B-Movie HoF II: The Sequel!


Well some of the B's deserve a little more than that. At least if I have any feelings for them, they should (in my book at least).

And I can't really go on without paying the first two I've watched some verbal attention. Backups can put me off sometimes.
A cat's Flap on one of the noms would be tons of fun!

A cat's Flap on one of the noms would be tons of fun!
Indeed! I actually did think of doing on in there for this HoF. Next week is a train smash for me as I do my last week of super early shifts which messes with my entire body clock, what's left of that. I should be off the weekend unless something comes up.

I feel a bit bummed I didn't run one for The Editor. I took a look at my notes while I was watching and yeah...it would have been great fun.

Maybe Hunter's Blood?
You're an enigma, cat_sidhe.

Anyone here have any idea of when the official final end cut off date is for final submissions on ranakings? I only ask because im getting a 4k remaster of Night of the creeps on October 15th and Octobers a very busy month over on my channel...while i'll be able to post my rankings by October I wont be able to share the 2nd half (The remaining 6 films) of my thoughts on the movies chosen till probably the first week of November (At the latest) due to other commitments...Do you reckon thats a bit late?

Trouble with a capital "T"
Anyone here have any idea of when the official final end cut off date is for final submissions on ranakings? I only ask because im getting a 4k remaster of Night of the creeps on October 15th and Octobers a very busy month over on my channel...while i'll be able to post my rankings by October I wont be able to share the 2nd half (The remaining 6 films) of my thoughts on the movies chosen till probably the first week of November (At the latest) due to other commitments...Do you reckon thats a bit late?
Only Joel can answer when the official deadline is. I don't think he's every said. I would guess the deadline would be sometime in November.

Anyone here have any idea of when the official final end cut off date is for final submissions on ranakings? I only ask because im getting a 4k remaster of Night of the creeps on October 15th and Octobers a very busy month over on my channel...while i'll be able to post my rankings by October I wont be able to share the 2nd half (The remaining 6 films) of my thoughts on the movies chosen till probably the first week of November (At the latest) due to other commitments...Do you reckon thats a bit late?
I think cat_sidhe didn't want to be rushed so I think Joel sat it far back for her but then again, only he can say how far back.

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
The Burning

Quite clearly inspired by the ending of Friday the 13th, and played out as an imagining of what Jason would have done had it focused on him... which the Friday franchise obviously would do but nonetheless!
Funky soundtrack, someone had clearly been listening to Bette Davis Eyes that year
I agree with Suspect, the virgin/frigid shaming was awkward given the Weinstein scandal, even though I try to separate art from artist so it didn't distract me too much, but it was at the back of my mind. On the whole, I say this film has dated but in turn that adds some charm to it because it is such a product of its time. It is a relic and an accumulation of a lot of positive aspects that made the slasher genre so popular. The gore was realistic and unsettling, it really was quite tense at parts and was excellently paced I felt. The kills were fairly consistent but allowed time for real character interaction and development which was vital for such a big cast.
As a big, big, BIG Clock Tower fan, it was a nice experience to see one of the major films that influenced its creation too.
A worthwhile nom indeed, Cat!

Some additional thoughts:
The opening was like Murder, She Wrote meets Nightmare on Elm Street. Wanted to be scary and shocking, but the budget made it look like Lifetime was trying to make a horror film.
The woman at the start talks a lot. Get that SAG card, hun!
Did bras not exist in the 80s? Did Julie Newmar really create bras?
My god the hair. Bloody love the 80s but the hair! Ugh, that was enough to qualify this film as a horror.
The scene with the women talking about the sex... Tame! We share all the deets these days. Wasn't believable.

I liked this, and considering it's been replicated so many times, it's managed to hold its own almost 4 decades on. This gets a decent 2 Bea's, a Whoopi and a Coleman from me!

Only Joel can answer when the official deadline is. I don't think he's every said. I would guess the deadline would be sometime in November.

I think cat_sidhe didn't want to be rushed so I think Joel sat it far back for her but then again, only he can say how far back.

Ahh fair enough! Well cheers for the heads up guys and gals! Hopefully he'll see this when he pops back in but if not I'll raise it a bit nearer the time in the mean time I finished "Jack Frost" tonight! (Hell of a ride!) so I should have my thoughts on 6 of the 12 up for your viewing pleasure by next tuesday at the latest

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
Working through these noms I feel like it's near impossible to compare some of them. How the hell do you compare The Burning with young Holly Hunter with The Dragon Lives Again? In the end this'll probably come down to how much I enjoyed them I think.

Working through these noms I feel like it's near impossible to compare some of them. How the hell do you compare The Burning with young Holly Hunter with The Dragon Lives Again? In the end this'll probably come down to how much I enjoyed them I think.

