17th MoFo Hall of Fame


2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I haven't seen a damn one of these except my own. That may be the first time since I've done these Hall of Fames that it has worked out that way.

Being a mainstream guy I look forward to The Innocents and Rush the most.

I've seen 8 including my own nomination, and I'll skip the guesses because I suck at it. I'll rewatch all of them except my own, but I will start out slow as I take the rest of the month to focus on the 30's.

Trouble with a capital "T"
No, you're wrong about Suspect.

But you got me and cricket. The Libertine is my nomination. As Citizen pointed out, I do love me some debauchery. I expect he and a few others will hate it, but I love it and felt like watching it again..
I might like it, I'm a fan of Johnny Depp's older work. I haven't seen The Libertine but the period piece is something I like.

Weird is relative.
Amelie - I watched this once maybe a decade ago and loved it. It's funny to see it nominated, as I was thinking about it after recently viewing The Double Life of Veronique, which seems to have been an inspiration. Will enjoy a re-watch.

The Assassination of Jesse James - Nice! I own this on DVD, and saw it back when it was first released. Looking forward to re-watching.

The Aviator - I'm fascinated by the story of Howard Hughes and always wanted to watch this.

Day for Night - Haven't seen this yet, but it fits in perfectly amongst all the French films I've been viewing of late.

The Dressmaker - I saw this about a year ago. Gorgeous fashion. I probably won't re-watch it since it's still fresh in my memory, but I'll do a write-up later.

Ghostwatch - Haven't heard of this one.

The Hawks and Sparrows - Saw this recently. Won't re-watch, but I'll write my review.

Incendies - Viewed this one in the cinema when it came out, with my then-partner. It was a very tough watch and not a good date movie.
I'll re-watch since it's been seven or eight years since then.

The Innocents - Have not seen this.

Lean on Pete - I watched the trailer sometime ago and this looks interesting.

Let the Right One In - Another I've been wanting to see ever since its release, but hadn't gotten around to.

The Libertine - Somehow I missed out on this one in the past, even though I used to have a huge crush on Johnny Depp.

Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels - Been on my watchlist for awhile.

Pixote - I thought I hadn't heard of it, but it's already on my watchlist. Hm.

Rush - Viewed this in the cinema when it was released. Definitely was a rush! I'll give it a re-watch.

I've seen 7, none were recent so will be rewatching all. There's one there that I hate so that should be a fun review.

Based on the previous page, I'm going to be disappointed now if Cosmic doesn't like my nom

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I might like it, I'm a fan of Johnny Depp's older work. I haven't seen The Libertine but the period piece is something I like.
I'm going out on a limb and say you very much will
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Trouble with a capital "T"
I've seen 7, none were recent so will be rewatching all. There's one there that I hate so that should be a fun review.

Based on the previous page, I'm going to be disappointed now if Cosmic doesn't like my nom
Hope it's not my nom But OK if it is

So the six movies I've seen obviously include The Libertine and Rush (both in my top 100). The one that I've seen and liked is The Aviator.

As for the ones I disliked - I've seen Amelie. It's pretty and quirky but it's the wrong brand of quirk for me and I found it annoying. That said it has been a very long time since I watched it. I actually used to own it on VHS. I watched Let the Right One In a few years ago. I didn't hate it, but horror is not my thing. And then there's The Assassination of Jesse James. I wanted to love it. I really did -enough that I blind bought the DVD pretty much as soon as it was released. It was excruciatingly slow and the narration drove me nuts. I hated it and I am not looking forward to watching it again.

Hope it's not my nom But OK if it is
93% chance it's not yours

Trouble with a capital "T"
Some quickie thoughts:

- That poster! is very interesting. I've heard and heard about this but never seen it. Very glad it was nominated, I actually was hoping for it.

The Assassination of Jesse James - I've not seen it, but so wanted to, and like magic it's here!

The Aviator - Loved this when I last seen it, it made a huge impact on me. Looking forward to a much needed rewatch.

The Dressmaker
- Loved this one too and wanted to see it again, now I will.

Ghostwatch - No idea, but I might try to watch this one soon.

The Innocents
- I believe I reviewed this and gave it a 5/5, amazing cinematography and atmosphere.

Rush - I've not seen this one but I almost went with another car racing movie. Ron Howard is a director I usually enjoy.

Day for Night....It's a classic Truffaut, so that's too my liking.

Lean on Pete - Never heard of it, but it looks like my type of movie.

Let the Right One In
- Not a fan of horror, but the description says romance and I'm a romantic at heart, so who knows?

The Hawks and Sparrows
- From IMDB "This richly symbolic film is really impossible to understand without some knowledge of 20th Century Italian history" OK so what I'll do is read about the movie at Wiki so I know what I'm watching, that helps me a lot.

- Sounds cool from it's description.

The Libertine
- Ed says I'll like it, good enough for me!

Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels - I've heard of it, James Caan is a plus.

Pixote - No idea on this one?

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Some quickie thoughts:
Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels - I've heard of it, James Caan is a plus.
You may not be looking at the right movie. No Caan, but it does have Jason Statham in his first semi-big film.

Trouble with a capital "T"
You may not be looking at the right movie. No Caan, but it does have Jason Statham in his first semi-big film.
Oh I see now, I thought the guy in the screenshot was Caan, he kind of looks like him.


And I'll copy and paste my write-up for my nomination-

Pixote (1981)

I never noticed this movie until a few days ago. It's highly acclaimed and is on Ebert's great movie list. I saw it compared to Los Olvidados and I'd say that's accurate, and I'd also say it has a taste of City of God. It's about poor delinquent youth in Brazil. The way it started out I thought it was going to be a documentary, but it's just a short introduction. The first hour is set in the reformatory where we get to know several of the boys. Then the rest of the movie we watch some of those boys as they get out and engage in bad behavior. Most of these boys never had a chance. There is not much of a story and the movie feels very authentic. Much of the cast is comprised of local troubled youth, rather than professional actors. In fact, the boy who plays the title character, pictured in the middle, was killed by Brazilian police when he was 19. Everything about this movie is unpleasant, but it's also great. There's a perfect copy on YouTube with English subtitles.

Amélie: LOVE this film! It's just so funny, beautiful and colorful. I can't wait to see what other people think of it.

The Assassination of Jesse James: I liked it. Kinda zoned out in the middle but I can tell you that soundtrack is beautiful as f*ck.

The Aviator: Didn't have any plans to watch this, but now I guess I do! It will be another Scorsese film ticked off the list.

Day For Night: Never seen a Truffaunt film before, I guess this is a start.

The Dressmaker: NEVER heard of this one.

Ghostwatch: Why bust the ghosts when you can just watch them?

Hawks and the Sparrows: Only familiar with the director's 'Gospel According to Matthew' and 'Saló', so this will be interesting.

Incendies: Denis Villeneuve is pretty awesome, so I say this will be good.

The Innocents: Really like this one.

Lean on Pete: Heard good things about it. I liked the director's '45 Years'.

Let the Right One in: I liked it.

The Libertine: NEVER heard of it.

Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels: My family LOVES Snatch by the same director, so this will be a blast!

Pixote: NEVER heard of this either.

Rush: I'm not the type of person to watch these types of films, so it'll be fun to check it out.