Guess Movies From Pictures (keywords, plot, title, ...)


So we’ve got a store that sells kids clothes & a shot of Times Square. Still can’t get it.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

We’ve stalled on @Gideon58’s movie so let’s return to mine. American one-word movie title.

Above all else, what was the Virgin Mary?

Wow, you’re right. I just bought that movie. Would never have got that in a million years.

Fair to say it’s your turn.

Two words

First image related to one of the words from the title.

Second image : This is where a big part of the movie unfolds.

Third image: One of the character is using this.

PS: In my excitement to post I didn't wait for Citizen to state that I was right. If Strichley and I are not, then I will delete this post.

Baby, yacht, wheelchair ????
More than the baby look at the reaction and the reason behind that reaction. Also not yacht but something bigger with more people on it. Thirdly, the character indeed uses a wheelchair.