1930s Hall of Fame Part 2


We can move it closer to the 30th if need be. We're getting a great group and excellent diversity of film.

AND, if everyone else is okay with it, we CAN go with GWTW.
So, @Siddon, @cricket, @MijaFrost and @Pussy Galore, how do you all feel about adding a 3 hour into the mix. So far it's been films under 2 hours.

I'm fine with watching Gone with the Wind...it's been about 4-5 years since I last saw it.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
yeah, I haven't seen it since I was a pup, myself, so, it would be kinda cool!!
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

The rule was 220 minutes or less, Gone With The Wind is 220 minutes (221 but bleh), the whole reason it was made 220 in the first place was to accommodate Gone With The Wind as someone brought it up.

I'll be sending my nom in later on. Actually considered GWTW so I have no issue with watching it again.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
The rule was 220 minutes or less, Gone With The Wind is 220 minutes (221 but bleh), the whole reason it was made 220 in the first place was to accommodate Gone With The Wind as someone brought it up.
Wonderful to (read) you!! I saw you in a thread from a week ago and I thought I was hallucinating lol

THANK YOU for the specifics, my friend!!

I was more concerned about the limited length time of the HoF since it'll be just under 2 months and wanted to be sure everyone was able to do the full run successfully.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
With Nathaniel we are at 8 members and here's the tally of genres, and, as an afterthought, I'm including running times.

2 Crime films #1 1hr and 33min, #2 1hr and 47min
1 Horror 1hr and 31min
1 Silent Film (Foreign) 1hr and 25min
1 Drama 1hr and 51min
1 Romance 1hr and 45min
1 Sci Fi/Romance 1hr and 8min

Lovin the diversity!!

Trouble with a capital "T"
...here's the tally of genres.

2 Crime films #1 1hr and 33min, #2 1hr and 47min
1 Horror 1hr and 31min
1 Silent Film (Foreign) 1hr and 25min
1 Drama 1hr and 51min
1 Romance 1hr and 45min
1 Sci Fi/Romance 1hr and 8min
Looks good!

Guess which genre my nom is in?

Weird is relative.
The running times so far look good. Kind of hoping there won't be more than one super long film, if possible.

Trouble with a capital "T"
hmmm, that's TRICKY

you did say you went out of your usual, so. . . crime, maybe?
Ha, you had me going for a second...then I thought, 'if Ed don't know, then something is terrible wrong'

I'm terrible at this but I'll say horror. Me?
I sent a post comment on the first part of your question. You...hmm, I bet you picked something good, I've seen you review a lot of my favorite 1930s films and it be cool to see them again. Maybe romance, I wouldn't normally think you'd pick that but it might be one film I'm thinking of.