Things that annoy you...


Been in quite a bit of chest pain, which has finally localized in the last couple of days to my upper left side. Finally dawned on me that it has been caused by my mammogram last week. The tech seemed gentle & professional, but she may have pulled me around too much & squeezed the machine into my chest too firmly. I found some opioids in the cupboard that still have their shelf life & have taken one, which has brought great relief.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Been in quite a bit of chest pain, which has finally localized in the last couple of days to my upper left side. Finally dawned on me that it has been caused by my mammogram last week. The tech seemed gentle & professional, but she may have pulled me around too much & squeezed the machine into my chest too firmly. I found some opioids in the cupboard that still have their shelf life & have taken one, which has brought great relief.
MMM... opiods!

So we've had several hours now of leaf blowers. That’s finally ended & now the lawn mowers have begun.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
My mother.

She gleefully pointed out to me that I have a gray hair.

Thanks, mom.
Lol. That's mums for you!

I call them silver! because they look silver and it's nicer. I got my first silver hair in my early 20s... I saw it in the mirror and just shrugged.

What is it with guys & leaf blowers? One of my neighbors can literally spend hours chasing god knows what on his tiny piece of front yard. I don’t think I have ever seen a woman with a leaf blower.

Is it an American thing? I don't think I've ever heard one of my neighbours using a leaf blower. And there are lots of trees where I live. But then if a neighbour of mine took hours with a leaf blower, I'd walk on over and whack them over the head with it.

Leaf blowers are huge here in America. Nobody would dream of using a broom to sweep up leaves. You can’t imagine the noise & pollution they cause.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I hate leaf blowers as well. It like, let's pollute, let's make lots of noise, and let's blow the leaves into the street where they will eventually end up on the sidewalk again

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Is it an American thing? I don't think I've ever heard one of my neighbours using a leaf blower. And there are lots of trees where I live. But then if a neighbour of mine took hours with a leaf blower, I'd walk on over and whack them over the head with it.
I saw them in Japan last century. Everyone I knew manicured their gardens with a mini leaf blower. I wondered at the time why we didn't have them here in Aus. Thank God the minis didn't take off here. They sounded like a clapped out 2stroke minibike. OMG

minibikes. Irritation level is pretty high.

This might just do nobody any good.
Lol at leaf blower hate. I used to get paid for it.

Add Fox Sports to the list! A year of worthless football coverage.
My Favorite Films

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Lol at leaf blower hate. I used to get paid for it.
They never last long around me and I try to see the fun side, like when four or so go off at once and it becomes suburban warrior zone, but that pitch can be terrible, especially if it's the singleton blower looking for conflict during the week.

I've used it when I've felt the need to be Xena. I just refuse to get on the roof.

I forgot to post my vent. Liars and users. They're up there with Nigerian scammers in my book of ways.

Sad people. Eventually they get the bite from Mistress Karma unless they change their bitter ways.

Hmpf. Venting is overrated sometimes. Time for a latte. Decaf, skim, flavors and anything else hipster begone.

People who hold other people to different standards than they do themselves.
It more amuses me than annoys though tbh.

Guys with huge beer bellies who walk around without wearing a shirt. FGS, cover up! Nobody wants to see that.

We have a brand-new ice cream parlor in town, which is quite an event for our city. It was heaving with bodies last week when it opened so I decided to get a double-scoop cone on my way home today. I literally thought about which flavors I would get for 2 hours. When I got there they weren’t open. So miffed! Hope it’s not gonna be one of those dopey places that have a very random schedule. A pregnant woman was waiting outside & she looked like she was going to cry with disappointment.