Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Twenty-four Eyes (1954) -
That bike scene, though.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

if you have weak lacrimal glands, one doesnt simply stop from crying
I'll fall in love with a girl who fell in love with this film.

if you have weak lacrimal glands, one doesnt simply stop from crying
I'll fall in love with a girl who fell in love with this film.
はい はい!!

Hideko would be my second, after Setsuko, waifu if polygamy was allowed in my dreams. :P

Hideko would be my second, after Setsuko, waifu if polygamy was allowed in my dreams. :P
ah come on, even pandava allowed reverse harem before and it's cool, one must preach example for

*i'll put hideko on teppen tho'. Truly queen of tear and icon of strong independent woman

She's beautiful
She's the most beautiful, but then Setsuko Hara and Li Gong come and steal my heart.
ah come on, even pandava allowed reverse harem before and it's cool, one must preach example for
I'm afraid I'm a traditionalist in a more Western kind of way. Monogamy, loyalty, and all that boring stuff.
*i'll put hideko on teppen tho'. Truly queen of tear and icon of strong independent woman
I find my tendency of falling in love with long-dead women disquieting.

I'm afraid I'm a traditionalist in a more Western kind of way. Monogamy, loyalty, and all that boring stuff.
conservative prick!! daisuki!

I find my tendency of falling in love with long-dead women disquieting.
zen zen daijoubu
"Фильм призван вызвать духовную волну, а не взращивать идолопоклонников."

conservative prick!! daisuki!
Quite an unusual way of saying you agree, but whatever.
Right? She's more than 50 now and she's still more attractive than many young girls.

Right? She's more than 50 now and she's still more attractive than many young girls.
And she's not alone in that quality .

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

+++ This first caught my eye when I saw @WorldFilmGeek review it. A neo-noir film with Margot Robbie as the femme fatale? Hell yeah! While this does follow the basic recipe of the genre, it still is a enjoyable film. Especially visually.
Will be doing a rewatch in the future.

(REWATCH) Sneakers (1992)
An old favorite I haven't seen in far too long. A crime thriller with some great comedic moments. A great cast and just an all around fun flick.

Atlantis The Lost Empire (2001)
+++ I feel ashamed for waiting so long to finally see this. QUITE enjoyable!!

Batman Ninja
++ LOVED the animation in this.

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
Solitary Man

Ben Kalmen had everything. He had a successful job as a car salesman, a perfect wife, lots of friends and a daughter who loves him. But after he's caught by the police after tricking customers and told by the doctor to have developing heart problems his life starts to steadily go downhill. And now, 6 years later, he's turned into a womanizing sleazebag who acts like a wise, noble old man, but will stab anyone in the back if he gets an opportunity to. This movie is very hard to watch. Not in the terms of graphic content, but rather like a slideshow of regretful moments you would you could erase. The problem is that Kalmen doesn't get that his way of living is self-destructive. He has no job, he no longer has a wife, and his heart is getting worse by the minute, so what the hell right? Go your own way, do as you please. But as he keeps on losing more and more connections, even ruining his relationship with his new girlfriend, he pretty much stands alone. As a solitary man. Or did that already happen much longer ago?
Michael Douglas gives one of his most earnest performances as someone who has so many faults and has such an unlikeable personality you should hate him. But I don't. Instead, I feel pity for him. That he's so far deep into his hole that every time he manages to dig himself up, more earth falls down on him every time he makes decisons which range from bad to worse. The only one who doesn't give up on him even when he's at his lowest is his oldtime friend Jimmy Merino, played with sublety by Danny DeVito. The speech he gives about how he has managed to stay so faithful to his wife is beautiful. There's so much truth in what he said.
To get back on Kalmen, even when he's at his most cunning however, there's something about him that draws you in. Doesn't he have a weird amount of charm for being such an up-and-front douchebag? It makes you realize how he got away with it for so long. Why people labeled him as the most honest car dealer, because how can a smile like that do any wrong? And how bad can he be if he gives you useful life advice?
But it's just a fascade. He covers his own insecurities and flaws up by trying to glide through life like a careless, free-thinking playboy. No matter how bad things get, anything is better than confronting those issues. The question is just, how long can he do it before it finally destroys him?

If you hate watching character dramas about people with larger-than-life egos, I still recommend giving this one a chance. It's so much more than just watching a movie about someone behaving like a highclass jerk. It's about all of us. How any of us can feel like the solitary man, by yourself in an area of vacuum.
Michael Douglas is our day and age's most relatable big star.

Rampage is the best video game adaptation ever. Then again I'm not sure what the standard is (Resident Evil 1, that had it's charms). Anywho The Rock plays the most electrifying primatologist former US army special forces soldier (naturally) and hater of poachers. Dwayne specializes in taking care of gorillas in an animal sanctuary where he has a strong bond with the alpha an albino gorilla named George. After an explosion in a space station sends out gene altering mutagen that lands in the sanctuary, in a florida swamp, and in the wilderness where George, an Alligator and a Timber-wolf all become mutated.

The film has drawbacks...Naomi Harris exists her american accent is bad and her character really just exists for expository dialogue, and to punch Malin Ackerman in the face. George looks great, Lizzie(the lizard is acceptable), Ralph the Timberwolf eh...not so much. Also the film plays a little fast and loose with it's own science. The Rock has great chemistry with George and really that's the crux of the film when you get the tag-team battle at the end between The Rock and George vs Lizzie and Ralph it's dopey but still fun.

At points during this film you feel like your watching a solid PG-13 Predator movie.