Oh I know right!? When I saw the selection I thought: "Jeez! this is going to be impossible to draw comparisons on!" I was seriously considering organising them into genres and going through them that way but in the end i've decided to view them on there own merits and failings and then rank them overall on enjoyment and B-movieness

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
Oh I know right!? When I saw the selection I thought: "Jeez! this is going to be impossible to draw comparisons on!" I was seriously considering organising them into genres and going through them that way but in the end i've decided to view them on there own merits and failings and then rank them overall on enjoyment and B-movieness
Yeah! I initially thought of doing two ratings a bit like Suspect and working off of both to come up with a list, but yeah, enjoyment for me and probably a bit of 'how objectively good is this?' thrown in there. I'm very curious to see where the films will end up placing because I reckon each of our lists will probably differ vastly

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Jack Frost

rating -

B-Movie Rating

The movie opens with quite possibly the most annoying voice over ever put to film. The film should have skipped this opening sequence where they basically explain everything about his backstory. We then get to see Jack Frost...yes, that is his actual name, being transported to his execution in a blizzard. Yet there is no snow on the road, hmmm....The two trucks ding each other due to budget reasons and we are given a few camera twirls to experience this "crash". The second vehicle was carrying some sort of genetic altering acid, which explodes onto Jack and his death is kind of cartoony. Actually, it's literally cartoony.

The film leans heavily towards comedy and less on the horror side. No big deal. When horror comedy is done right, it's a perfect mix, when done wrong...it's...well....you know, this.

Shannon Elizabeth, her brother just died in the film and she wants to break into the Sheriff's house to have sex. She then goes to blow-dry her already dry hair, then decides to go have a bath. Wha? The next sequence is the most famous part of the film, the snowman rapes her for comedic effect. Her arms are stuck inside the snowman, yet we see her arm waving around outside the window....wha??? Then he throws out a quip "Christmas came early this year" and we're off.

I wish the film played up more deaths of the townsfolk. The deaths themselves were disappointing. Nothing too creative, funny or gory.

I couldn't help but laugh at one blink and you'll mist it part where the house blows up, the snowman is reanimated yet some guy is just walking by not caring because he wants to roast some marshmallows.

The writer and director of this also wrote....IDENTITY. Which his a really good flick starring John Cusack and Ray Liotta. I suggest everyone check that film out.

This movie is terrible, which is why it's a perfect choice for this HoF. I guess me and pahaK have completely different tastes because this movie scores high in my books, just for this HoF though.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Jack Frost is great fun. The Burning is better than the film which inspired it and tomatoes are a fruit.

Carry on. You're all doing very well!
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I agree Identity IS a REALLY good flick!!
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Alright, so I went into this expecting an alright slasher with a few interesting kills.

What I wasn't expecting was for it to actually be REALLY good, maybe even great.

Let's start with the best element of this film: The characters. Most slasher films you barely remember any of the characters as they're all just there to be offed by the killer. The Burning on the other hand is completely different. We get introduced to our main characters within the first few minutes: Counselor Todd, the misunderstood Alfred, Michelle, and cheeky Eddie. After the scene with Todd's talk with Alfred I was basically rooting' for him the entire film. I was thinking in my head "If anyone lays a hand on Alfred of Todd, I'll lay a chainsaw in their head". Good thing I likened towards them considering the film's chain of events. The film doesn't have any 'proper' kills until the 50 minute mark, so we spend tons of time getting to know these characters better.

This film might as well be an advertisement for summer camp as it makes it seem super fun: Playing with your buds, canoeing, chillaxed camp counselors, spooky campfire stories, HOT BABES!. This film might've convinced me to take a stab at it.

Now for the technical aspects: Really liked the soundtrack, sounds as you'd expect from an 80's slasher. The gore effects were pretty cool (and other effects aswell). The lighting and shadows were great too. All of the goofy jumpscares and the OH S*IT, DON'T DO IT! moments definitely add to the fun.

Now hears a couple of other bits I liked about it:
-When Michelle is giving out to Alfred for peeping and Eddie's just in the background smirking his f*cking head off, so funny!
- Eddie can't swim but he's in his trunks? lol wut?
- The bully calls a porno mag "Girly Magazine"
-Truly Oscar worthy quotes with Oscar-worthy delivery: "A f*cking Big Mac, overdone!" "What am I, Masters and Johnson" What is this? Some sort of interrogation ere”?” “Dave sold ‘em to some Indian guy”

Suck it Friday the 13th. Awesome film Cat.

Hey guys. When time allows, I'll try and get a few of those imgs back on the landing page. Very sorry. Moving on...

The deadline for watching these noms is open ended..November, December..I don't care. Whatever works for everyone. All good with me.

Thanks @Citizen Rules for carrying the torch!