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I loved this film... especially the vengeance killings!

WARNING: "spoiler" spoilers below
My favorite one was when Nick Cage wrapped the chain around the guy's neck and pulled him hard enough to land on the chainsaw.. blood just squirting from all directions..

Well, I liked it. Thin in parts but hey-ho. Its a view thing.
Don't get me wrong, it's a very entertaining movie, and Eastwood is no bum. It's just also clearly misguided as all hell.
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Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Goodbye Mr Chips (1939)

I thought this would probably be a bit dull. In actual fact I'd rented it before and couldn't be bothered to actually watch it. I don't know if I even would have appreciated it then, but by half way through I had tears in my eyes. Not due to the stuff that is actually aiming for sentimental, more at its portrait of shyness and loneliness. There are also amusing bits, like when Mr Chips catches two boys fighting and then chastises one for not putting his fists up high enough. Superb performances too. Very glad I watched it.

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
Miasto 44 [City 44 aka Warsaw 44] (Jan Komasa, 2014)

Not your routine WW II drama that's for sure
Ha! Good to see another Polish title here
You're right it's not routine war movie. It's very apparent that it was made by young generation (Komasa was born in 1981). There is no heroism in City 44, which is signature move of majority Polish war films.

BTW, do ou know Mary Komas - sister of Jan? She is singer more famous in UK than in Poland.

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
It depends what difficulty you gathered from it. Eastwood fails to tackle any systematic causes of crime in minority neighborhoods, ya know like poverty and the war on drugs. He seems to think racism is fine because white people also do it to each other (ya pollack, ya mick). The scariest thing about it is the film portraying a racist old man as a hero for not gunning down his neighbors. It gets to play the pacifist by passing the violence off on the state, the police who will return to the neighborhood and arrest everyone.

I'd say the most applicable lesson from Gran Tarino about the US is that white people are extremely good at rationalizing and downplaying bigotry. Also, old, white conservative men all have power fantasies about inflicting vigilante "justice" on colored people.
Firstly, good to see you, Redwell
Secondly, it's quite sad, what you wrote. I didn't think about it in this way. Thank you for pointed it out. It's very valuable remark

BTW, do you know Mary Komasa - sister of Jan? She is a singer more famous in the UK than in Poland.
I'm not, can't watch that vid at the moment as herself has charge of entertainment for most of today but will try to remember to give it an ear at some point.

Re-watch, been too long since I last watched all the Halloween movies so I'm setting out to refresh my memory before the new 2018 installment hits the big screens!

Not as good as the first one, but still pretty decent...

Such an epic movie. I honestly don't know how I managed to not see this until only this weekend...But so glad to have finally experienced it. Cruise is such a brilliant actor and he really gives everything he does 110%. Loved the futuristic concept and storyline.

"It's too bad she won't live...But then again, who does?" - Gaff

Minority Report

Such an epic movie. I honestly don't know how I managed to not see this until only this weekend...But so glad to have finally experienced it. Cruise is such a brilliant actor and he really gives everything he does 110%. Loved the futuristic concept and storyline.

I really liked it at the time too. I've since developed much more of an appreciation for Samantha Morton as well, seeing her in more recent films.

American Animals (2018)


I love my true crime movies, but I didn't think this true story was particularly interesting or exciting. Given that, I think the filmmakers did a great job maximizing what they could do with it. The way they intercut the movie with the real people talking about it, it reminded me of those true crime TV shows. Usually in these types of movies, the characters will at least have some charisma. These characters had none, but it works pretty well because we are shown that the real people have none either. They seem like a foursome of misfits and morons and that is exactly how they're portrayed, and the young cast does a terrific job. I thought if was a good movie that did extremely well with what they had to work with. Loved the Reservoir Dogs reference.

American Animals (2018)


I love my true crime movies, but I didn't think this true story was particularly interesting or exciting. Given that, I think the filmmakers did a great job maximizing what they could do with it. The way they intercut the movie with the real people talking about it, it reminded me of those true crime TV shows. Usually in these types of movies, the characters will at least have some charisma. These characters had none, but it works pretty well because we are shown that the real people have none either. They seem like a foursome of misfits and morons and that is exactly how they're portrayed, and the young cast does a terrific job. I thought if was a good movie that did extremely well with what they had to work with. Loved the Reservoir Dogs reference.

