Have you got a gun/would you kill someone?


How does saying "I support banning these weapons" address me saying "people shouldn't support banning weapons when they can't define them"?
But that does define them. Or are you putting this question out in general to folks who havent defined them and just scream about "assault weapons"? Because Im not sure how much more definition you need then "here is a list of MODELS".

I find it genuinely difficult to believe you really think this. Absolutely nothing in this debate, or any other political debate for that matter, gives us reason to believe this is how things would play out. Instead, people would move on to another restriction or another model of gun. Not to mention that "let's just ban this thing so you can prove your point" seems like a bad way of making law.

(This is ignoring the very real and very important issues of legal precedent, which are often treated as some kind of incidental detail.)
I am almost completely serious actually in that the resulting scenarios seem to be it either working well and the bulk of the folks who were middle ground supporters of such a ban would then say great no need to do anything else than. And that would mean the fervor toward banning other guns would decrease OR it doesnt work because the shooters move onto a new gun which makes it clear that JUST banning isnt the answer to fixing the situation. Sure, there would be a minority of the regulation crowd that would then call for a flat out ban on all guns but thats never going to happen in Second Amendment America. So yeah I have actually thought about this before. I wasnt just throwing that out there as a debate booby trap for zoa.

BUT I will say my ultimate rational behind this theory is the fact that AR-15's seem to be the weapon of choice for these mass shootings. For some reason. No one seems to know why. But they are. So why shouldnt we AT LEAST be focusing on them SOMEhow. Doesnt that make sense?

And as far as legal precedent, this would be legislation not a court case. No different from the original assault weapons ban but with just ONE gun. The original assault weapons ban (which included the AR-15 by the way) set no legal precedent toward greater bans in and of itself. And in fact several localized bans were rejected when they attempted to piggy back on the wording of the 1994 law. So Im not sure thats a major issue.
Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies...

But that does define them. Or are you putting this question out in general to folks who havent defined them and just scream about "assault weapons"? Because Im not sure how much more definition you need then "here is a list of MODELS".
A list of models is arbitrary without a set of underlying criteria. Not a fan of arbitrary laws.

I am almost completely serious actually in that the resulting scenarios seem to be it either working well and the bulk of the folks who were middle ground supporters of such a ban would then say great no need to do anything else than. And that would mean the fervor toward banning other guns would decrease OR it doesnt work because the shooters move onto a new gun which makes it clear that JUST banning isnt the answer to fixing the situation. Sure, there would be a minority of the regulation crowd that would then call for a flat out ban on all guns but thats never going to happen in Second Amendment America. So yeah I have actually thought about this before. I wasnt just throwing that out there as a debate booby trap for zoa.
I believe you, but man (not saying this as a slight), I just can't even wrap my head around thinking this is how it would work. It seems super obvious to me that both gun owners and gun control activists would move right along to the next gun, or (more likely) to a broader category of guns.

BUT I will say my ultimate rational behind this theory is the fact that AR-15's seem to be the weapon of choice for these mass shootings. For some reason. No one seems to know why. But they are. So why shouldnt we AT LEAST be focusing on them SOMEhow. Doesnt that make sense?
Eh. Sort of. I get the thought process behind it, but something is going to be the most popular gun, and when it is that gets artificially amplified by demand and economy of scale. This isn't really mysterious and there isn't much reason to think the causality is flowing from this specific gun itself.

And as far as legal precedent, this would be legislation not a court case. No different from the original assault weapons ban but with just ONE gun. The original assault weapons ban (which included the AR-15 by the way) set no legal precedent toward greater bans in and of itself. And in fact several localized bans were rejected when they attempted to piggy back on the wording of the 1994 law. So Im not sure thats a major issue.
Laws need limiting principles, particularly if they abut Constitutional rights. This ties back into what I said about underlying criteria: what is the limiting principle that allows us to ban this gun and not an ordinary handgun?

Most interesting man in the world
Everyone's killed a spider in their life..don't over think it
I'm not one to compare humans with arachnids, but to each their own I guess.

Side Note: I don't kill spiders, I normally trap them and put them outside.
Every living thing is a living thing..killing any living thing
in self defense is totally reasonable. Why let spiders come to your house and risk being bitten?
Especially a poisonous one..? Why put them outside..? So they can come back in a few days later? Will you do the same if a snake comes inside your house? Or a mountain lion in your backyard looking for food?
Or maybe a grizzly bear in your kitchen? Don't over think killing in self defense..killing something WITHOUT a legitimate reason IS murder..

