or agree with it. I especially like repping the fun posts with pictures that highlight whatever the poster is trying to say.

I was thinking about making a thread about reps in general.. For example, do you rep only if you like the movie, or do you rep because of the effort to watch something.. What do you do if someone has multiple movies, and you love half, and hate the other half? Those are the ones I don't rep because I want to be accurate.
For movie reviews, I usually rep the post if I agree with the review or the rating, but sometimes I'll rep a post about a movie that I haven't seen yet if the review made the movie sound good enough for me to add it to my watchlist.

If there are several movies reviewed in one post, I usually rep it if I agree with at least one of the reviews, as long as I don't disagree with more than one review.

Welcome to the human race...
The thing I really dislike the most is when people complain about a person with opposing views being repped. I mean, your ego can't be THAT fragile can it?
I don't know if it's an ego thing so much as the idea of seeing someone express an especially disagreeable opinion and then thinking "geez, can't believe so many people are agreeing with that". There's a difference between a person saying "Blade Runner isn't that good" and "antifa and neo-Nazis are just as bad as each other".
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Master of My Domain
I've upvoted posts that made me laugh despite having views on movies/politics/whatever I disagree with. Most of them were from SC I reckon.
Letterboxd Profile: https://letterboxd.com/GatsbyG/

Master of My Domain
I barely give out rep no matter what.
Yeah, that's why I have a shrine dedicated to the few times you've given me rep. All screenshots, pinned on a bright wall and in mint condition.

Master of My Domain
That is the saddest non-Nostromo post I've ever seen on this website.
Thanks Iro.

IPolitical threads are a different story. I feel it is a lot more tribal and I like it less than anywhere else. You get a feel like it's the same people repping the same other people like one giant virtual circle jerk. If that is your thing, you go ahead. It certainly is not mine. Don't like the gang mentality of it.
I will often rep somebody I am debating in a political thread even if I completely disagree with their post. It's out of respect if they are at least being thoughtful and fair. For instance, I wouldn't rep someone who randomly showed up to post nothing more than a facepalm even though they didn't understand the conversation

Trouble with a capital "T"
I will often rep somebody I am debating in a political thread even if I completely disagree with their post. It's out of respect if they are at least being thoughtful and fair...
That's one of the best uses of reps....Without reps, MoFo might be a more negative site.