Did they name each other after colors or was there a Madonna monologue?

Firstly, good to see you, Redwell
Secondly, it's quite sad, what you wrote. I didn't think about it in this way. Thank you for pointed it out. It's very valuable remark
I do agree with you Redwell, if a film intends to portray a message or deliver an opinion it should not be done in such a narrow-minded, ham-fisted way.

Somehow missed the continuation of Seagal debate.

It's weird how, like that video states, he's shown to be an "everyman" compared to the likes of musclebound stars like Schwarzenegger or Stallone yet he's still just as absurdly overpowered when you compare him to other everyman action performances like Bruce Willis in Die Hard (which is part of why Under Siege doesn't work for me because he never actually seems troubled by the situation).
I haven't watched the linked video but comparing Seagal's characters to the likes of Willis in Die Hard is in my opinion completely missing the point. Practically all of his characters are as far from "everyman" as possible, legends in the violence business closer John Wick than John McClane.

Also, I don't think his fighting is particularly impressive - maybe it's more realistic in that he's not doing kicks like Van Damme would but I just think "Seagal fighting" and just imagine him flailing his hands around like a marionette.
I've always been a fan of his cinematic Aikido. It's the locks and breaking of joints/bones that really set him apart. And while I don't focus that much on realism when it comes to movie fights I'd say Seagal's early films are at least little better on that regard than van Damme and other more acrobatic action stars (though even van Damme started to do some grappling later in his career).

I'm honestly not sure what to think of his striking ("flailing his hands around like a marionette"). It's kind of reminiscent of Wing Chun and obviously looks very different from the boxing based hand techniques most of the western actions stars use. It's never bothered me but I can understand why it seems weird to many.

I guess the only realism based annoyance in martial arts films for me is the use of knives. Like the Seagal vs Jones in Under Siege (which looks like some silly fencing) or practically any fight where only one of the guys has a knife (why is everyone always leading with the knife and if blocked just try overpower the defender). That sort of stuff really pisses me off.

Cosh Boy (1953)

Watched this out of idle curiosity, decent performances and I believe it was a "nasty" at the time. Storyline good enough so a decent 6/10...hasn't at all aged well (who has?)

The Leather Boys (1964)

After hearing of the passing of Dudley Sutton I decided but to have a re-watch of this gem, the direction and acting is clunky but great. The references to homosexuality are brave if very implied rather than explicit. The live action scenes gives it a very "Hell Riders"-y feel. Strong 7.5/10.

Rating: 10/10

Trouble with a capital "T"
Been about 15 years since I saw this last but actually I found I connected with it better this time around, the last really strong film Coppola released for me. I'd say its rep for being overly serious is perhaps overstated as well, I mean yeah it has a lot of the trappings of an art film generally I think the atmosphere is more playful(helped by Copelands atypical score) within those bounds, very strong cast with Rourke at his 80's best and I don't think Matt DIllion has ever been as good as he is here.
I was impressed with my one time viewing of Rumblefish, really has a unique style to it. And now that I've read about what Coppola was trying to achieve with that film, I bet my opinion would only go up even higher.

Goodbye Mr Chips (1939)
I thought this would probably be a bit dull. In actual fact I'd rented it before and couldn't be bothered to actually watch it. I don't know if I even would have appreciated it then, but by half way through I had tears in my eyes. Not due to the stuff that is actually aiming for sentimental, more at its portrait of shyness and loneliness. There are also amusing bits, like when Mr Chips catches two boys fighting and then chastises one for not putting his fists up high enough. Superb performances too. Very glad I watched it.
I came very close to choosing Goodbye Mr Chips for the 1st 30s Hof.

Minority Report...Such an epic movie. I honestly don't know how I managed to not see this until only this weekend...But so glad to have finally experienced it. Cruise is such a brilliant actor and he really gives everything he does 110%. Loved the futuristic concept and storyline.

Glad to see Cruise get some respect, I've seen a lot of his films and he's almost always good in them. Loved Minority Report, like you said what a great concept and story.

Hot Pursuit (1025).

Unfunny "comedy" with Reese Witherspoon. 2/10.