Keep your station clean - OR I WILL KILL YOU
Every living thing is a living thing..killing any living thing
in self defense is totally reasonable. Why let spiders come to your house and risk being bitten?
Especially a poisonous one..? Why put them outside..? So they can come back in a few days later? Will you do the same if a snake comes inside your house? Or a mountain lion in your backyard looking for food?
Or maybe a grizzly bear in your kitchen? Don't over think killing in self defense..killing something WITHOUT a legitimate reason IS murder..
I was confused at first with your comment because you said "Don't over-think it" Now that I know you were talking about self-defense, well yeah, if it ever happens to me, I probably wouldn't overthink it. Which is why I put, "I hope I never have to find out". I still think it's important to measure different things with different scales buddy. A little spider with no intention to bite is not the same as a human charging at you with a chainsaw.

Most interesting man in the world
A little spider with no intention to bite is not the same as a human charging at you with a chainsaw.

Of course not but they do bite..who likes to be bitten by them? What if the species that bit you was poisonous? you won't know til it's too late , you could end up dead.. obviously you won't kill a small spider with a gun unless it's like a tarantula that's pretty reasonable.. unless you're a spider expert you won't know if it's poisonous..the same goes for snakes.isnt true that when there's an animal attack such a dog,rat,bat,snake,a possibly poisonous spider etc the hospital / doctors
Want you to bring in the animal to test if it was in fact a dangerous animal such as poisonous or infected with rabies?

Every living thing will defend itself and their loved ones..even a 5 year old has the knowledge/mentalality to kill insects such as spider and flies...they don't think about it,they just kill them I've heard of home invasions where an underage kid kills an intruder with a gun


So kids ARE smart enough
To use guns. Dont blame "guns" when a sad kid brings a gun to school and kills a bunch of people..BLAME the sad kid

So proof that a normal sane kid can kill in self defense

Proof that a sad / depressed/
Sucididal / homicidal kid can use a gun because of his mental illness / insanity..

Guns are JUST guns..
Whatever they are used for(good things or bad)
Its UP to the holder..


Money is one If I have $10,000 USD and I donate it
To a charity that's good..

If I spend the money on alcohol drugs and kill someone because I was drunk or high while driving under the influence that's bad..

EVERYTHING can generally be used for good AND bad..

So you might as well ban EVERYTHING because everything can be used to do bad things

Ban all cameras because SOME people use them for child pornography

Ban ALL ALCOHOL because SOME people drink and drive,beat their wife's,abuse their children etc

BAN all drugs...OTC and prescription,illegal because SOME people get high with OTC and prescription drugs... NO one can buy medicine ANYMORE.. or manufacture it...if you have a headache. TOO BAD..if you have a stomachache TOO BAD.. if you have a itchy rash then you'll just have to live with it for the rest of your life..
If you fell down and broke your leg and are in lots of pain too bad ALL painkillers are BANNED..

Banning stuff like this
Doesn't work..

Remember when prohibition was enforced? How did that work out?

People have always done good things and bad since the history of time

People did the exact same things 500 years ago,1000,5000 and beyond

They STILL do (the present)

WHAT do you think the " future " holds...?

You can't win an argument just by being right!
"Sir, we've received reports of gunshots coming from your residence."
"I was defending myself. The Daddy Long Legs ran right at me."
Fark. I almost choked on my vegan muesli. This is so great.Gonna make sure it goes in the script Im supposed to be reading rather thanplaying on mofo. Thanks Yods!!!

Keep your station clean - OR I WILL KILL YOU
A little spider with no intention to bite is not the same as a human charging at you with a chainsaw.

Of course not but they do bite..who likes to be bitten by them? What if the species that bit you was poisonous? you won't know til it's too late , you could end up dead.. obviously you won't kill a small spider with a gun unless it's like a tarantula that's pretty reasonable.. unless
Actually Tarantulas are extremely harmless and very rarely do they bite, even if provoked. So it's a shame that a lot of humans kill them without bothering to learn more about them, they serve very well as pest control. So sometimes as human beings it's important to get informed instead of killing everything that makes us uncomfortable, a lot of things could be avoided with knowledge. (I'm not just talking about spiders)

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I say kill everything. Shoot the spider, snake, bear, and mountain lion. They are all equally poisonous and serve no purpose to me other than providing justification to shoot them.

I am joking, btw.

In all seriousness though, I'm aware of my environment and the likelihood of encountering each of these dangers. Those are factors (though minimal, at best) in choosing where to live. I would argue that a child killing a spider is really a learned behavior and not instinctual from birth. OK, maybe snakes Still though, either the kid learned that spiders are evil and deserves a shoe upside its many eyes, thrown from across the room (mom taught me that btw), or a spider just bit the kid and the kid reacted, carrying forward that memory association that spider=hurt=bad.

Learned behavior goes a long way. Especially if a child is not yet cognitively developed enough to understand the action and consequences of firing a gun at another human being. Sure, a kid may have shot an armed intruder, but I don't think that it would be difficult to find a sample of a kid shooting another kid because they were just playing around too. Just because a child learned how to shoot a firearm does not mean that child is actually aware of what they are doing other than having learned a pattern taught to them. Because they may not yet be able to comprehend what is at stake. I mean, children literally cannot perceive a perspective other than what they see before them, nor can they empathize (depending on the age, of course) to even begin considering what another person may see or feel, relative to their own world view. They may have absolutely no idea of what taking a life means past point barrel, pull trigger. Additionally, just because an example exists confirming one's view does not negate other, similar, examples showing the opposite.

As to the rest, I'm not sure I have it in me. I mostly just wanted to get specific on the above. I don't know why either. Just closing out the day and thought I'd check in here. Then I started typing, and then all that happened.

I'm also slowly obsessing over what I should have for dinner tonight and that's taking me attention away....
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

You can't win an argument just by being right!

I'm also slowly obsessing over what I should have for dinner tonight and that's taking me attention away....
Yeah food does that. Silly time waster it is.

Great post though, yn.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Ooooh! Do me! Do me!
SLATTERN!!! Such a great word. Do me as well.

This is fun, and I'ma thread killer by the look of things daily so good, I like this post will be staring at erveryone all day.

I now know what one of my nurses kept yelling at me - STOP SAYING SORRY!!! Tank you, Ethan. No sorries.

Actually we do have an Imitate a MoFo thread from back in the day. Probably shouldn't clutter up our serious "would you shoot a spider in the face?" thread too much.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
"would you shoot a spider in the face?" thread.

Most interesting man in the world

Actually Tarantulas are extremely harmless and very rarely do they bite, even if provoked. So it's a shame that a lot of humans kill them without bothering to learn more about them, they serve very well as pest control. So sometimes as human beings it's important to get informed instead of killing everything that makes us uncomfortable, a lot of things could be avoided with knowledge. (I'm not just talking about spiders)
I have heard that.. but most people are scared of
Spiders,women and children especially.even worse is when someone has a phobia for them

•better safe than sorry I always say

Everything is learned behavior then,us humans learned touching fire is bad BUT good for cooking

We learned to make crude weapons from stones to hunt/kill for food

We've increased our weapon technology into guns

Soon we'll see blasters like in star wars and probably lightsabers

Children / people come from different levels of intelligence..who gets to "decide" if a kid IS TRIED as an adult,when a kid commits a crime?

Are mentally ill / insane people NOT guilty of any crime because they are insane?

Is a 30 year old "man" with mental retardation
NOT guilty of a crime because he has the " estimated mental capacity of a 8 year old"?

Is someone who was " temporary insane" not guilty too?

Is someone who suffers from sleep walking also NOT guilty of killing someone " in their sleep"?

• I've heard of stories where a person kills or rapes someone while "sleep walking"..



"I'm also slowly obsessing over what I should have for dinner tonight and that's taking me attention away"

DONT over think it.. just pull out your ar 15
And shoot a few tarantulas and roast them over an open fire

Spiders are very popular in Asia I hear

I dont have it in me for sure. Injure badly in self defense, but that is as far I will go. But never kill. Spiders even more. I will run away from a spider, big ones. But humans with a chainsaw, hacksaw, fists, dont matter. I can take a few down.

I grew up in an environment where guns are rare. And to be honest, for self defense it is over-kill. A baseball/cricket bat is more than enough.
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